:::: NEWSLETTER:::::
(Regular meetings third Monday at 7:30 PM)
Volume IV, Number 9 - October 1973
DUE TO INCREASED COSTS we have found it necessary to shop around for a new printer of the Newsletter. We are now doing business closer to home at a reasonable price but must do our own typing ... we will, therefore, no longer be able to blame the printer for errors which sneak into our efforts.
AT THE SEPTEMBER MEETING it was voted to include the rewritten BY-LAWS with the next Newsletter for the consideration of the entire membership. There is a copy enclosed for your reference. If you wish to make any amendments to these BY-LAWS you will have your opportunity at the October meeting. Our thanks to the committee of Gus Winroth, Chairman, Bob Benson and Fred Kelliher for the many hours spent in cogitation (1) these past few months.
REMEMBER OUR MUSEUM and YOUR TOWN: E.A. Jones once said, "About the only way you can take it with you is by spending it charitably before you go."
DUES PAID NOW will keep you in good standing until September of 1974.
The Membership Secretary is Mrs. Edward (Frances) Podgurski and her address is 168 West Street. She will be prepared to accept dues at our meeting, too.
OUR TREASURER.Angeline McEachern, gave an abbreviated report indicating the solvency of our Society. Not included in her report is a separate account for the 250th Anniversary Fund . . . this fund is increased regularly by your contributions through the Birthday Bags. (For the benefit of new members we explain that the "birthday" is that of the Town of Stoughton on, December 22, 1976; and the bags are those small, colorful containers on the front desk at each meeting. Please take one and hang it in some convenient place in your home ... then, whenever the spirit moves you, put in a coin ... perhaps to celebrate a sunny day; maybe you'd like to de as some have done recently: put in enough coins to equal your years; ye ol' Ed puts all pennies, nickels from his pockets and something extra on the many days when someone has made his life more beautiful. When regular meeting time arrives bring your bag and exchange it for another. This is a really painless way in which to help your Society establish a fund to ease the expenses which will arise when we do our part to celebrate 200 years of independence AND the 250th anniversary of the incorporation of our Town.
THE PROGRAM at the September meeting was prepared by Ed Meserve and Ted Graham. Ed showed slides of the 1970 and 1971 annual pilgrimages, bringing back some fun and fond memories. Ted presented an excellent and varied slide program taking us on a tour of Sturbridge Village restored Mystic, Connecticut; Fort Ticonderoga and other places of interest and beauty in New England and Canada.
HOSPITALITY HOSTESSES for the evening were Eleanor Meserve (this year's chairlady ... due to some small influence exercised at home by ye ol' Ed, Ada Meserve, Ruth White and Kay Leahy) assisted by some of our gentlemen, too.
MANY WELCOME GIFTS came during the summer from Freda Pye, Carl L. Smith, Ruth Lowe, The Sisters of St. Joseph, Ruth White, Martha Ledin, Orrin Hansen, Marjorie Paine, Henry Herbowy, Mr. and Mrs. Shepard Wilbar and Edgar Malcolm. Other items have been offered for later pickup by Rose Forte, Ruth Burnham and Julian Donovitz. At our opening meeting we received donations from Clyde Holmes, Elsie Nordstrom and Eugene Toomey.
THE OCTOBER 15 MEETING will feature two illustrated presentations by Mr. John Gorman, Manager, Plymouth and Brockton Street Railway. The first showing will be "Tour of Nantucket" and the other is titled "Tour of New England"• Mr. Gorman will begin his showing and talk at about 8:l5, allowing late comers to enjoy the program. WE CORDIALLY INVITE TO BRING A GUEST to this meeting and share your enjoyment. As usual, the public is welcome at this meeting. Refreshments will be served. Dates October 15 . . . regular meeting: 7:30 program: 8:l5 . . . refreshments s approximately 9 o'clock.
WE ARE WELL REPRESENTED on the 250th Anniversary Committee established by the Town and appointed by member Albert Gray, Town Manager. Of twenty appointed to the committee six are from our Society: Jim and Caroline McCormick, Dorothy Woodward, Phyllis Batchelder, Anne Petterson and Ed Meserve. Without doubt, there will be times between new and 1975-76 when the membership is requested to assist someone in the preparation for a proper celebration ... please respond readily.
VOLUNTEERS!!! No, we are not seeking them in this notice ... rather, we proudly and gratefully announce that Dorothy Woodward and Anne Peterson have already volunteered their services in learning Miss Bertha Reynolds' system of cataloging our files and artifacts and continuing her fine work of twenty-five years. WE are not seeking volunteers in this, notice; but we are certain that you realize that these kind ladies can use help and, also, the Museum Committee.
DEACON ISAAC STEARNS, owner of the first house in [present day] Stoughton, died in April of 1741 and his estate was appraised in June as follows:
TOTAL....... £ 585-02-06
(Note: This valuation, after depreciation of the pound, amounted to $487.
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