:::: NEWSLETTER:::::
(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM)
Volume V, Number 5 - June 1974
THE ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE, this year to the Old Colony Historical Society in Taunton, was most enjoyable and successful. The day was very pleasant and our hosts in Taunton gracious. We were the guests of their president, Judge Owen, and were treated as guests . . . warmly. The Old Colony Historical Society is located at 66 Church Green, is open at ten a.m. Tuesday through Saturday and at one p.m. Sundays during the summer. Admission is fifty cents and we urge our members to visit their fine museum soon,
FOLLOWING our visit to Taunton we had our noon meal at Merrymac Restaurant. The short annual meeting, during which we heard nominations of officers for the coming season, was conducted while our tables were served. Officers elected for 1974-75 are: President, Ed Meserve; First Vice-President, Gus Winroth; Second Vice-President, Carl Smith; Treasurer, Angie McEaehern; Recording Secretary, Norma Sullivan; Corresponding Secretary, Eleanor Meserve; Membership Secretary, Frances Podgurski; Historian-Curator, John Stiles. One new trustee, Ken Healy, was elected and all the Board of Trustees was re-elected. A SHORT VISIT to the Easton Historical Society's headquarters in the old depot allowed us to view their displays and witness the vast improvement brought to the station through the efforts of their work parties and friends. OUR PLEASANT DAY, which began at ten, ended at three p.m. with everyone well satisfied with the planning of the pilgrimage committee. We are grateful to Gus Winroth, Angie McEachern and Amy Terrell who brought us an enjoyable trip,
IN SPITE OF RAIN all day, our geranium sale was an "instant" success. That choice of words is quite apropos as all plants not on order were sold within twenty minutes after the doors opened. Our general treasury is considerably enriched and thanks are due Angie McEachern (whose brainchild this was) and those who aided her: Alice Sheehan, Elsie Nordstrom, Ken Healy, Eva Graham and Gus Winroth. Special appreciation goes to all of you who purchased our lovely plants, A word to those who missed our sale . . . wait till next year.
AMONG RECENT GIFTS was a copy of the selectmen's report for 1856, a donation from Joseph Sullivan of Randolph, Mr. Sullivan is a collector and history buff who kindly remembered us with this valuable document. Some excerpts from this report which is, incidentally, contained on one side of a single sheet of paper: total balanced budget was $3,125.31 including $1,179.27 for the support of the schools . . . "For Platform for the Selectmen and Moderator to stand upon Town Meeting days, 3.00" . . . for the support of one Moses Griggs Our Town paid out $1.22 but received as compensation from his home town of Roxbury the sum of $7.69 (possibly the only time Our Town has been other than a non-profit operation), RE: GIFTS ... We are still looking for high school publications, particularly the yearbook (Semaphore and /or Stoto-nian). These books contain invaluable pictures and related information regarding Stoughton residents.
ANNUAL MEETING has passed, we have a MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, and DUES ARE DUE! Yes, under our rewritten by-laws, the new year begins following the annual meeting in May and dues are payable before September (receipts to be sent with a Newsletter). Many members have had a "free ride" for five months this past year because of the change in our governing rules. However, ALL DUES (excepting a few paid in advance) are due NOW. Mail to P.O. Box 349 or bring to the Lucius Clapp Memorial any Thursday evening between 7 and 9 or Sunday morning between 10 and 12. Remember, your dues bring you some fine programs throughout our season and the year round Newsletter besides paying our regular monthly bills, inhere elm is two dollars stretched so far?
ENCLOSED is a money maker for the Society to aid of the expansion of its museum program and some remodeling and decoration of the building AND to enlarge a fund which will be needed to insure the proper celebration of Our Town*s 250th birthday by TOUR Society. Please help if yon can
THERE WILL BE A MEETING of the officers and trustees on Tuesday, June 4 at 7:30. This is an important meeting at which we will plan the programs of the coming season and other projects for the benefit of the Society. All members whe will volunteer or who hare suggestions are invited to this meeting.
THERE ARE MANY who show us kindnesses. It is difficult sometimes to properly remember them all. However, they are all thought of and appreciated. Three more who assisted greatly with the geranium sale are Phyllis Batchelder, Caroline McCormick and Marie Sheehan. Thanks to all who helped, whoever you are.
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