NO. 1
Upcoming Events
September 22 – Harvest Dinner 6 P. M. Wales French Room,
Public Library
Please send in reservation form at the end of the Newsletter.
are especially encouraged to attend, so that we can get to know each other.
September 24 – 7 P. M. Official Public Viewing of the recently
purchased Doty Tavern Sign at Friends of Prowse Farm , 5 Blue Hill River Road,
Canton 781 828 FARM www.prowsefarm.org
A special invitation has been extended to the members of our Society.
October 18
Yard sale
A.M.-2 P.M.
Drop off your donations at the Society.
No electronics, please.
October 19 --2 P. M. David
Lambert gives a presentation on the history of the Ponkapoag Indians in the
newly renovated E. A. Jones Meeting Room at the Society.
October 25—
A. M.
An archeologically and
historically oriented tour of the site of “the
White Mill” on
Mill St
November 10—Veteran’s Day Program at the
We held another successful
yard sale on June 14.
Denise Peterson put in many
hours of work beforehand, sorting and preparing the items for sale.
On the day of the event, our
conscientious workers included Denise Peterson, Paul and Adeline Carter,
Donna Hodges, Maureen Gibbons, Joe
and Jeanne DeVito, Ann Klim, John
Boulanger, Brian Daley Joan, Jacob,
and Danielle Bryant, Evelyn Callanan, Millie Foss,
Mary Kelleher, Jack and Norma Sidebottom, Hank Herbowy, Dave Lambert, and
Dwight Mac Kerron Gerry Mc Donald
and Bill Day helped truck the left-overs to St Vincent’s.
Ruth McDonald baked a coffee cake for us and Dunkin Donuts (via Jeanne
DeVito) provided coffee and donuts. Thanks
also to Joan Bryant’s daughters’ donations of carloads of leftovers from
their Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Yard Sale and to the Members of the Stoughton
Neighborhood Coalition for the leftovers from their yard sale.
We made $1215 selling items and signed up four new members, yielding
another $92.
On June 9, we held our annual
dinner at the Stoneforge Grille in
Easton and elected our new slate of Officers: :
President – Dwight Mac Kerron: Vice-President – David Lambert;
Treasurer – Joan Bryant; Secretary
- Evelyn Callinan;
Archivist Jack Sidebottom; Curator- Brian Daley;
Historian – Howard Hansen. Joe
DeVito is now on the Board of Directors. Thank
you’s to our Nominating Committee of Joan O’Hare, Mary Kelleher, and Candi
Cerri. We
need volunteers
for the Nominating Committee for next year, when the current President will reach the end of
the three-year term-limit in the Society’s By-laws.
in June, a
group of the Membership Committee consisting of
Joe & Jeanne DeVito, Mary Kelleher, Candi Cerri, and Joan O’Hare
spent a morning at the Society studying our
current membership and mailing lists. Their corrections to the lists should be a
great help in future mailings. Fortunately,
we are gaining members faster than we are losing them, but with many members
living as far away as
and more local members moving, updating our lists is a constant
challenge. For those of you who can
receive our Newletter via email, ( approximately fifty people do at this time)
we would appreciate it if you would tell us your email by contacting stoughtonhistoricalsociety@verizon.net and so informing us.
Congratulations to David Lambert, who has announced
the upcoming publication: Vital Records of Stoughton, Mass., to 1850 (2008) - $45.00.
Pre-publication orders must be received by
15 August 2008
. (You may not get this
newsletter until after that date, but you can still try.
The print run for this book will be limited to a few over the received
pre-orders, so order one for you and your town or historical society library
now! Delivery of this volume will be by 1 October and likely before.
Check David’s website stoughtonhistory.com for details on ordering.
plastering is completed and the painting is progressing nicely on
the walls and ceilings of the Lucius Clapp Memorial.
Blackout shades will be installed on all the windows in the Jones room.
It is gratifying to be rid of the peeling walls and stained ceilings and
it will be a great relief not to have to bring in a long ladder to tack
construction paper to our upper windows in order to get
a darkened room for screened presentations at our meetings.
High School
student volunteer, Jeffrey Fish,
who has worked many Thursday nights at the Society over the last two years,
entering information from our card catalogues into the Past Perfect computer
program was the recipient of this year’s John Flynn Award.
Jeff wrote an article on the Stoughton Historical Society for the high
school newspaper and has continued to work this summer.
He will be attending
Congratulations, Jeff, and thank you for your work with and for us.
have been working on pictures and commentary on the Gay-Hodges “White Mill”
for the next Stoughton Community
Calendar which will contain some of the
new information we have learned about this historic factory.
On October 25, we will give a tour of the site off
Mill Street
in October to commemorate
Archeology month. The work on the
calendar happened to coincide with the visit of two Southworth descendants, Lin
Southworth of
North Carolina
and Beverly Johnston of
Their presence led me to go back to our Southworth files and look for
more information on the Southworths and their connections to the Gay-Hodges
factory. The following are a few
resulting snippets:
--Captain Jedediah Southworth
was a prominent
patriot during the American Revolution. He
served on the town’s Committee of Correspondence and will figure prominently
in our exhibits and presentations in the coming year. Two of his sons, Jedediah
and Consider are contemporaries of Lemuel
Gay, Samuel Hodges Jr and Leonard Hodges and their names all appear in each
other’s business records.
--One of Jedediah
Southworth’s daughters, Lucy Hewett, b. 1804 married a Loring Puffer of
Dorcester and they were the parents of Loring Puffer, a founding member of the
Stoughton Historical Society who contributed many invaluable documents and
artifacts. Our oldest original
document, a hand-written copy of fines paid by Members of Plymouth Bay Colony in
the mid-1600’s is a gift from Loring Puffer.
Southworth’s ledger reveals that a Steven Blake was paying his debits with
hats. The Blake hat factory, despite
its prominence on the quilt for the 250th, as
’s first industry, has been
difficult for us to track down. Blake
paid Southworth in hats at least six times between 1808 and 1812.
Wales, father of Marion (Polly)
Wales, who married Samuel Hodges Jr. in 1821 and bore him four children on the
Cape Verde Islands, paid a 2.00 debit to Col. Southworth in 1811 with his
(unnamed) daughter’s schooling of Southworth’s children.
Polly, who would return to Stoughton and spend most of her life teaching
school here after the death of three of her children and her husband in Cape
Verde, would have been fifteen or sixteen years old at the time.
(son of the Captain) Southworth’s) small
account book (May 1815-Nov 1817) contains several entries in which he rents his
horse and wagon to women who were workers and boarders at the Gay Cotton
Manufacturing Company: Mary and Fanny Fuller and Abigail Presbrey.
We also know from the books of the Company that Jedediah hauled heavy
loads of cotton (most likely in bales) from
, and hundreds of pounds of
the spun yarn from
back to
before the business failed in
1818, Leonard Hodges stepped in after his brother departed for
Cape Verde
and ran (we believe) a
combination jewelry and small scale weaving business, probably at the site of
the White Mill. His very limited
records between 1818 and 1823 show that he was paying his bills with small
amounts of satinett, until mid-1823, when he began to produce satinett by the
thousands of yards. In August of
1823, Consider Southworth charged Leonard .33
“for sewing water loom belts,” 1.75
“for flowing my meadow,” and 2.50
“to your cow in my corn, five nights.” These
charges indicate that Leonard Hodges had begun to run a water-powered loom,
after years of employing hand weavers to produce satinett.
The cow indicates that his mother Lucinda had joined him and would be
running his boarding house. In
December, Leonard charges Lucinda 6.00, “to pasturing your cow, cash paid
Isaac Gay.”
Upcoming Year:
in the 1700’s
this fall and continuing through next summer, the Stoughton Historical Society
will be focusing on
in the 1700's. We have only a few
physical artifacts from the period, (although we do own a wonderful display of
Continental Money, presented to us in 1909 by Loring Puffer) but we do
have a treasure of original primary source town and precinct records and will
have access to the Doty Tavern sign, recently purchased by the Friends of Prowse
Farm. There are many possible
connections to the Suffolk Resolves, Declaration of Independence, the recent
John Adams series on HBO, and
participation in the Revolutionary War; including Deborah Sampson and her
connections. We have
a list of the men in Precinct 1 who participated in various brief
campaigns and what they were paid for their service, and the Revolutionary War
service diaries of Vets Ezra Tilden and Capt. Asa Waters.
We will begin with a focus on Native Americans, the Ponkapoag Indians and
set aside for them in the 1600's. We
also have town record books showing the Incorporation of the Town(s),
the town policy toward the indigent, the bounties on unwanted animals
such as wildcats and blackbirds, the separate listing of free blacks and slaves
at the very end of many of the tax records, and the setting out of many of our
roads and streets. This is just a
starter list, but meant to get the ball rolling and to spur us to think of how
to create catchy, but informative exhibits from old documents.
We would like to coordinate a number of our activities with the schools
at all possible levels. We will
apply for a Cultural Council Grant to support some program related to this
topic; we can sponsor contests for projects such as the very successful Lucius
Clapp projects in 2003. We also will
cooperate with drama groups in the schools or community who could do
re-enactments, skits, or full-length plays on any of the topics.
We encourage our members to make suggestions for programs and displays
and take part in the creation of same.
-The Ponkapoag
Indians: Sometimes requests
from people for information on their ancestors lead us in fruitful directions.
We received a letter from Richard E Spurr of
asking if he could buy a Map of the Twelve Divisions, which shows his ancestor
Robert Spurr owning Lot No. 3 of 63 acres at the very top of the triangle, which
made up the Dorcester South Precinct. He
also asked for whatever other information we could find on the Spurr family.
We found that Robert Spurr is mentioned by both Chaffin and Huntoon.
Chaffin quotes a long statement made by Spurr and two other men, Col.
Sam. Thaxter and John Quincy, who were physically assaulted by Ephraim Fobes
& Edw. & Daniel Howard as they were attempting to re-establish the
ancient boundary between Mass Bay and Plymouth Bay Colonies.
This line was also the boundary between the Dorchester South Purchase and
the Taunton North Purchase, currently the boundaries between Stoughton/Sharon to
the north and
to the south. Apparently the Fobes
and Howards were Eastoners, who decided that the
men “had no
business there” and were not swayed by the
men’s claims
that they were acting on the orders of the General Court.
The Eastoners won the day as the
men retreated to
avoid “Violence & Bloodshed,” but “the General
Court took a different view of the
matter and ordered that they be arrested and shut up in
jail. Several weeks confinement
therein induced them to offer a humble petition for their release.
This was granted upon condition that they pay damages, and give security
for better behavior in the future; which they did” (William Chaffin,
History of Easton, p26-7).
Four years after the incident described above, Capt. Robert Spurr along
with others was appointed by
Dorchester “to take care of the land, which in common with other lands, was
granted in ye year 1637 to ye Town of Dorchester and in ye year of 1720,
confirmed by ye General Court.” (Benjamin Huntoon, History of
, p 55. In 1719 Spurr
was one of three men appointed by
“to see that the articles with the Indians at the Ponkapoag
Plantation were kept, and in no way encroached upon.” (Huntoon.
p58). For a variety of
reasons, however, the encroachment of the English continued.
“In 1756 Robert Spurr was guardian of the Indians and was very much
embarrassed to determine the boundaries between the lands of the English and the
Indians. It was asserted that the
Indians had no plat; and if ever they ever had any, that no traces of the field
notes even could be found. Spurr,
therefore desires the General Court to order
the English persons abutting the Indian land to produce their deeds, and
pay their proportion in the charges of surveying the Indian lands adjoining
them. The request was granted and he
was empowered to employ a surveyor and chainman upon oath to settle the
boundaries between the Indians and the English,--each party to pay their
proportion of the expense, the English to produce their deeds.
The plan was finished in 1760, by which it appeared that there was still
in possession of the Indians land amounting to seven hundred and ten and
three-quarters acres. The English
abutters were Robert Capen, Recompense Wadsworth,
Jonathan Capen, Deacon Wales, Ignatius Jordan, Elijah Jordan, James
Smith, Nehemiah Liscom, Paul Wentworth, Samuel Tucker, Josiah Sumner, John and
Moses Wentworth, Edward Bailey, John Whitley.”
(Huntoon, p 13). Bear in mind
that the original Grant to the Indians was said to be 6,000 acres.
Spurr would appear to be a man, who attempted to do the right thing, but the
loss of land by the Indians was drastic and it continued.
Were Spurr and others not nearly vigilant enough or was the phenomenon by
which land moved from Indian to English ownership, inevitable?
Being able to focus on a few
“known” individuals like Robert Spurr should
enhance the study of the Indian land question and I am sure that we will hear
more on this matter from David Lambert on October 19.
Our Historical Society’s first act in 1895 was to erect the stone
marker designating the Southeast corner of the original Ponkapoag Indian
Plantation. The acquiring,
surveying, and mapping the land and the “purchases” of the land from the
Indians will obviously be an important early focus of
in the 1700’s.” Can anyone come
up with a better title?
Archivists Report
–We have done research on
several houses in
, including
122 Seaver St.
and found information on the
one-armed veteran of the French and Indian War David Thompson Jr. We located
information on the
and gathered many of our Southworth materials for two descendants who
visited. We located four original
pictures from the 1976 Calendar to make copies
for a professional photographer and found two pictures of the
for copies. A group of us
removed the eyebrows from the windows in the Jones room and moved organs
(we couldn’t budge the big one; it is screwed to the floor) to prepare for the
plastering and painting. Millie Foss is taking on the work of our un-catalogued
documents from the 1700’s in the rare books cabinets.
An glassine envelope with many documents from the Tolman family dating
back to 1726 is one recent “rediscovery.”
Joe DeVito continues to separate pictures of local organizations and
businesses and put them into scrapbooks he is creating. Items
received: Pictures and documents relating to local Boy Scout Troops
from John Fernandes; Photos, documents, and a medal,
from WWI from the Maraglia Family;. pictures of Glen Echo from
John Carabatsos; a picture labeled “Hodges
house, West Stoughton, (burned),” from Lin Southworth; Photos and newspaper
articles from the St Germaine family via Loreen (St Germaine) Hardiman; (One
of the newspapers was the 1941 80th Anniversary Edition of the
Stoughton News-Sentinel. Since we
have a few other copies of this wonderful edition, we decided to put the “St
Germain Edition” in three large clear mellinex sleeves and place them in the
reading room. The lead article
“Interesting Facts from
History” runs to thousands of words and provides a good overview of the
History of our Town through 1941. There
are also fascinating small articles on the business in town in 1941, incuding
DeVito’s Liquor Store, Lehan Ford, Webster’s Candy,
the George E Belcher Co. and many more.
The next time you vist the Society, be sure to come and take a look
Jack Sidebottom
Report We
are in the process of making the transition from Hank Herbowy to Brian Daley.
Items received: WWI vintage medals, binoculars, and camera from the
Maraglia family, flags of local Boy Scout troops from John Fernandes, and a
small glass bottle with the words Otis Clapp & Son Inc from the Callela
Clothing Curators Emily Guertin, Ruth McDonald
and Joan O’ Hare have been dealt a setback.
Emily has been hospitalized and
is now recovering at the Copley Healthcare Partnership at
Sumner St
Her presence is sorely missed in the clothing department and we could use
someone, even if they can give just a few hours a month.
Sewing and clothing preservation skills are not required, but an ability
to help organize our collection would be helpful.
(continued on last page)
New Members: Teryl Randall, Larry Slater,
John and Barbara Anzivino, David and Helen Sears, Richard and Ruth
Fitzpatrick, Gordon Hayner, Richard C. Gerrish,
Carlos and Kathleen Vargas, Carol Neville,
and John Carabatsos. Mr and
Mrs Louis Poillucci became life members. Welcome
to all these new members and to all others who have joined in the past year.
We would like to get to know you better and urge you to attend the
Harvest Dinner.
The Harvest
Dinner will be held at the Stoughton Public Library in the Wales-French Room
on Monday, September 22, at
. The
cost will be $15.00 per person for the buffet dinner.
Please fill out the form below and return it with your check, made out to
the Stoughton Historical Society,
P.O. Box 542
Name: _____________________________________
# attending: _________________