:::: NEWSLETTER:::::
(Regular meetings third Monday at 8PM)
Volume II, Number 3 - April 1971
THE EFFECT of the Trustees holding regular meetings monthly is evident in the fact that the business meetings are becoming shorter each regular meeting. We. were through with our old and new business in record time in March and were then free to enjoy the program and the social hour in greater leisure. The earlier opening of meetings has proven popular, also. Since we voted to open at 7:30 our attendance has increased measurably to the gratification of the officers and trustees.
DONATIONS came from Miss Ruth Burnham, who presented the Society with her grandfather's diary; and from Mrs. Amy Terrell came papers, programs, relating to the bi-centennial celebration in 1926. To them our thanks.
TWO NEW MEMBERS, Miss Norma Sullivan and Miss Joan Sullivan were welcomed. The Sullivan Sisters are teachers still furthering their education,
WE ARE INDEBTED to Barbara DaLolt of Harvard, Massachusetts, for the loan of the 16mm. projector which we have used at recent meetings. Barbara is a former member cf the Society. We are in debt, also, to Dick Grogan, who is in addition to his regular duties as a town employee, has voluntarily kept our floors swept, washed and wax-ad.
IN DUES?? Are you worried that you are too far in arrears to be reinstated? By paying $2.00, your dues for 1970 and the current year, you may become an active member again. We miss some of the regular attendees and wish you to be with us at our most interesting meetings. The Pilgrimage will be coming soon, very soon. Become reinstated so that you may enjoy what we have to offer.
PLEASE SEND A POSTAL CARD with your name and the month and day of your birth to P. 0. Box 349, Stoughton. DO IT NOW, PLEASE.
HOSPITALITY HOSTESSES at the March meeting were Eleanor Meserve and Eva Graham. Thanks to them for a pleasant social hour with refreshments served buffet style from the table decorated in a St. Patrick's day motiff.
NEXT MEETING: In authentic Colonial attire Mr. V. Leslie Hebert, tree historian and lecturer, will present his offering entitled "Under the Liberty Tree". The program, heralded as "dynamic, knowledgeable, most informative, absorbing, authoritative" concerns once-living trees with a heritage. It also deals with people and places and is not only an education but an illustrated entertainment. Mr. Hebert is well-known to many local organizations as a most entertaining lecturer. We hope for an excellent turnout to receive him and enjoy his program on trees, history and conservation. . . all tied together in a well-knit theme. The meeting will be at 7:30 on April 19. Watch the newspapers for possible further developments.
FROM 1895 TOWN REPORT (the year our Society was founded): Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor were Henry W. Britton, William Curtis and A. L. Holmes. The Town Clerk was James W. Richardson, the Treasurer was Charles T. Drake. Total votes electing the above officers were 906 cast by men and 10 cast by women. CA small women's lib movement underway?). . . A ten percent discount was allowed on taxes paid on or before October 19; and an interest rate of seven per cent was to be charged on all taxes unpaid on that date. . . The taxable valuation was $2,821,921 and the rate was $20. . . The salary of Superintendent of Schools Edward P. Fitts was fixed at $425 per annum; that of the Treasurer was $200. . . The Police Dept. appropriation was $2,400 and the Fire Dept. was allotted $1,600; while the appropriation for schools was an astronomical $12,400. . . Snow removal, including sanding of walks, cost $306. . . Total enrollment in the schools was 728 and the teaching staff numbered 21. . . The Fire Dept. reported it had only one ladder which could reach the tallest building in the square and they had nothing on which to carry it. . . 885 tramps were lodged in the almshouse that year. . . J. M. Hunt was paid $1.00 for burying a pig! And O. J. Curtis and F. Atherton were paid a like fee for burying a dog and cattle respectively. . . A Quote from the Water Commissioners: "There has been no scarcity of water during the year — the Well and Filter Bed at all times furnished an ample supply; with double the takers we are only pumping about one half as much water as two years ago."
THE TRUSTEES will have a report on the time, place and cost (if any) of the Annual Pilgrimage in May; and will present their findings and decision at the April meeting.
IN CONNECTION with the dual celebration so much promoted in this Newsletter: Each year in Taunton on October 21 a flag is raised on Taunton Green to denote Taunton's defiance of British rule in 1774. On that date almost 200 years ago, "a group of ladies" pulled down the British Union Jack, stitched the words "Liberty and Union" on the flag, then raised it to show the British that Taunton was united in its opposition to the King's treatment of Massachusetts colonists. The flag has been flown on Taunton Green on October 21st for as long as present officials can remember.
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