:::: NEWSLETTER::::: 


(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM) 


Volume III, Numbers 6, 7, 8  - July, August, September 1972


BIRTHDAYS . . . JULY: Calvin Coolidge, John Paul Jones, Gus Winroth, Ruth Parent, Franklin Bishop, Elias Howe, John Quincy Adams, Ernestine Angus, Norna Sullivan, Beatrice Monk, Rudy Vallee, Maurice Burt and Eleanor Meserve . . . AUGUST: Fred Kelleher. Grace Dillon, Allan Parent, Francis Scott Key, Herbert Hoover, Napoleon Bonaparte, Benjamin Harrison, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Pearl Bishop, Henry L. Pierce, Lyndon B. Johnson and Ada Meserve. . . . SEPTEMBER: Angelina McEachern, John J. Pershing, William Howard Taft. Our belated best wishes to those whose birthdays have passed and happy returns to all.

AND ... we make note of the Golden Anniversary of Allan and Ruth Parent. Congratulations and much happiness from us all.

OUR TELEPHONE is now installed, thanks to the diligence of Clyde Holmes. The number is 344-5456 and we wish it to be kept confidential. Tell only those who should know how to reach you at the Clapp Memorial, This phone service is necessarily listed as business (unfortunately for the budget) but we all feel that it will be of great service to the membership. However, all outgoing calls must be kept to a minimum and must be limited to less than five minutes. (No we are not being overly frugal ... this is just typical Yankee thrift)

MERLE THOMAS, recuperating on the Cape, writes that she hopes to return to Stoughton soon and meet with us. Her letter indicates the true Stoughton Historical Society spirit . . . keen interest in the Town and the Society.,

GUS WINROTH, reported as recuperating at home in the last Newsletter, was readmitted by the time you received your letter; he is once again at home and on the active list . . . but taking life a bit easier.

PUBLIC LIBRARY . . . there is an excellent selection of reading on Stoughton subjects at our public library. Much of it cannot be circulated; but a quiet hour or two with materials from the Stoughton Collection will prove very rewarding. When our rooms are restored it is possible that the small area before the fireplace will be reserved as reading space and may be continually supplied with interesting materials from our files.

BIRTHDAY BAGS are always due whenever there is enough to make it worthwhile to bring them, to meetings; and any amount is enough!

WE NEED new members and they are especially welcomed now when we need so much help, both physical and financial. Prospects should be told that their financial aid is is needed through donations and dues; but they should be reminded, too, of how much they will gain from their membership in our Society,

BUILDING FUND at this writing amounts to $584.36 as the result of rummage sales, flea market booth, sale of a painting donated for that specific purpose by Mr. Vermoskie, and cash donations from near and far. This fund needs your help and every effort will be appreciated. 250th ANNIVERSARY FUND stands now at $103.93 and we will add quickly to that with the sale of informal note paper.

THIS IS IT ... the first copy of the Newsletter produced on the Speed-O-Print purchased with part of the Birthday Bag Kitty which came so easily, pennies and nickels at a time. If there are errors they are entirely our own fault ... we can no longer lay the blame on a commercial print shop. Bear with us as we grope along, saving as we go . . . and that IS the name of the game.

PROGRAM FOR SEPTEMBER will be presented by a fairly new member, Mr. Stephen Adamson, who has this past summer prepared material on William Billings, local composer and conductor of the first singing school. As usual, there will be refreshments and a pleasant social hour following the program,

A RECENT PLEA was made through the medium of the newspapers for financial aid in refurbishing the rooms we now occupy. It is gratifying that so many have already helped us; and it is hoped that our message will be received by some other generous souls and that donations and memberships will increase.

KINDLY RECALL the special request for assistance from within the membership in presenting programs of local interest. The trustees have some programs already planned but there are some tentative dates and they would like to be able to publish a definite list for this full season. Artifacts illustrating the subject are helpful, especially old photos . . . and slides or movies add a great deal . . . and give a few of our members a chance to nod off for a moment! Please note that a program of less than one hour is preferred. With that in mind we are reminded of William Henry Harrison who died after serving only one month as President of our Nation, the direct result of delivering a two-hour inaugural address in a freezing wind which brought on a fatal case of pneumonia.

After much delay a new 13-week series called "AMERICA" will get prime time exposure on TV. The series is scheduled to begin in November and has been produced, ironically, by the BBC. This is a very fitting subject in the light of the coming Bicentennial Celebration as it will document United States beginnings. An American-produced series is having trouble getting off the ground; but, hopefully, "THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE" will find a sponsor and a network.

REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 18. A vote on changing our Constitution; and an interesting presentation by Stephen Adamson.

A TOUR OF HOMES has been proposed and a small committee of volunteers may be contacting those of you who live in some of the older and more beautiful homes in Stoughton. Please give them kind consideration if you are called. Thank you.

THE CHICKADEE was adopted as the official bird of the Commonwealth on March 21, 194l. It is also known as the titmouse, tomtit, and the dickybird. It is one of the most familiar of the North American birds and nests in a stump, tree, or fence post close to the ground, and broods twice a year.


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