Robert Porter is (eighth) in direct descent from Richard Porter, who
with others came over from
, in 1635, and settled at
In the years 1648, 1654, 1663, and 1668 grants of land were made to Richard
Porter. He was continually in office as selectman, constable, and upon
committees; was a member of the original church, “Brother Richard
Porter” often occurs on the old records. The name of his wife was probably
Ruth, and he was doubtless married
after arriving in this country. He died between
Dec. 25, 1688
, the date of his will, and
March 6, 1689
, the date of the inventory of his estate. The commencement of this will is
quaint, and worthy a place in this history. "I, Richard
Porter, of Weymouth, in New England, being apprehensive of my near
approaching departure out of this world, and being, through the mercy of God of
a short memory and disposing mind; trusting in the mercy of God through ye Lord
Jesus Christ for eternal life: Do make this my last will & testament.” The
line from Richard to Robert, of whom we write, is Richard
(1), John (2), Samuel (3), Samuel (4), Joseph
(5), Robert (6), Robert (7), Robert
(8). John
Porter (2) is mentioned in the Porter genealogy as one of the most
enterprising men of his time. He had many land grants, and was a large purchaser
of lands in ancient
. In 1693 he built the first saw-mill in what is now South Abington, at
“Little Comfort,” and was a useful, honored citizen, holding all the various
town offices at different times. Joseph
(5), born
June 10, 1730
, lived in
, moving from
in 1777. He and his wife were admitted to the
, of which his uncle, John Porter,
was the minister in 1780. He was a lieutenant in the militia in the time of the
Revolutionary war. Robert Porter (6),
son of Joseph and Elizabeth
(Burrill) Porter, born in Bridgewater, March 30, 1762, was a farmer, and
resided in Stoughton ; married Elizabeth
Gay, June 5, 1794 ; he had several children, among them Robert
(7). Mr. Porter was an active,
energetic man, was captain of militia, and served his day and generation well.
He died
Aug. 18, 1835
. We come now to Robert, father of
the present ROBERT PORTER (7). He was born
Dec. 19, 1798
; married first, Fannie B., daughter
of Uriah Capen, of
Aug. 20, 1822
; second, Eunice Freeman, of
June 24, 1832
; third, Mrs. Caroline P. Ames, of
June 5, 1875
. His children numbered thirteen, Robert
being the oldest. He died
Nov. 9, 1876
, aged seventy-eight. He was a farmer and large real-estate owner, and for more
than fifty years owned and lived upon the land where the town hall now stands.
He laid out and built Porter and
Canton Streets as far as the Catholic Church, also
School Street
to same point, thence westerly over his land nearly to
Water Street
. He also extended
Canton Street
to the line between him and his son Robert
(8), being nearly a mile in the whole, selling the lots to the first builders
and dwellers thereon. He was a “road-builder” from his early days, having
built the road through
’ Pond about 1830, also the road through the old mill-pond at the head of the
reservoir, in 1838. In the latter he had a partner, Mr. Samuel Capen. His trade was that of stone-masonry, and he used to
say that he “had stoned wells enough to measure three miles.” He got out
hardwood timber, and inaugurated the wood and lumber business now carried on by
his son Robert. He held several town
offices, such as collector, constable, etc., was at one time deacon of the
, but afterwards connected himself with the Congregationalists.
PORTER (8) was born in
, on the Uriah Capen (his
grandfather's) place on
Pleasant Street,
Dec. 6, 1823
, married Mary Holmes Drake, daughter
of Luther Drake and Catherine (Pope) Holmes, his wife,
Nov. 16, 1848
. Mrs. Porter was born in
. Their children are Mary Emma (1),
died young; Mary Emma (2), born
Dec. 26, 1850
, died
Dec. 25, 1877
; Theresa Jane, born
March 17, 1853
; Robert D., born
July 29, 1855
; Ellis B., born April 28, 1860; and A.
St. John Chambré, born Sept. 27, 1867.
Mr. Porter had only the advantages of the common schools, and as be was
early put to labor, his opportunities for education were very limited. When four
years old, in the summer of 1828, be rode and drove horse to plow, continuing this for his father and others
until his next younger brother was old enough to supersede him. When about eight
years of age he began to accompany his father on his trips to
and drive team, and from that time to the present has been an active laborer in
various departments of business. As soon as be was old enough to ride, he was
set to ride horse in plowing out corn, and when nine years old “held plow and
drove for himself.” He remained with his father on the farm and doing stone-mason
work until be was twenty-one.
He established himself in business in 1845, by purchasing a timber lot in
, from which be removed the timber and wood and also made charcoal. He has dealt
in wood and timber ever since, about
forty years. He did everything that came in his way to make an honest
day's work, drove team, stoned cellars, dug wells, laid stone walls, and has
always been proficient. Among other things, selling and carting (with some aid
in loading) fifty cords merchantable oak and chestnut wood four miles, on twelve
and one half consecutive days, the loads, many of them, being divided between
three and four purchasers. This was hauled on an eight-foot wagon, and one load
of heavy oak contained nineteen and five-twelfths cord feet, and was so high
that sometimes a hind wheel would rise upon the road. This was in 1847 or 1848,
and when fifty years of age cut seven cords of pine wood in one day; at another
time, one and three-eighths cords in seventy-four minutes, of which witnesses
are now living. When thirteen years old be practiced tending windlass for well-digging,
and lowered tubs of stone into wells for his father to lay. At one time, when
near the bottom, the tub got the start, overbalancing him, as he weighed less
than one hundred pounds, throwing him over the windlass. He shrunk from no
productive employment, but never strove to make a dollar dishonestly. He
purchased the place where be now lives
June 15, 1852
. This was originally forty-five
acres, and to this he has added by purchase until be now has in this place one
hundred and two acres, and altogether about three hundred acres. When Mr. Porter
purchased this place it was much run down, having scarcely a rod of good fence
and a few “tumble-down" walls, and he could only cut three tons of
English hay on the entire place. From this unpromising beginning, Mr. Porter,
by expenditure of great time and labor, has changed it from a barren waste to a
rich, productive farm. It has been said that “he who made two blades of grass
grow where only one grew before, was a public benefactor." How much more
applicable is this term to Mr. Porter.
The farm was almost covered with wood, through which one could scarcely see a
house. He cleared off the wood, extirpated the stumps, and laid out a private
road across his farm, along which and the public highway be has set out fine
shade-trees, being about a mile of distance. He has constructed hundreds of rods
of drainage, open, stone, and tile. One drain, a rod in width. is over eighty
rods; in length. Also stone walls of great beauty and solidity, and developed a
charming scene of pastoral beauty from the primitive wilderness by his energy
and taste. Mr. Porter is a model
farmer, cuts more than sixty tons of fodder, follows no specialty, but engages
in all departments of agriculture applicable to this section. He was the first
to establish the coal business in
, which he has carried on for more than a quarter of a century. In this he
disposes of from three to four thousand tons per annum. By the stringency of the
panic times, in 1877, Mr. Porter was compelled to compromise with his creditors
at sixty cents on the dollar. That his honesty and integrity was not impeached
by this is evidenced by the fact that, immediately after settlement, his
creditors offered to advance him funds to continue his business. In public and
private life Mr. Porter takes a high
moral and religious stand, and holds the' most advanced positions. His political
life has had three stages, Free-Soil, Republican, and Prohibition. Having no
aspiration for office, he has only accepted that of chairman of selectmen, one
term (1854). He has, however, allowed his name to run in connection with
senatorial and other offices on Prohibition tickets, merely as the
representative of a principle, and enjoyed the satisfaction of running ahead of
his ticket. He is an industrious, hard-working citizen, and enjoys the esteem of
the community.
Source: D.
Hamilton Hurd, History of Norfolk County, Massachusetts, with Biographical
Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men. (Philadelphia, Pa., J.
W. Lewis & Co., 1884), pgs. 425-426.
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