Selected news items from
The Stoughton Record
Newspaper from 1905
re-published in the Stoughton Journal article each week
by David Allen Lambert
For my current issue of "Looking Back" Stoughton, Massachusetts A Century Ago this week
pick up the Stoughton Journal every Friday, or view it online at:
News items from: September 1, 1905
On Bird’s field, Saturday [
All the public schools in town open for their fall terms next Tuesday, Sept. 5.
Mrs. George Monk and daughter Beatrice and mother, Mrs.
Gage, have returned from spending the summer at
John Barry has severed his connection with Sullivan’s Express, and has a position as driver for Lowe, Smith & Powers.
William Pye has gone to
Jennie Holmes is spending a month in
Mrs. Louis Clark is chaperoning a party of young people at
Miss Lizzie Hanson who went on operation for appendicitis
at the
Mr. Luther Belcher was among those witnessing the launching
of the battleship
To Rent – An apartment of six rooms on
A lady who lost a solid god watch and chain on
Mrs. Flora A. (
Woman Beaten – Police have taken matter in Charge.
While Mrs. John Mataas was at her home off
Wedding Bells – Marriages of Young People well known in Town.
The marriage of Grace Elizabeth Ludgate and Charles Joseph
Haskins of
Tuesday [
A very pretty wedding took place Tuesday, August 29, on
Mrs. H. Ward Winship is recovering from illness.
F. H. Milliken and family went down to
Mr. and Mrs. George Balisdell have returned from a week’s
visit to friends in
News items from: October 3, 1905
Killed by Electric Car – Saturday evening [
A parish meeting will be held in the vestry of the Universalist church this evening to see if the parish will provide a suitable parsonage or to take any action; also to see if the parish will raise and appropriate any money for the purchase of a parsonage and to negotiate a mortgage thereon for the payment of the same; and to see what other actions the parish will take in regard to the matter.
The next style of box in which Smith, Clapp & Gay are
putting their famous pop corn under the “Lily White” label proves very
popular with the trade and the firm has taken more orders than usual, this
season, Mr. James B. Clapp, of the firm having recently returned from a business
trip “down east”.
Mr. Marshall Bird has entered nine of his
Mr. Herbert Trowbridge is taking a vacation, this week, and looking after his cranberries.
Miss Harding formerly of this town, has been visiting Mrs.
George W. Mantle,
Mr. Ewen Bryden has broken up housekeeping here for the
present, and is visiting his daughter Mrs. Whipple in
Mrs. B. B. King of Raynham is visiting Miss Amelia Clifton.
Harvest festival and farmers supper at the Congregational
chrch vestry tonight at
Charles Willis and family of
The Woman’s Guild meet in Trinity church next Saturday evening at 8.
Miss Helen L. Wales is home for a short stay from her work
as chemist in
George Walker, son of Rev. George Walker, is training to be
a nurse in the
Edward Porter and family are occupying the Cobbett house on
All roads lead to
Hot Brown Bread – Valiquet’s hot brown bread and baked beans at J.J. Kennedy’s, Pye’s restaurant, Swan’s, McCormick’s, and Peter Gallon’s grocery stores.
News items from: October 10, 1905
Dr. Faxon got his well deserved nomination Saturday night,
at the 8th
Automobiles still continue to run at a high speed in certain quarters while through others they run slowly, knowing that they are being watched by authorities. Even great and wealthy men learn lessons by being brought into court for over-speeding and they remember very distinctly where the violation was committed.
Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel H. Southworth observed, yesterday the
fiftieth anniversary of their marrigage and kept open house to their friends and
neighbors during the afternoon and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Southworth lived the first few years of their married life
Mrs. Webster Smith received some severe injuries and bruises by a fall down stairs, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lowe have returned from a trip down the
Miss Bella Porter was home from
Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Tracy of
Rubber Stamps, Steel stamps, corporation seals, door
plates, badges, stencils, lining markers, numbers, inks, brushes, etc. W.B.
[Have wondered where
the car salesman got their ideas for competitive ads ?].
Having bought the blacksmith and wheelwright business of Levi Burns we wish to inform the horse owners of Stoughton and vicinity that we build to order all kinds of carriages, wagons, sleighs and pungs. We also do all kinds of repairing, wheelwright work and horse shoeing, carriages equipped with rubber tires. Come and see us. We can save you money. F. S. Langmaid & Co., shop near Congregational Church.
News items from: October 17, 1905
Malicious Mischief. Church windows suffer at the hands of mischievous boys. Recently it has been discovered that the use of sling shots certain mischievous boys have broken stained glass windows in the Universalist church building, and that the actual damage done will amount to a considerable sum, Mr. C. W. Smith, janitor of the church states that he has found 24 stones inside the church which have been thrown through the windows. May lights of glass have been broken and the work is considered an outrage by the church authorities and drastic measures are to be employed to find the guilty boys.
Petty Liquor Raids. Police
get in a Little Work in Outlying Districts.
On Sunday morning [October 15] the police raided the Italian headquarters
of men working on the state road near the
Girl Frightened. Found strange men in house after she arrived home. While Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Landon and their son. Walter, were away from home attending religious services Sunday evening about 7 o’clock, Miss Hattie Landon, their daughter, went to their home off Morton street, and as she approached the house she was a light in the chamber on the second floor. Thinking that the son, Walter had come home, and finding the door open, she entered the house undisturbed, and being tired, she lay down on the couch for rest. She continued to hear someone walking about upstairs, and after thinking the matter over she concluded that something was wrong, and was about to get up when she saw a light flash in the kitchen and heard a crash as if something had fallen to the floor. Frightened she rushed out of the house while at the same time she heard someone shout “Get out” upstairs. As it was dark, she could not identify the men, but she was confident that there were two in the house. She at once had the police notified, and a search was made of the house later, but it could not be discovered that anything of value was missing. The police however, have the matter in charge and are looking for the guilty parties.
Miss Mattie Sawyer spent Sunday in
Samuel Connors is suffering from an attack of appendicitis.
At the recent annual meeting of the Stoughton Gas & Electric Company, the old board of officers was re-elected.
Miss Edith Gay is enjoying two weeks vacation from her work in the Plymouth Rock Candy Co.
Mr. James B. Clapp is away on a business trip for Smith,
Clapp & Gay, the popcorn firm. This
firm, by the way, has just shipped a five ton lot of corn to the “Maizy Pop”
company of
Henry Holbrook has purchased the lot of land on the corner
of Washington and Kinsley streets about six acres belonging to the estate of
Nathaniel Wales and intends to cut it up into house lots making about 35.
News items from: October 24, 1905
Officer [Richard] Vanston proved a good marksman.
Saturday evening [
Mrs. A. C. Paul has been entertaining her brother in
Over in
Clarence Jones of
Boy Wanted. Good,
smart boy wanted, 17 years old or over. Apply
at once,
Mr. Ewen Bryden is about to leave town at once and will
sell cheaply the furnishings of his home at
News items from: November 7, 1905
Stoughton & Randolph Street Railway Co. has completed
its car barn on
The members of the Historical Society, who, in spite of the inclement weather, attended last evening, were fully repaid by hearing the excellent paper on Stoughton During the Civil War read by George W. Pratt. Mr. Pratt covered the first two years of the war in last night’s address and will conclude at the December meeting. This history of Mr. Pratt’s will be published in our columns.
C. L. Luckenbach, who has recently purchased, a portion of the Geo. F. Walker’ estate, including a large barn, three tenement houses and a lot of good building land, intends to erect on the site a modern six-tenement flat. This piece of work will keep a large gang of carpenters at work for several weeks during the winter.
Rev. George A. Hood, representing the Congregational Church Building Society, presented the claims of that society to the Congregational church audience very effectively, Sunday forenoon.
The granite posts and curbing for the new lawn to be made on the South side of the Congregational church have arrived, and it is expected that the necessary grading will be completed before winter sets in.
Miss Ethel Russell began teaching in the 3rd
grade in the Clapp school, yesterday, in place of her sister, Miss Iva Russell,
who has accepted a position in the 3rd grade of the
The piece of the state road being constructed between here
News items from: November 14, 1905
Saturday evening Alice Stevens and Besse
The board of fire engineers have decided that they will change the present fire alarm system from the wet to the dry battery system, and as the Old Colony Street Railways has agreed to furnish electricity for that purpose it will be installed as soon as possible. It is also proposed to have a red light placed in the Square, connected at the central telephone exchange whereby it can be turned on to call the police whenever needed.
The Stoughton Fire Department has decided to hold its annual ball in the town hall, Friday evening, Feb. 23.
Last Saturday afternoon a football game was played here on
the home grounds between the
News items from: November 21, 1905
Friday Evening a Japanese festival was held in the vestry of the Congregational church. The vestry was prettily trimmed with Japanese lanterns, and booths were arranged on the sides, with articles for sale
Used Bad Language. Sharon
Man Fined $10. in
Business Changes. Having disposed of their furniture and carpet business to the Stoughton Furniture Co., Lowe, Smith & Powers have removed their headquarters and office to the Webster Smith building, corner Porter and Rose streets where they are still prepared to do all kinds of Furniture Repairing, Upholstering, Window Shade, Screen and Awning Work. Estimates give. Furniture Stored. [Note: The Webster Smith building is the former Town Spa location, most recently Centerfields Restaurant].
Special Officer K.R. Clifford had a pretty lively struggles with an intoxicated man, Sunday, whom he saw fit to arrest on account of his bad conduct and because he would not “move on” when requested to. The man refused to be carried to the lockup and said he would die first, and also threatened to injure Mr. Clifford, using insulting language. In the tussle both the officer an the man fell to the ground several times. Finally Mr. Clifford called for assistance, and his man was soon safely behind the bars. Officer Clifford exhibited considerable grit, and in spite of the jeers of the crowd, performed the duty which unfortunately devolved upon him, fearlessly and with much credit.
Talking Machines. The
new Edison Phonographs just out – perfectly noiseless.
Our prices $10, 20 and 30. Call
and hear of yourself. James Lehan,
Blue Hill Street Railway Company.
News items from: December 5, 1905
The Blue Hill electric road is preparing against winter
storms by building snow sheds along their route to stop the snow from drifting
in on their tracks. One row of the
sheds protects the turnout near the home of Leonard Gay in
The annual sale and fair of the Ladies Sewing Circle
connected with the
Some of the public schools will hold closing exercises a week from Friday, the last day before the Christmas holidays. Among the schools who will give entertainments open to the public are Miss Tucker’s, Miss Standish’s and Miss Russell’s. The greater number of schools, however, will celebrate among, themselves with Christmas entertainment for the children in the room.
The women of the Universalist church will hold a supper and entertainment in the vestry of the church this evening.
Useful and ornamental Christmas gifts for sale at the young ladies fair at the Congregational church, next Tuesday afternoon and evening.
The engagement is announced of Miss Celia Clapp and
The annual game supper of the Stoughton Gun Club, which was served in the Chemung dining parlors Saturday evening, showed no evidence of having lost any of its popularity or lack of, good taste and care in its preparation. There was a good variety of game represented on the tables, and every bit of it was delicious and was served under the personal direction of Caterer A. Henderson. A large percentage of the membership was present, besides a number of invited gusts. H. E. Holbrook proved a very successful toastmaster, and with suitable remarks introduced the following speakers, who made short and interesting addresses, and told many humorous stories: Judge Oscar A. Marden, Dr. William O. Faxon, Edgar F. Leonard, George W. Dutton, P.F. McMahon, Joseph Porter, B.L. VanShaick, Myles Standish, H.H. Francis. Vocal solos were given by Fred Beauregard and Morton Capen. Among those present were Frank O. Linfield, H.H. Francis, Edward F. Wales, P.G. Brady, Charles F. Taylor, Thurston A. Beausang, J. Barry, William L. Hodges, Henry E. Holbrook, Henry M. Bird, J. Leathers, Daniel Capen, Herbert L. Wiggin, R. Hinds, A. W. Tracy, James Belcher, W.L. Russell, Fred L. Smith, Morton A. Capen, Fred Capen, Frank Capen, James Lehan, Robert Swan, Charles E. Parker, Martin Hussey, A.H. Roch, E.P. Steele, W.L. Capen, G.H. Emery, Herbert O. Holmes, Walter G. Pratt, Frank L. Curtis, Edward F. Gage, O.A. Marden, L.G. Briggs, E.F. Leonard, C. L. Luckenbach, W.O. Faxon, George Dutton, E.F. Pratt, Ernest Mead, Joseph Porter, P.F. McMahon, George Garland, H.L. Belchher, Dennis Lehan, Wayland Webster.
Drug Satisfaction – Obtained by Patronizing Howe’s
Pharmacy. Cut prices on Patent Medicines, Drugs, Prescriptions, Sick-room
Supplies, Toilet Articles. Highest
Quality, Lowest Prices. Buy at
Howe’s and be satisfied. A.E.
Howe, Pharmacist. Successor to C.I.
Pendleton, cor.
Stoughton Insurance Agency. Henry W. Britton, Agent and
Broker for Fire, Life and Accident,
Canton Supply Co. [located
at] Dr. Swan’s Block,
The [
News items from: December 12, 1905
At the meeting of Stoughton Grange, last evening, Past
Master J.H. Smith in the chair, these officers were elected for the coming year,
and will be installed on the 8th of January under arrangements to be
made by the outgoing and incoming masters, and to which neighboring Granges will
be invited:- Master, Mrs. Ednah Tilden; overseer, Charles Giles; steward, Luke
Henderson; assistant steward , Ellsworth Holmes; lady assistant steward, Nellie
Webb; chaplain, Mrs. Herbert Mosman; lecturer, Ernest H. Gilbert; secretary,
Mrs. Jennie Spaulding; treasurer, William W. Pye; Ceres, Jennie Veazie; Flora,
Ella Henry; Pomona, Clara Levens; gate-keeper, Robert S. Johnson; executive
committee, three years, A.M. Bridgman. A
light collation will follow the installation.
Several members were given demit and withdrawal cards.
At State Convention. Lester
Gay, master of Stoughton Grange, and Ernest H. Gilbert, deputy, and Mrs. Gilbert
are in
Buried in
In the District court Saturday morning, James J. McCluskey,
charges with larceny of $10. from the Kinsley Manufacturing Co. of Canton whose
case has been continued several times, defaulted Saturday morning.
William E. Willington of
Mr. Robert Hutcheon of the Stoughton Greenhouses,
Should the weather prove favorable tomorrow a large number
of G.A.R. [Grand Army of the Republic –
Civil War veterans] and W.R.C. [Woman’s
Relief Corps – the ladies auxiliary of the G.A.R.] members will come to
Sunday evening Mary Macomber conducted the services at the
Methodist church in
Rev. Mr. Hyde of
Miss Fannie Buck is now residing in
Patrons of Monk’s cash store will find there the usual
assortment of holiday gifts in display, this year, besides many novelties, and
the prices are very reasonable.
The Woman’s Guild will hold a Christmas sale in Sons of Veterans’ Hall, Tuesday, December 19th. Admission, free in the afternoon, and ten cents in the evening.
To Let – A tenement on
Gay & Southworth have an excellent display of fancy crackers in their window. Be sure and see it.
Wanted Nurses to register in our Directory, Washington St.
Drug Co.,
News items from: December 29, 1905
Coadjutor Bishop John Brady of
Mr. James E. Perkins of
The ladies of the Chicataubut Club held a marked down social in the club house Thursday evening, an auction sale of packages and boxes, the contents of which were unknown. Walter R. Swan acted as auctioneer, serving in that capacity with great success. Ice cream and cake were served and stories told.
Home for Christmas. Quite
a number of former residents home for the Christmas holidays, and among them
were: Mr. Herbert Hathaway from his architect’s office in
The second grand concert and ball of the Chicataubut club
will be held Tuesday evening,
The Webster House. Mr. Wayland W. Webster and his estimable wife, Mrs. Susie Webster, have been successful thus far in their endeavor to conduct a first-class restaurant in town, and believing that they are in the right line of business have decided to enlarge its scope and conduct a lodging house in the apartments on Porter Street formerly in charge of Mr. John McLean and known as The McLean House. “The Webster House” is the name give the new branch of the business. The rooms have been newly furnished wherever necessary, the parlor fittings improved and a piano installed. A pool-room and a number of public baths have also been added making the house fully up-to-date in these respects and much better suited to present demand than before. The rooms are nearly all rented and a substantial business is promised. Mr. and Mrs. Webster are both popular among our townspeople and success is bound to follow their efforts.
Engineer Thomas Harvey of
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Parker of
Miss Nagle, who has been second assistant at the High school for several terms has resigned. Her successor has not as yet been appointed.
On Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Goldsmith,
Names of pupils of ninth grade who were neither absent nor tardy during the fall term: Grace Blackmer, Marion F. Clapp, Myrtle E. Drake, Ruth A. Leach, Linda M. Smith, Edgar F. Perkins. Not absent, Frank M. Jones Jr.
High School Social. Last Friday evening the senior class of the high school held a social and candy sale in the school building. There were a number present and the entertainment was as follows: piano solo, Beatrice Monk; violin solo, Henry Rosell; reading, Doris Burnham; piano solo, Joseph Kelley; son, Dorothy Upham; cornet solo, Henry Rosell; piano solo, Henry Rosell; piano solo, Evelyn Reed. Following the entertainment games were played. Those in charge of the affair were Ina Hutchinson, Mildred Johnson, Ethel Wales, Celia Porter, Marion Drake, Lucy Henry, Margaret Murphy, Ruth Capen, Hattie Whiting, Michael McNamara, Raymond Murphy.
The firm of Charles Stretton & Sons is taking account
of stock this week. The factory will
start up, Monday.
Mr. George Monk’s fine window display of framed and mounted pictures has attracted much attention during the past few days, and bespeaks the good business entertainment which seems to predominate in the management of the store.
Continue with Selected news items from
The Stoughton Record
Newspaper from 1906