Manager of the Electric Sharpener Company in Stoughton in 1918
Millard D. Lowe is one of the progressive young business men of Stoughton, now at the head of the Electric Sharpener Company as its manager. He is a native of the city in which he still resides, the day of his birth being June 12, 1888. He is a son of Horace W. and Florence C. (Drake) Lowe, who are mentioned at length on another page of this work. Spending his youthful days in the home of his parents, he had the benefit of instruction in the public schools of Stoughton and was thus well qualified for life's practical and responsible duties. He started upon his business career in connection with his father, who has long been identified with the undertaking business in Stoughton, and eventually he was admitted to a partnership in the business, in which he now owns a ninth interest. In 1910 he bought out the factory of the Electric Sharpener Company, adopting the present name at that time. He purchased this business from his uncle, P. M. Worthington, and in 1916 he admitted his brother, Arthur W., and John J. Powers to a partnership. The three young men are also associated with the undertaking business of the firm of Lowe & Powers, of which their fathers are the leading members. The Electric Sharpener Company is engaged in the manufacture of convex and electric sharpeners and the value of their output is indicated in their rapidly growing trade. They have ever recognized the fact that satisfied customers are their best recommendation and they have put forth every effort to please their patrons. They manufacture any size, style or grade of sharpener desired and for many purposes and their output is now being distributed over a wide territory.
On the 12th of June, 1912, Millard D. Lowe was united in marriage to Miss Iva G. Burrell and they reside at No. 49 Grove street, where the factory is also maintained. Mr. Lowe now employs two men and in addition the three proprietors of the business are active in the work carried on. Fraternally Mr. Lowe is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and that he is appreciative of the social amenities of life is indicated in his membership in the Chicatawbut Club. His political allegiance is given to the republican party, and while he is thoroughly informed concerning the leading questions and issues of the day and earnestly desires the success of his party, he does not seek nor desire office. His religious faith is that of the Congregational church and finds expression in his life, for he is a young man honorable and upright, whose entire career commands for him the respect and confidence of those with whom he has been associated.
History of
Norfolk County
1622-1918 (New York, S. J. Clark Publishing Co., 1918), 2:211-212.
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