:::: NEWSLETTER:::::
(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM)
Volume V, Number 3 - April 1974
WHO EVER DECIDED that ads should appear mainly at the end of a pub'n? Perhaps they have a greater effect if placed first in orders ... WANTED... copies of the Stoughton School books, the "Semaphore" and the "Stotonian"; all years are needed. Also, tax lists and lists of voters ("persons listed") from many years. If you cannot brinr them to us we will pick them up. Call 344-2494.
BORDERLAND STATE PARK was interestingly presented by Mr. John Richardson of Hingham at the March meeting. Excellent slides of the former Oakes Ames estate held the record-breaking group's interest. Hospitality hostesses Eva Graham and Frances Podgurski, assisted by Evelyn Healy, served delicious refreshments in the Pierce Room after the program.
NOT SINCE two years ago have we had such a satisfying number turn out for our meeting as showed up last month. The officers are quite pleased and we know that speakers do an even better job before a larger group. Lot's keep it up.
GIFTS RECEIVED in March included a 130-year-old bible from the estate of Gertrude (Capen) Malcolm . . . this Bible was given to Sarah Swan in 1856 by her grandmother; a large photo of the Belcher last crew, dated 1926, came from Mrs. Ed (Edith) Peterson of Canton; from the library trustees came some copies of their booklet commemorating the recent 100th birthday of the Library; much material on the Sons of Union Veterans was obtained from the estate of Harold W. Drown; through Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean we received more items from the Lowe estate; and a Brockton store has donated much to help protect and/or display artifacts in our museum rooms. (Note: We have acknowledged gifts above and, unfortunately, it is necessary to write "from the estate of..." too many times. We appreciate all useful gifts . . . but wouldn't you like to hear our thanks? If there is something you wish the Society to have, please consider it now . . . then come down and enjoy it with us.)
STARS OF THE FUTURE: Here, left and right, are two stars with which we'll become quits familiar as 1976 draws closer. At the left is the symbol in use by the Boston 200 organization. At the right is the design currently seen on stationary and the publications of the Massachusetts Bicentennial Commission. Both quite modern.
AN OLD FRIEND RETURNS in April . . . Our speaker at the regular meeting of the Society on April 15 will be Gus Winroth, President of the Easton Historical Society (and Past President of Our Society). (Gus has a new program equally as intriguing as any he has presented in the past; "New England Antiques", an illustrated talk on the old items typically found here and in the neighboring states. The meeting will be at 7:30 in the Lucius Clapp Memorial.
THE NEW LOOK in the Jones room, created by the addition of curtains, in a great-ly appreciated improvement. We thank two of our ladies, Angie McEachern and Esther Hill, for their efforts in washing the windows and woodwork and installing the curtains and rods. We thank, too, the faithful work party for doing the work on the upper window beyond the reach of our ladies.
A NOMINATING COMMITTEE of four has been named by the "Board of trustees. They are Ken Healy, Angie McEachern, Marie Sheehan and John Stiles. They will prepare a slate of officers and trustees for the annual meeting in May. Please cooperate if you are called by this committee.
FROM 1874 TOWN REPORT: There were 24 Stoughton citizens who received support at the almshouse. Of these six were children under eleven years and seven were elderly. The cost for a week's board was $1.18 and 135 vagrants took advantage of the high living. Items from the annual budget for the almshouse: tea, coffee, spices, $13.84; crackers, bread, $19.09; tobacco, $5.70; medical expenses, $30; crockery and other ware, $5.23; two coffins and robes, $30; salaries, $318.75. OTHER TIDBITS FROM 1874: L. M.Gay received $20 for "damage to horse on highway"; coal for the lockup, $7.14; 338 tramps were kept in the lockup (probably called the "cooler" because of a meager supply of coal); Thomas Mulligan was paid $1.50 for ringing the fire bell for six months (have fun with that one!); a ten per cent discount was allowed on taxes paid before October 10; Wales French was the first Librarian at $40 per year but did not accept his pay; 42 intentions of marriage were filed but only 39 marriages recorded (were three left at the church?).
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in any aspect of the celebration of the Town's Quarter Millennial Anniversary (250th birthday) in 1976 we urge you to talk to Angie McEachern or Ruth Burnham, these two being; our liaison to the 250th Anniversary Committee. Mr. Earl McMann and Mr. George Giddings are the co-chairmen of the committee. Our Society should begin to think about our participation as a group and as individuals . . . and we should begin doing something about it.
LONGEVITY: Henri L. Johnson served as president of this Society for 18 years, Amelia Clifton was secretary for 26 years, Bertha Reynolds held that office for 25 dedicated years, Helen Metcalf resigned as treasurer after 21 years, Richard Ward was treasurer for 15 years, and Frank Reynolds served in the post 25 years. To paraphrase an earlier writer: As one scans the records of the Society down through the years, one cannot help but feel the love and devotion which the officers and members have to this old Society and to the Town of Stoughton. May we now have the courage and steadfastness of purpose to carry on the good work of these good people.
RECENTLY, the Stoughton "Chronicle" laid undisputed claim as to the quality of its paper: recommended "for Bird Cages, Fish Wrap, Starting Fires,"
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