12th Massachusetts
Volunteer Infantry
Company "I" of Stoughton, Massachusetts
New Recruits Contact - Sgt. Major Mark Nickerson
Mark Nickerson - (781) 341-0839
For a searchable copy of the 12th Massachusetts Infantry Regimental History from
Historic Links for the original 12th Mass. Inf.
The Company Flag of the 12th Massachusetts - 1903 Article
History of the 12th Mass. Inf. from Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in the Civil War (Norwood, Mass., The Norwood Press, 1931).
Records of the 12th Mass. Inf. at the University of California
The Original Flag carried by Co. I. 12th Massachusetts Infantry now on display at the Stoughton Historical Society
Boulder dedicated in memory of Col. Fletcher Webster at 2nd Manassas
Smaller marker at Cemetery Ridge - South Hancock Avenue at Gettysburg
Soldiers of the 12th Massachusetts Infantry
Col. Fletcher Webster (engraving)
Company C
John B. Jenckes - died Oct. 6, 1862, due to a wound received at Antietam (gravestone)
Company H
Capt. Charles William Hastings (photo)
John Slattery (photo)
Company I
Joseph Spence Adlington (gravestone)
Horace Baker (gravestone)
Luther Sampson Bryant (photo)
Eleazer B. Clark (photo)
Nathaniel F. Foster (photo)
George Hayden (photo)
Randall Jefferson Holbrook (memorial gravestone)
Charles Jaques (photo)
Daniel F. Keene (gravestone)
Edgar Niles Lane (photo)
Francis Raymond (photo)
Joseph C. Smith (photo)
Henry H. Waugh (photo)
Henry Martin Wentworth (photo) and (gravestone)
Willard Wilde Wentworth (gravestone)
Jonathan B. Whitman (photo)
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