:::: NEWSLETTER:::::
(Regular meetings third Monday at 8PM)
Edward Meserve, Editor, 39 Plain Street, Stoughton, MA 02072
Volume 1, Number 9 - October 1970
OUR FIRST MEETING of the 1970-71 season will be on October 19 in the Society's rooms in the Lucius Clapp Memorial Building. Program for the evening will be "Pilgrimage, 1970" so all members are requested to bring any slides or other pictures they have of our Pilgrimage last Spring. Come, contribute, and enjoy. There will, undoubtedly, be other parts of the program which will interest you and a friend. Bring that friend - - Our quarters are much larger now and we can accommodate larger groups.
MISS HELEN CURTIS, who has been confined in recent years, left this "veil of tears" early in September. Miss Curtis was a long-time member of the Society and was quite instrumental in setting up our filing system.
OUR BOARD of TRUSTEES and Life Members and others met in late August with a representative from the Board of Selectmen. It was time to start the ball rolling on some of the problems confronting the Society. After a couple of hours, laced with some interesting anecdotes, the meeting adjourned and it was the consensus that our problems had been resolved or would be taken care of before our first meeting on October 19.
A COMMUNICATION from Mrs. Evelyn Coughlan, Curator of the Historical Society of Old Abington, announces that their visiting hours are from 6:30 - 8:30 each evening except Wednesday and from 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. on the same days. If we wish to arrange a special group tour of Abington's display Mrs. Coughlan will be most happy to oblige. The Historical Society rooms are in the Dyer Memorial Building in Abington.
EDWARD ROME SNOW will be presented on October 13 by the Easton Jaycees at 8 P.M. in Oakes Ames Memorial Hall. Mr. Snow is showing his new "Atlantic Adventures - Boston to Bermuda" and will exhibit his traveling museum. Tickets at $1.75 are available from Richard Tobin, 24 Elliot Circle, No. Easton, Mass. 02356. You may call him at home at 238-3608, or at his office at 542-0220.
EACH FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY from now through December 20, Plymouth is offering a part of its program celebrating the 350th Anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims. These events are taking place at various sites- - -check the information center. Festivities for 1970 end with two events on December 21-22. The celebration program will resume in April, 1971.
CARL and RUTH PISTOR (Ruth is our former recording-corresponding secretary) send ALOHA greetings from Honolulu where Carl has joined the Sheraton Hawaii Engineering Department. Poor folks, they can't enjoy show there excepting part of two months and then only by going to the top of the highest mountains.
PHOTOS, POST CARD VIEWS, snapshots or negatives (film or glass) are still being sought by Carl L. Smith. See last Newsletter.
ANDREW WYETH, famous painter of New England, and who recently exhibited 170 of his photo-like paintings at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, has an indirect relation to Stoughton. He is a nephew of Stimson Wyeth, principal of Stoughton's High School about the years 1913-17.
IN LATE 1969 the Denver & Rio Grande donated its Silverton, Col. depot to the San Juan County Historical Society. About the same time the Great Northern donated the 30' x 7.0' station at Askov, Minn, to the Pine County Historical Society. A rent-free lease for a 73' x 174' site on which to maintain the building as a museum was granted by the railroad, which also donated many depot furnishings.
HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY met on September 9 amidst sea chanteys, grog and hornpipes aboard the floating museum ship 'Falls of Clyde". The program included a talk by a maritime historian on the contributions of the ship to Hawiian history. They're- no substitute for being "on the spot" for historical talks...which accounts for the fact that those who attended our own Pilgrimage really enjoyed themselves.
DRY P0ND known to most of us, is an area of greatly varying size and boundaries according to the person you happen to be talking with at the time. However, we wish to make the point of one version of how it got its name. Well-remembered Dr. Ewing, an able toastmaster, spoke of the place thusly, (in effect, not verbatim) "Dry Pond...and why shouldn't it be DRY Pond? Why, for years two of the dairy farmers up there have been taking water from it and adding it to their milk."
THANKS to those of you who have contributed to this Newsletter and the Aug.-Sept. issue. Let's hear from more of you...in writing, please, so that ye ol' ed will not make errors.
NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH Historical Society has invited ye ol' ed to show slides and take about his hobby ("collecting" railroad depots). While there he will give a short resume of our Town's history and that of our Society, too.
* * * REMEMBER OCTOBER 19. * * *
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