:::: NEWSLETTER:::::
(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM)
Volume V, Number 12 - January 1975
"The nicest Sunday afternoon in a long time" . , . , , "I met folks I hadn't seen in years" . . . . . "First time I've been in this building since it was the library" ..... "What a lovely idea" . . . . . These are some of the comments which were so pleasant to overhear on Sunday afternoon, January 5, during our Open House. The day was beautiful, everything was in readiness and our displays and decorations tastefully done, and the townsfolk came in large numbers. We, at times, had wall-to-wall people ... and all ware truly enjoying themselves. There were ample and delicious refreshments, music, nostalgic memories were revived. In all, a very successful day and a credit to the many willing folks who made it possible.
Thank you to the many members who prepared our quarters to receive our visitors to our appreciative visitors; to the trustees of the First Parish Church for the beautiful chandeliers installed just in time; to the folks "who loaned some of their nice things for display; and to the following members of the business community who also contributed: Raymond Dietz (McDonald's Hamburgers), "Tippy" O'Neill (Tippy's Garden Center), Bob Crevola (The "Pennysaver"), Roy Cohen (RMC Printing Service), and State Mutual of America, in Worcester.
THANKS, TOO, from ye ol' Ed and the Missus for all the Christmas cards.
WHERE WOULD YOU SUGGEST we go this year for our annual pilgrimage? Our committee of two, Joan and Norma Sullivan would like to hear from you soon so that proper arrangements may be made in ample time. They have given some time to this already but want the general membership to have a say in the matter. Call Joan or Norma at 344-4011.
BAY STATE FIRSTS: the first national historical society was the American Antiquarian Society, incorporated in Worcester in 1812; the first state historical society was the Massachusetts Historical Society, organized in 1791 in Boston.
WE HAVE RECEIVED GIFTS from Chester Ledin, a picture of Dr. Charles Welch and Mrs. Welch; Hazel Drake, a book "The Flora of Stoughton"; Florence Buker, a Gem Roller Organ and other nice surprises; Viola Gay, a hand bell from the West Stoughton school and a small gavel marked "W.R.C. #99, Stoughton 1897". Come see these fine additions to our archives. And bring a friend.
WE NEED folks who can give two hours a week at the Lucius Clapp Memorial so that we can maintain regularly scheduled open hours during the day in midweek. We do not require each person to give tine each week. Rather,, we need a number of people so that we may rotate through the month. We are already open Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 and on Sunday mornings from 10 be 12, Our midweek hours would be from 2 to 4 on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday ..... that choice belonging to the volunteers.
FROM OUR FILES: Among those whose names have found a place among the leading artists of New England and whose canvases are dear to the hearts of their possesors, more than passing mention should be made of F. Mortimer Lamb, whose landscapes have been exhibited and won prizes in many of the leading cities of the country. Mr. Lamb was born in Middleboro on May 5, 1861. His father was a native of North Easton and his mother's birthplace was Troy, New York. At the age of seventeen, F. Mortimer Lamb entered the Massachusetts Normal Art School of Boston and took up teaching in his second of five years there. Later he taught in the School of Art of the New England Conservatory of Music and entered the Boston Art Museum. After more schooling in Europe, he opened a studio in Brock-ton while continuing instruction in the Evening Drawing School of Taunton where he was principal for at last twenty years. For three years he conducted a studio on Beacon Street in Boston but made his home in Stoughton throughout the entire period, eventually establishing a studio in his home at 59 Grove Street, the residence built by his father in 1869. Mr. Lamb won wide fame as an animal and landscape painter and his canvases are seen in all parts of the U.S. In 1900 he was awarded the gold medal at the Twentieth Century Exposition in Boston and, in 1915, won the silver medal at the Panama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco. (History of Norfolk County - 1918)
ON JANUARY 20, at 7:30, we will have as our guest and speaker Mr. George Giddings, chairman of the Stoughton Bicentennial Commission, Mr. Giddings will tell us of Our Town's participation in bicentenniel celebrations and is prepared to answer our questions. His topic is an ideal presentation for this first program in the first of two bicentennial years. JANUARY 20, at 7:30, Lucius Clapp Memorial.
TREASURE HUNT . . . . our Society, like many others, is constantly on a treasure hunt of sorts. Here are some examples of things which are part of our history but are not yet in our archives: Our Town's history, as seen in the items of everyday living in days prone by, is perhaps hidden away in the attics, cellars, sheds and barns of Stoughton's citizens, What do you have tucked away somewhere?
A Healthy and Happy New Year ...
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