:::: NEWSLETTER:::::
(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM)
Volume IV, Number 2 - March 1973
OUR FEBRUARY MEETING with V. Leslie Hebert as featured speaker, was a most interesting evening with an exceptional man. Mr. Hebert presented his "Suitcase Museum" program and held us in rapt attention with his quite authentic, often subtly witty, comments. His program outdid the traditional school presentations in that he invited his audience to TOUCH the artifacts displayed, going beyond "Show and Tell". A most satisfying evening with a fascinating suitcase full of our history.
NEW MEMBERS welcomed were three sisters: Mrs. Arthur Teague, Mrs. Henry Teague and Mrs. Kris Bainton; also, Mary Christmann, who came in the front door as a guest and was a member by the time she reached the desk and Mrs. Ronald Bartlett.
DONATIONS included a clothes wringer, fireplace tongs from a hotel on Wyman Street (Taylor's), a wrench used on Gay's popcorn wagon, photo of the Talbott house, Stoughton-related news clippings, photo copies of two old documents, and a fine example of F. Mortimer Lamb's work. Overdue thanks are expressed to Helen Holmes for a fine quality table cloth for our serving table (given last month.)
WANTED...an upright piano from the early 1900's, with a stool; a roll-top desk from the same period. Both will be put to immediate, use.
ONE MORE TIME March birthdays are noted by Viola Gay, Helena Blum, Ed Podgurski, Celia Lane, Allan Rowbotham, Phyllis Batchelder, George Waal, George Snowdale, Joan Sullivan and Ethel Holmes. March was, also, the month in . which the states of Ohio, Nebraska, Florida, Vermont and Maine were admitted to the union. Violets to the birthday children of March.
DUES are still payable prior to January. If your dues are unpaid as of February 19 you will fund a RED circle around the box number- on this letter. Please mail to our membership secretary at Box 349. If you have already paid up, please disregard this notice... there is always room for error and we are sorry to inconvenience you.
HOSTESSES serving from an exceptionally pretty table prepared by then were Mildred Harwood and Elsie Otto. This social hour is pleasant.
THE NEW SLATE of officers presented by Frederick Kelliher, Chairman of the nominating committee, and his committee members Helena Blum, Katherine Leahy and Edward Podgurski follows. President, Edward Meserve: 1st Vice-President, Carl L. Smith: 2nd Vice-President, Phyllis Batchelder; Treasurer, Angeline McEachern; Recording Secretary, Norma Sullivan: Corresponding Secretary, Natalie Fee. Curator-Historian, Gustav T. Winroth: and Trustees (in alphabetical order) Fred W. Graham, Henry Herbowy, Esther Hill, Clyde Holmes, Frederick J. Kelliher, Allan Rowbotham and Amy Terrell. Mrs. Esther Hill, secretary pro tern, cast one vote accepting the slate to serve until the annual meeting.
TOUR OF HOMES IN MAY...the committee, headed by Marie Sheehan and Angeline McEachern can use and request your assistance in many ways, none very demanding. The tour is all set: but there are other considerations which r.ust be taken care of within our rooms. Please call Marie at 344-8719 or Angeline at 314-2014 to learn our needs.
Recently WE RECEIVED from Mrs. Charles Rhodes Cook's "History of Norfolk County" (1622-1918). In volume II there are biographies of this county's prominent citizens. From time to time we intend to publish some of these sketches, and, as these volumes were given to us in memory of Timothy Daly and his wife (Mrs. Rhodes' parents) it seems fitting to start right there. Timothy Francis Daly was an attorney and counsellor-at-law in Stoughton and was born in Holbrook in 1883. After education in the Holbrook Public Schools he decided upon a career in law and entered Boston University from which he-graduated cum laude in 1904. In 1913 he married Mary Hatch. Mr. Daly was an officer in the K. of C. and the Order of Foresters- also a member of the Chicatawbut Club (sic), the S.C.A.A. and the Board of Trade. In 1913 he was elected town moderator of Stoughton, making a most excellent record by the practical and effective methods he inaugurated in promoting the public welfare. (In 1926 we still find Mr. Daly as Town Moderator with thirteen years' service.)
OUR POUND is worth more than the English pound I Why?? Figure it from these figures: we recently deposited six pounds (avoirdupois) of money in the Anniversary Fund account and it amounted to more than $20.
HAVE FUN WITH HISTORY...you, too, in assisting with the filing and cataloging of our items and papers may come across odd-ball bits of information such as this from the 1926 town report: the report for the highway department shows the purchase of horses during the year at a cost of $310 in the listing of property later in the same years the horses are valued at $6010!! V (Those "dumb" animals must have smartened up rather quickly.) "
THE MARCH MEETING will feature Mr. Al Fiore of the Conservation Commission as Speaker. We are fortunate in obtaining Mr. Fiore's services as he travels frequently and is seldom available excepting on Monday holidays. His topic, besides being of considerable importance in these hectic days, will prove to be interesting as well; and will include a period for questions and answers. Remember March 19.
WE NOW HAVE BARGAINS in addition to those offered previously. Along with the note paper offered regularly we have the Boston and Providence RR depot book, the story of the Musical Society in Stoughton (by our Member Frank W. Reynolds), and the Old Stoughton Musical Society book.
THE STATE BEVERAGE, to cite a very recent history, is cranberry juice: and was so designated by the Commonwealth on May 4, 1970. Drink up.
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