:::: NEWSLETTER:::::
(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM)
Volume V, Number 4 - May 1974
ANNUAL MEETING ... Saturday, May 18 ... bus will leave the Lucius Clapp Memorial at 10 a.m. SHARP ... we will travel to the Old Colony Historical Society Museum in Taunton ... luncheon will be at 12:50 p.m. at Merry Mac's in Easton ... (see below for choice of menu and prices) ... we are invited to visit the Easton Historical Society's quarters in the depot after lunch. We should return to Stoughton in aid-afternoon.
LUNCHEON is your choice of three menus featuring the following:
Braised Pot Roast of Beef............$4.62
Fresh Broiled Scrod............... 3.90
Chicken Pot Pie................. 3.54
(All meals include beverage and dessert and all above PRICES INCLUDE STATE MEAL TAX AND GRATUITY.)
PLEASE call Amy Terrell at 344-2222 before May 11 and reserve your transportation and your choice of luncheon. As in the past, the Society will pay bus and admission costs for members; members are expected to pay for their meal .
GUS WINROTH came through with flying colors once again. Another fine program on New England antiques was presented by Gus at the April meeting and our membership was held in rapt attention. This program was similar to the "Wonder Boxes", always an interesting show giving entertaining enlightenment on the subject of antiquities.
HOSPITALITY HOSTESSES for April were Helena Blum, Kay Leahy and Helen Pollycutt, three fine cooks who set a delicious table for our social hour.
GIFTS came from Helen Ewing Holmes, Mary McGrath, Ruth Burnham, Carl Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Libby. The grand gift of the season was presented by past president Phyllis Batchelder who has donated her painting of Governor William Stoughton, especially done for our Society. (The painting, when properly framed, will occupy a prominent place in the Jones Room.) Other donations of assistance prior to our sale of geraniums is offered and gratefully accepted from Bob DiMatteo and Gerry Goulston.
VOTED: to combine the annual meeting and annual pilgrimage dates in May. (Use this coupon for advance purchases of geraniums.)
GERANIUMS in time for Memorial Day ... On Thursday, May 23, the Society will have for sale some fine quality geraniums at S1.25 per plant. They will be available all day until 9 p.m. at the Lucius Clapp Memorial. ADVANCE ORDERS ARE ADVISED as 500 plants are already on their way. Please make checks payable to Stoughton Historical Society and mail to: Mrs. Angeline McEachern37 Crescent Avenue Stoughton, Mass. 02072
Name.................................. Street....................................... Town
Plants may be picked up at the Lucius Clapp Memorial on Thursday, May 23, up till 9 p.m.
RECENTLY some of our members were host for the society when the Field-Young Woman's Club visited our rooms and conducted their meeting in the Jones Room. We have also hosted the First Parish Club during these past weeks have been thanked very nicely with a check from both groups. These two visits bring the number of guest groups to three in just as many months and we have sent a representative to Knollsbrook Estates to acquaint the folks there with some of Stoughton's history and information regarding our Society. Next season we will be requesting the time of the members to host (or hostess) visitors who may come during a regular schedule of hours when we will be open to receive the public.
Noted in news reports of fires ("Sentinel" issues of 1871-1911)--The engines were taken to the scene as soon as could be expected, considering there is no organized department . . . The fire department, or the apology of a fire department which the town supports, was quickly on the ground and, considering the circumstances, did well ... We trust our fire companies will soon be made more effective than appearances indicated them to be ... This proved more of a task than the small department could cope with ... We cannot refrain from speaking a good word for the fire companies on this occasion ... The hosemen in this instance deserve great credit . . . Bravely and well did the crews of both tube and steamer do their duty ... The steamer was very slow in arriving, many things conspiring to balk the efforts of the firemen ... We are compelled to criticize the (fire) engineers for the waste of twenty valuable minutes ... The fire department responded but the barn was flat before they arrived ... The engines were very slow of arrival ... Too much credit cannot be given to the North Stoughton Engine Company . . . Great credit is due to the firemen for their prompt response to the night summons . . . Considerable time was lost in getting up steam ... The fire engine arrived but as no adequate force of men could be found it was well-nigh useless . . . (Editor's note: It would seem that the "Sentinel" was more inclined to be critical than to bestow compliments.)
FROM A CHURCH BULLETIN, 1877: "P.S. Sittings can he secured TODAY at the close of services, upon application to the USHERS ... It is hoped and expected that ALL who intend to worship with us regularly will secure Seats."
REMEMBER and participate ... Annual Pilgrimage and Annual Meeting on May 18. Geranium sale on May 23 (mail a cheok today to reserve your fine plants).
It is said that Edward Bird, Washington Street (near the square), set out, about 1781, all the elm trees on Washington Street south of the square.
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