:::: NEWSLETTER::::: 


(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM) 


Volume II, Number -  9 - October 1971


On October 18 there will be a regular meeting of the Society. The program of the evening will be slides of local interest taken and shown by Mr. Chet Cohenno. These are professional pictures and will surely be of interest to all. Let's have a good attendance. The "Farmers' Almanac" predicts cool but clear weather for that day. 

A FRIENDLY WELCOME to our newest members, Katherine Leahy and Grace Dillon. We ask them (arid remind our other members) to send along a card to Box 349, Stoughton, giving us their month and day of birth.

RECENT DONATIONS have come from Mr. and Mrs. Ceruti (A picture of the Ceruti Fruit Stand as so many of us remember it from years past) and from Hank Herbowy and Angeline McEachern (mementos, large and small, of the recently razed Immaculate Conception Church.)

AN AMENDMENT: to our by-laws has increased our dues, as of January, to two dollars annually. The motion proposing the increase was passed with no dissenting vote and included the provision that members under 21 and over 70 continue to pay one dollar annually. The officers and Trustees were gratified with the attendance at the September special meeting during which the vote was cast.

VOLUNTEERING for a position on the Board of Trustees as a Trustee pro tempore was Miss Norma Sullivan. She joins Clyde Holmes and Ed Meserve who were appointed to fill vacancies this past summer. The Society needs a Recording Secretary to replace Mrs. Esther Hill who will retain the Corresponding Secretary duties. Mrs. Hill will be happy to explain the light duties of the position to anyone who will come forth.

THE EASTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY has recently published a reprint of the History of Easton. Our Society voted to purchase a copy of the very interesting volume...which is available to all while copies last. Contact the Easton Society at Box 3, North Easton, Massachusetts 02356 for availability and price.

OUR THANKS to the September Hospitality Hostesses: Linda Innes, Phyllis Batchelder, and Esther Hill. The excellent refreshments offered at each meeting have been a welcome return to an old custom of the Society; and the cooperation of our membership is greatly appreciated. It is our policy to avoid asking any member to help out more than once but some of our ladies have offered their assistance a second time already. Special thanks to them.

IN RESPONSE to the invitation to present slides or movies of the Pilgrimage 1971 we are grateful to Mr. Fred Kelleher and Mr. Fred Graham for an especially interesting program on September 20. An appreciative audience as treated to movies and slides of the trip to Heritage Plantation in May as well as "selected short subjects" including Stoughton's Independence Day parade and Memorial Day Parade. Added attractions were scenes of maple sugar operations in Vermont and other New England views. An excellent program to kick off our season.

A SHORT REPORT of the accomplishments of the Board of Trustees was presented and reflected the active interest of the current Board. Their most significant act was to get together programs for the coming season. This

has often been the problem of past presidents and they have frequently had to work on a month to month basis with little assistance. The coming season has been planned successfully excepting for the months of March and April. Briefly, the monthly programs, after Mr. Cohenno's presentation in October, are November, Gus Winroth (with possible assistance from Art Lewis of the Easton Society) "Antique Highlights"; December, Frank W. Reynolds with old glass slides; January, Edgar Malcolm with travel pictures; Feb., Mrs. Mildred Harwood's subject is "F. Mortimer Lamb, Famed Local Painter"; March and April, OPEN DATES; May, Annual Pilgrimage. An obvious summertime accomplishment is the refurbishing of our rooms and displays, the result of Hank Herbowy's zealous interest in our Society's constant improvement. Among those helping him were Jim McCormick. Come and see these improvements for yourself.

BIRTHDAY BAGS brought to the September meeting made a very impressive accumulation of coins when displayed before the membership. Those who have not yet returned their "sunshine money" are requested to being it October 18. At the rate we are going a second container will undoubtedly be needed, the response has been excellent.

OUR CONSTITUTION and By-Laws were drawn up by E. A. Jones, Judge O.A. Marden,

E. C. Monk, Miss. A.M. Clifton, L. W. Standish. The first officers, elected

on October 1, 1895, were: President, Hon. E. C. Monk; Vice President, Wm. Curtis; Treasurer, R. B. Ward; Clerk, Miss A. M. Clifton.

IN THAT YEAR of our organization (from the "Stoughton Sentinel"):the first class of Stoughton High marked its 30th reunion...Hi Henry's "Colossal $60,000 Minstrels" played at the Town Hall...Rising Sun stove polish was selling 3,000 tons yearly... Brockton Fair was held in October and. some factories closed down to allow employees to attend...stiff hats sold for $1.00 up, soft hats from 50¢ ...Reliable Pants Co. in the Odd Fellows Block offered suits for $20 and pants at $4...E. F. Kinsley was selling house lots on Kinsley St. and Park St...ten round trip trains daily to Boston.

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