:::: NEWSLETTER::::: 


(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM) 


Volume II, Number -  11 - December 1971


OUR NOVEMBER MEETING was fairly well attended; but we missed the many 'regulars" who were absent for varied reasons. Our president, too, found it impossible to attend and asked ye ol' Ed to be acting president for the evening. Thanks to the diligent efforts of our Trustees who now meet monthly our business meetings are shortened considerably. During the November meeting the body of the membership heard Mr. Gus Winroth's proposed amendment regarding meetings and the motion was made, seconded, and passed to adopt the amendment. This new amendment results in our meeting on the THIRD MONDAY of each month EXCEPTING June, July & August.

MRS. A. R. LAMBERT (Ellen Glennon) had been contacted earlier in order that we might find out what colors may have been specified for the Town Seal, designed by Edwin A. Jones. It has been now determined that no colors were indicated by the designer. In her reply Mrs. Lambert also invited us to stop in for a visit whenever we may be in the Wareham area.

DONATIONS came in from near and far. From Honolulu the Pistors sent along their, dues and a very generous money gift. (Ruth is a past Recording Secretary) Their gift has been used wisely and a portion, at their suggestion, supplied our refreshments in November. The unused remainder of their donation helped swell our Birthday Kitty. A framed auction notice from the year 1852 was presented by Mrs. Marsh of Easton; and from Gus Winroth of North Easton came a post card of the West Stoughton depot showing station agent Jenkins who will be remembered by some. Hank Herbowy gave a 38 star flag. (A bit of research has dated this flag at 1876 when Colorado was admitted to the Union.) Past President Carl L. Smith of Norwood, made a special presentation of a fine 22" x 24" photo of our local depot. Mr. Smith took the picture in 1968 while the station still maintained much more of its dignity than it does today. One of our speakers of the evening, Mr. Art Lewis, of Easton, made a gift of many volumes of Stoughton Town Reports, some pre-dating the Civil War. Our great appreciation to all the above.

A NOMINATING COMMITTEE with Past President Robert Benson as chairman was named. Bob will be assisted by Hank Herbowy and Clyde Holmes. Please assist these gentlemen in selecting our officers and trustees.

IT IS WITH SOME DIFFICULTY that ye ol' Ed reports the program of "Antique Highlights" presented by Gus Winroth and Art Lewis of the Easton Historical Society. This is because the entire evening was one highly interesting moment after another and never a dull moment. Mr. Lewis, a collector of old clocks, first spoke of and displayed antique items and imitations and pointed our the distinctions between the two. From his private collection he showed some very unusual movements and a clock made entirely of wood (excepting one fine-toothed gear). Mr. Winroth, another authority on antiques, took over the program with a presentation of many fine copper items, a display of old and new nails, including reproductions used in restoring furniture, and other unique and interesting items from days gone by. Additional items on the program were shown in fine slides with commentary by both Art Lewis and Gus Winroth. Their visual program included an amazing and intriguing showing of innumerable beautiful and fascinating pieces from the collections of both speakers. These included, dad we will not attempt to list all, shoe buckles of silver inlaid with semi-precious stones, "art" glass, carnival glass, Sandwich glass, pewter pieces from 1762, Revere silver, old and odd furniture (some constructed by John Alden), mechanical banks, military and political campaign items, mechanical toys in excellent working order, and so many other items that we cannot recall the grand array dating as far back as 500 years. An extremely unusual piece was a clock made by Mr. Winroth and hand-decorated by Mr. F. Mortimer Lamb, famous local painter. Both our speakers were well received and deservedly so. (Coincidentally, this may have been Past Presidents' night as Mr. Winroth served in that office for some time.)

GUESTS WELCOMED were Mrs. Marjorie Paulson, editor of the Brockton Historical Society's Newsletter, and Howard Hansen of Stoughton.

HOSPITALITY HOSTESSES Ada Meserve and Eleanor Meserve presented us with fine home-made refreshments served from a gaily decorated table with a Thanksgiving Day Motif.

A CAKE commemorating the first meeting in the present rooms exactly 67 years ago was on display. It was suitably decorated to honor the anniversary and was presented to a local nursing home on the day following the meeting. It was very gratefully received by the shut-ins.

ON NOVEMBER 17 about twenty of our members accepted the invitation to hold a joint meeting with the Easton Historical Society in the Oakes Ames Memorial Hall, North Easton. Our President, Mrs. Phyllis Batchelder--presented her fascinating program titled "Prehistoric Indians in This Area" and took us back 9,000 years in history. Refreshments and a social hour were enjoyed following her talk.

ON DECEMBER 20 Mr. Frank W. Reynolds of our Society will present a showing of glass slides made by himself and covering a period from 1892 to 1927. These will be projected from an old arc lamp machine. Mr. Reynolds will tell of how these slides were made in his home.


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