
 in 1849

Norfolk Co. This town was originally a part of Dorchester , and was named in honor of William Stoughton , lieutenant-governor of the province of Massachusetts Bay , from 1692 to [1701]. The town of Stoughton was incorporated in 1726, and at that time included within its limits the present

towns of Canton , Sharon , Stoughton , and the largest portion of Foxborough. Some of the head-waters of Neponset and Taunton rivers rise in this town. The records of the proprietors of Dorchester Swamp , (situated in this town,) were, by a resolve of the general court, ordered to be deposited in the Registry of Deeds for the County of Norfolk . They consist of surveys of lots of land made by Mr. Blake, more than a century ago, interspersed with scraps

of' original poetry and other curious matters.


The highest land in the town is a hill called the "Pinnacle," the summit of which commands an extensive view, including Boston harbor. There are a woolen and two cotton mills in the town, and manufactures of boots, shoes, shoe‑tools, and boot-forms; total value of manufactures the year ending April 1, 1837 , exclusive of cotton goods, five hundred and twenty-five thousand nine hundred and forty dollars; of which four hundred eighty-seven thousand three hundred and ninety dollars were for boots and shoes. The number of persons employed in manufacturing was nine hundred and twenty. The business of manufacturing boots and shoes has probably doubled since 1837.


A large village of shoe manufacturing has, within a few years, “sprung up as if by enchantment.” There are in the town five houses of public worship, and a spacious and commodious town house.


The Stoughton Branch Railroad Company, chartered in 1844, have completed a railroad from the village above named to the Canton depot of the Boston and Providence railroad; distance about four miles; cost of read about eighty thousand dollars.


This town lies eighteen miles south from Boston , and ten south-east from Dedham .


Source: John Hayward, A Gazetteer of Massachusetts, containing descriptions of all the Counties, Towns and Districts in the Commonwealth’ also, of it principal mountains, rivers, capes, bays, harbors, islands, and fashionable resorts.  To which are added.  Statistical accounts of its agriculture, commerce and manufactures; with a great variety of other useful information. (Boston, John P. Jewett & Co., 1849), pgs. 280-281.


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