:::: NEWSLETTER:::::
(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM)
Volume V, Number 10 - November 1974
ASSISTANT CHIEF Arthur Corbett of the local fire department was our speaker in October. Deputy Corbett presented an enlightening talk on the equipment of our fire fighting force and delved into the history of the department as well. He fielded questions from the floor very well and was an entertaining speaker, relating stories concerning folks we all knew on the department's roster in years past.
THE TRUSTEES, at their November meeting, formulated some plans for the formal opening of our museum rooms on Sunday, January 5. The hours will be from two till six in the afternoon and we 3till are in need of volunteers in various capacities: hosts and hostesses ("greeters"), cashiers, guides. This opening is long overdue. If we do not get enough volunteers to help us, we will fall flat on our faces." Our present membership is two hundred and fourteen. Of that number we have seen the same faces each time work is at hand. Membership in the Society is an honor and a distinction. Let us show the Town on Sunday, January 5, that we have an interested, active membership. WE DO NEED YOU . . . AND YOU . . . AND YOU.
OUR FILES are quite efficiently being brought up to date by Curator John Stiles. This is an important endeavor as we are constantly being asked to research one question or another by Stoughton folks and people from out of town.
THE SOCIETY recently received a letter from four fourth grade students at the North Elementary School. Their teacher, Mrs. Stanton, forwarded the letter, written in four different hands:
"Dear Sir: We are in the fourth grade and we are studying about Stoughton. We want to ask you some questions about Stoughton. We would like to know how old is Stoughton? How many people were in the town when it began? How many people are in it now? How big is Stoughton? Did we have any famous people in Stoughton? Who was the first person in Stoughton? Who built the first house in Stoughton? What was the name of the first street? Where was the first house in Stoughton? What was the name of the first store? Thank you very much. Yours truly, (Signed) John Galanis, Paul Cummings, Kevin Scahill, Barbara Cahill"
We were able to answer all questions excepting the name of the first store.
TO HAVE RECEIVED from Helen Brewster the published story of Deborah Sampson (Gannett), the lady who posed as a young man in order to enlist in the army in the Revolutionary War and from Adolf Arnold, president of Engineered Advertising, items of interest from the company situated in Swan's Tavern: a linen calendar, a mug, business cards, post cards — all with a picture of Swan's Tavern imprinted on them| and from Carl Smith, an excerpt from an 1874 gazeteer relating the attractions of Our Town.
WE HOPE to make the Lucius Clapp Memorial a place of culture where folks are welcomed during regular designated hours. At present those times are seven till nine on Thursdays and ten till twelve on Sunday mornings. The work party is busy during those hours but will welcome visitors.
A VERY SPECIAL PROGRAM will be presented at our November 18 meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stickney of Bedford will bring us "Revere Reverberations", using slides, commentary and tape recordings to tell another aspect in Paul Revere's life: that of bellmaker. Everyone knows the story of Revere's historic ride to warn of the coming of the British. Mr. and Mrs. Stickney put on n delightful program relating the story of Revere's bells, With the holiday season fast approaching, this presentation is very timely.
ANOTHER FEATURE of the November meeting is to be the acceptance by the Society of a number of paintings presented by the artist, Charles Vermoskie. These works will be on display throughout the meeting and will later be given permanent places in our rooms.
OUR MONEY MAKER, enclosed with the June "Newsletter", is proving to be a success; but some of our members have not yet returned the sum accumulated by their following the thirty-one suggestions. This money will help us to do our part in the dual celebration in 1975-76 besides enabling us to finish some necessary work prior to our formal opening on January 5.
A FEW MEMBERS are delinquent in the payment of their dues. 'Nufsed.
BORDERLAND, the commonwealth's newest park, is the former Oakes Ames estate in Easton (entrance on Massapoag Avenue; and comprises over 1250 acres of near-pristine quiet and beauty. A lovely place to spend a nice day, it is available to all at no charge, a rarity in itself. The Ames mansion is a focal point and is near the entrance. Beautiful, natural gardens are to be admired and enjoyed in season; and well-developed trails make wandering about on your own a delight for those who appreciate the out-of-doors. Two of our members are on the Borderland State Park Advisory Council: past president and current vice-president Gus Winroth and president Ed Meserve. The council meets regularly in the mansion and is there to serve the interests of all surrounding towns, including Our Town.
WE AGAIN STRESS the need for folks to assist in making January 5, 1975 a successful and pleasant afternoon for our visitors. It will surely be a pleasure for those who participate that day. You v/ill be able to find a place to fit into the plans. You will not be asked to over-extend yourself.
NEXT MEETING: November 18 at 7:30. PROGRAM: Mr. and Mrs. Stickney with the delightful "Revere Reverberations". REFRESHMENTS: Delicious!
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