:::: NEWSLETTER::::: 


(Regular meetings third Monday at 8PM) 

Edward Meserve, Editor, 39 Plain Street, Stoughton, MA 02072


Volume 1, Number 10 - November 1970


OCTOBER'S MEETING, after-the business session, included some of the slides-taken during our Pilgrimage in May. Charles Vermoskie and ye ol' ed provided the slides-. ; Others had color prints of our pleasant day but, unfortunately, time ran out and these pictures were not seen by all. President Phyllis Batchelder has met an Indian woman who has taken Phyllis directly to the old burial ground which we missed on our tour of the Town. Phyllis has pictures of one of the markers with an American Indian. We hope that all will get an opportunity to view these pictures at the November meeting.

FRANK REYNOLDS has graciously offered his book "History of the Musical Society in Stoughton" to all members of the Musical Society free; and to all Historical Society members who are interested at the reduced price of $1.00 Phone him first and then pick up your book or receive it at the next meeting. Parts of this publications are quite witty, all of it is interesting, and much is illustrated.

WANTED: REFRIGERATOR. . .need not be large or new. The donor will be doing our Society a great service; and may do himself a service by joining us at our meetings and partaking of the refreshments. Contact President Phyllis Batchelder at 344-5121 or any other member...we'll do the moving.

FOXBORO has no Historical Society but does have a Historical Commission. Their display at Memorial Hall is open to the Public each Wednesday evening.

BERTHA AND FRANK REYNOLDS, members of long standing are both authors of some note. Miss Reynolds has been a bit more prolific but this brother and sister team^re equally as modest regarding their literary accomplishments as well as their other worthwhile contributions to society. Both have served our organization for long terms and deserve rich praise. We salute them both for their past accomplishments and their continued participation in all of the Society's activities.

EDITORIALLY SPEAKING....Our upstairs neighbors, the Youth Center, are doing a fine job of improving their so-called "image". The grounds surrounding the Lucius Clapp Memorial Building present a much neater appearance after the cleanup squad finishes its work at closing time. With a new director, Ken McLaughlin, at the helm and an active crew to back him up, they'll soon be on the right course toward their ultimate objective. Please support their activities.

STILL SOUGHT by Carl Smith are photos, negatives, postcards of local scenes, particularly those relating to transportation. He wishes to borrow or, in some cases, buy. Phone: 1-762-5823 or write him at 26 Hoyle Street, Norwood, Mass. 02062.

CANTON'S Board of Selectmen, finance commission, planning board, conservation commission AND the voting public all joined forces to purchase the Draper estate, a long time recreation area, and save it for preservation as a natural resource. The great effort was triggered partly by the knowledge that 75 per cent of the cost could be reimbursed by the Federal government. The area comprises 33 acres of rolling grassland and some buildings. (Does this give you any ideas of what we can do in Stoughton? The Railroad depot?? An old home or historic site? The Canton figure was about $260,000 and the project took five months!)

QUESTION: What is the Historical Commission? Any town or city may establish an Historical Commission under the General Laws of Massachusetts, Stoughton's commission consists of seven members appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Our commission was originally appointed in May of 1969 and will work with the Historical Society for its research. The Historical Commission-may acquire in the name of the Town by various means, including beqeest, gift, grant, lease, etc., interest in real or personal property of significant value and may take over, its management. (The Historical Commission and the Historical Society are two separate bodies. The Commission is appointed and seeks to preserve the Town's historical artifacts. The Society is a self-governing organization of citizens whose aim is to perpetuate the historical aspects of the Town.)

DONATIONS at the October, meeting came from our president, from Bob Benson, Frank Reynolds and Carl Smith.

A FUND-RAISING project to be used in renovating our quarters has been proposed. Come to the November meeting with your ideas. Come, too, with an interested friend. Last meeting we enjoyed refreshments and chatting after the program...thanks to our President for her generosity. Those few minutes were a nice addition to our regular pattern and should become a regular part of our future meetings.



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