:::: NEWSLETTER::::: 


(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM) 


Volume III, Number -  2 - March 1972


A DATE we will not forget soon is February 21. . . and for two excellent reasons: firstly, it was our first meeting in the upper hall of the Lucius Clapp Memorial Building; secondly, because it was the ' occasion of a very well-presented program on the artistry of one of Stoughton's more illustrious figures, F. Mortimer Lamb. Mrs. Mildred Harwood, who prepared and delivered the illustrated lecture, showed the results of much painstaking work. Many of Mr. Lamb's paintings were exhibited during the meeting and our membership was properly appreciative of the great talent displayed. Our thanks to Mrs. Harwood for a fine program; and to those kind folks who loaned their prized paintings for the evening; and to the two gentlemen who obtained slides of the works of art otherwise unobtainable.

THE MEETING ROOM and the adjoining rooms present a great contrast now to their appearance only last December, just prior to our occupancy. Once again we have some dedicated people to thank, not only for the work which is readily apparent but, too, for the changes which may not be so easily seen unless you observed the condition of the rooms about six weeks ago. Some of those to whom we are indebted are Florence Buker, Mildred Harwood, Gertrude Morrill, Esther Hill, Angeline McEachern, Henry Herbowy, James McCormick, and our ever -helpful custodian and friend Dick Crogan. Our ladies generally work during daylight hours and we can fit you into their work parties quite easily. Wednesday evenings are to be work nights for any who wish to help. Call 344-2494 if you will help and we'll let you know on what date we can use your talents. Also, sign the book at the reception desk telling us what you are willing to do.

DUES AND DONATIONS accepted at any time by our treasurer at the desk or by mail to Box 349, Stoughton, Mass. 02072.

DONATIONS in February included news clippings and photos from Carl L. Smith; many photos of the fire department and some souvenir programs from Fred Graham; AND the beret worn so frequently by F. Mortimer Lamb and given by one of his pupils (now a teacher himself), Charles Vermoskie.

ROOM NAMES chosen by ballot at the last meeting, are an almost unanimous choice: (upstairs) Lucius Clapp Room, Henry L. Pierce Room, and Edwin A. Jones Hall; (downstairs) Stoughton Room and Presidents' Room. The latter name was selected to honor every president from the Hon. Elisha Monk through to the perpetuity of the Society. The other names are quite obvious honoring our benefactors and Town.

OUR BUILDING COMMITTEE, though not completely manned, has already begun to serve. We can use at least two more men on the committee to work with Warren Batchelder, Hank Herbowy and Jim McCormick. We would like some gentlemen who are not already active in another capacity. Here is an opportunity to express yourself...even get some exercise...and serve both your Society and your Town.

A BUILDING FUND will be necessary. Volunteers will please present their names to any of our officers or write to Box 349, stating your ideas. In direct reference to this request we will, quite surely, need a Ways and Means Chairman . . and we prefer a volunteer who will coordinate all activities and appoint workers. Are we asking too much all at once? No...and all of us must do our best as we now have a year 'round project ahead in refurbishing the Clapp Building interior and maintaining it for the use of the public who, after all, own "our" building.

WE WELCOME as new members William O'Brien, George Waal, Mr. and Mrs. Allan (Eileen) Rowbotham, Mrs. Marilyn Siegel, Philip Hanley, Erik Erikson, Mrs. Elsie Nordstrom, William Zaiser; and, returning after some years' absence, Mr. and Mrs. E. Curtis (Helen) Brewster. We have grown fifty percent in two years ..."wunnerful, wunnerful".

MARCH BIRTHDAYS. . .Knute Rockne, Elizabeth Browning, Allan Rowbotham, Phyllis Batcheider, Andrew Jackson, James Madison, George Snowdale, Joan Sullivan, John Tyler and Ethel Holmes.

PAST PRESIDENT John E. Flynn once wrote: "History is a record of what man does to man. Some of that has been too awful to contemplate but the other side of the picture discovers that the love of God and neighbor has been abundantly fruitful." Whatever the record may be in our Town let us all go but during these next few years until 1975-76 to ferret out all we can so that we, as the curators of Stoughton's history and its place in the nation's growth, may present a most accurate picture to the public at the time of our next BIG anniversary. NOW is the time to begin...even by. finding hew. members who may be of great assistance in return for the benefits they may receive as the '"trustees" of the legacy left by this Town's forefathers, whether these ancestors prove to be heroes or rogues.

ON MARCH 20 we will have as a guest speaker Mr. Edward Bolster of the Canton Historical Society. Mr. Bolster, Curator of our sister Society, will have as his topic "Local Taverns..and Related Subjects". Canton is celebrating 175 years and enjoyed a kick-off program and dance recently. Remember March 20th at 7:30.

CLASSIFICATION: Unrelated Subject. . . Covered Bridges were sometimes used as meeting places for large town gatherings.


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