XXII - Number 1
February -- 1992
BY-LAWS REVISION COMMITTEE REPORT: The committee met twice to make the needed revisions in the By-!,avs. Following is a recap of the significant changes made to the By-Laws as printed in 1983. To be voted on Feb. 17th meeting.
Article I. No change. Article II. Consolidated seven sections into four. Art. III. Reduced seven types of membership to four types. Art. IV.. No significant changes. Art, V. Changes include: One Vice-President rather than two; Curator/Historian will now be two separate positions and a new position of Archivist will be added; House Facilities chairman will not be an officer. Duties and responsibilties of officers are redefined. Art. VI. The Board of Directors will now include the President, Treasurer and five elected Directors. The chairman and the clerk of the board must be elected from the five elected Directors. Art. VII. Committees appointed by the President need not be approved by the Board of Directors. A Committee for Exhibits will consist of the Archivist, Curator and Historian. Art. VIII. The Nominating Committee of three members will be elected at the Annual Meeting and will serve until the next Annual Meeting, at which time they will make their report and Nominations. Art. IX. No significant changes. Art. X. All de-accessions of Society property must be proposed by a two-thirds vote of the Archivist, Curator and Historian, and approved by a majority of the Directors. Art. XI and Art. XII. No changes. Art. XIII. Deleted entirely. (Signed) William J. McDonald, Chairman of the Committee to Revise the By-Laws.
Copies of the revised By-Laws will be available at the Lucius Clapp Memorial during our regular scheduled open hours.
PRESIDENT'S NOTES and MONTHLY MEETING:- February 17 at 7:30 P.M. -- "Old Home night 1940-1950, Part II." Our tape last year took us up to and through the war. Where were you and what were you doing when it ended, and beyond to 1950? We want your voice and your experiences on record. See you the 17th.
MASSACHUSETTS State Guardsmen of the 6th Company, 25th Infantry, received training at the rifle range of the Welch Preserve when the United States World War II. The men, under the command of Captain Joseph Duggan, found the woods in the preserve excellent for holding practice maneuvers.
FEW FOLKS had a telephone around the start of the 20th century; most phones were near the "village," as town centers were called in those days. Stoughton's telephone exchange was a four-foot-square space behind the candy counter of the drug store. Mrs. Fred Bartlett, the druggist's wife, was the operator. She wore a harness on her head and would hurry over to connect an occasional patron while the drug customer waited.
IN THE TEEN years of this century the Bristol & Norfolk street railway was building its track down Porter Street, coming from the direction of Randolph and Holbrook. At the same time, the Blue Hill line was coming up Porter Street from Canton. Both companies were racing to reach Stoughton square first; their crews were working well past the usual quitting time. And here we quote John Flynn: "Around Monk's corner came one triumphant crew about eight P.M. and banged down the last set of rails. Right on their necks came the others and with a little rough horse play that wouldn't be outdone, clamped down a set of their own right over the first ones and bolted them to the Brockton tracks. A great salvo of cheers went up then and there; court next day."
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