Selected news items from

The Stoughton Record

Newspaper from 1906

re-published in the Stoughton Journal article each week 

by David Allen Lambert

For my current issue of "Looking Back" Stoughton, Massachusetts A Century Ago this week 

pick up the Stoughton Journal every Friday, or view it online at:



News items from: January 5, 1906

A pretty New Year party was given by the Misses Crockett at their home on Sumner street , Saturday evening.  Among those invited were: - Mr. and Mrs. William E. Foss, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freeman, Misses Florence Fisher, Ethel Wales, Elsie Foss, Mabel H. Pedrick, Bertha Bowen, Pearl Gifford; Messrs. Seeley, W. Stacey Pedrick, Hobart Perrin, Marshall Fisher, John Hall and Lawrence Dewey.

Our Firemen aid at Brockton ’s Great Fire.  Last Sunday midnight the fire alarm here called our firemen to help fight the biggest conflagration Brockton has experienced in a long time.  City Theatre was then blazing like a furnace, and there were grave fears that the flames would spread to Centre street , if not beyond.  Ready as always for such calls, the Stoughton firemen responded promptly and willingly.  Chief Vanston and Assistant Pye drove over as fast as possible, and the relief wagon followed soon after, taking some 45 minutes for the trip, and not only 22, as reported in some papers.  There was delay in getting the steamer started owing to lack of suitable horses until Mr. Charles Welch generously placed the Phinney Counter Co. horses at the disposal of the firemen. On arriving at the fire the Stoughton men were given a hot place right on the roof of the block adjoining the fire, the engine being placed on Centre street .  The Brockton officials, as well as the general public, expressed great satisfaction at the aid given by Stoughton firemen, who did not return until about 10 the next forenoon.

Edgar A. Marden of Dartmouth College spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Judge and Mrs. Oscar A. Marden of Walnut street .

James B. Clapp is on a business trip in Montreal , and Quebec , in the interests of the pop-corn firm of Smith, Clapp & Gay.

At the annual meeting of the Historical Society held Monday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: - president, Henry L. Johnson; first vice president, Harry C. Southworth; second vice president, Wales French; treasurer, Richard B. Ward; clerk, Miss Amelia M. Clifton; trustees, Mrs. Azuba G. Curtis, Mrs. H. Augusta Atherton, Dr. Loring W. Puffer, Mr. Leonard A. Thayer. Mr. J. Elmer Talbot; custodian Miss A.M. Clifton.

Mr. and Mrs. William Tribou of Park street have been visiting their parents in Abington.

Dr. Charles L. Swan and N.S. Atwood of this town attended the funeral of the late Caleb Swan at Clarendon Hills, Saturday.

Miss Grace H. Carpenter of Porter street has been appointed teacher of shorthand and type writing in the Stoughton High School .

Miss E. T. George of Newton has been appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the registration of Miss Margaret Nagle as assistant teacher in the High School.  Miss George is a graduate of Boston University and has been abroad for a year since her graduation.

Mr. Webster Smith is recovering from quite a serious case of blood poisoning in his arm.

Mr. Frank Currier, Bay Road , is quite sick with pneumonia and heart trouble.

The Seven Associates will hold a social and dance in Sons of Veterans Hall Thursday evening Jan. 11, 1906 .  The floor will be in charge of Frank Nally.  Music will be furnished by Mahoney’s orchestra.


Doctors Raise Prices.  Schedule went into effect January first.  Far in excess of any given out previously.  The physicians of this town have issued a new price list which went into effect the first of January which is in excess of any previous list ever given out in this town, and is as follows: Office calls $1 and upwards, cash; ordinary house visits, $1.50 and upwards; consultation with another physician, $5; visits between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. $2; visits to cases of smallpox, varioloid and typhus fever $10; detained visits, for every hour after first half hour $2; calls outside during office hours $2; vaccination at home of patient $1.50; vaccination at physician’s office $1; administration of an anesthetic $5; minor surgery and surgical dressings $2 and upwards; post-mortem examination at request of family $10; medical certificates $1; attendance at court, $25 per day; accompanying patient to Boston hospital $5 and expenses; obstetrical cases including three subsequent visits $15 cash; instrumental delivery $20 cash; pathological examinations and urinary analysis $1 to $5; first consultation in venereal diseases $5, cash; administration of anesthetic during labor by another physician $5 cash.

New machine shop opened rear of Auto Station.  Any kind of machine work promptly attended to.  James Lehan, Stoughton , Mass.


News items from: January 12, 1906

Public Library Robbed.  There was a break in the Public Library, recently.  A window was smashed at the side of the building next to the Chicataubut club, the catch turned, the window then raised and the thief crawled in.  It must had been keeping tabs on the place, for he went right to the cash drawer where the money from fines is kept, took about $25. mostly in change that was there and disturbed nothing else.

Enlarging his Business.  Mr. James Lehan, our successful bicycle and automobile dealer, had found his private machine shop such an essential adjunct to the repairing department of his business that he finally decided to enlarge it and at present employs a machinist regularly and is prepared to do all kinds of work which is ordinarily done in a modern machine shop.  He  has built on a large addition to his auto station and installed a larger electric motor for greater power, besides the many special machines for the repairing of machinery.  Mr. Lehan’s business has grown steadily since his first embarkation and the degree of success he has attained only reflects his good business sense and enterprise.

Papers were Passed.  The Congregational Society now owns it parsonage.  On Tuesday evening the papers transferring the property occupied as a parsonage by the Congregational church were formally transferred to the society by Mrs. M. E. Farrington, according to the terms of her proposition made, last summer. The society has had posts set for a new fence on the south side of the church along the line of its property, as it is supposed, although it was not possible to find all the metes and bounds called for. However it is believed the line is substantially correct, and so near so that no one will ever be able to successfully dispute it.

New Building Developments in Stoughton .  Few perhaps, realize the important changes which are now taking place or about to be during the coming season in developing property known as the Nathaniel Wales estate situated on Kinsley and Washington streets and as few probably have yet realized the advantages and beauty of this location.  Contractor Jesse Smith has just complete a model cottage house in this section for his own occupancy and is at present building a thoroughly modern cottage with all modern improvements including gas and electric lights for Mr. Morton Capen situated on the corner of Crescent and Kinsley streets.  Mr. Matthew Hawes has purchased a lot in this section and in the spring will erect a dwelling the lower story of which will be entirely of stone.  On the corner of Kinsley and Washington streets Contractor Fowler is fast pushing to completion for Mr. Ellery Clapp an attractive two flat dwelling and in the spring will erect a cottage on an adjacent lot.  Mr. Robert Johnson is also the purchaser of four lots on this tract and contemplates building in the early spring.  In consequence of these developments the old Soap House so called and owned by the Vanston estate is to be remodeled and will shortly be operated as a saw mill in connection with the wood and coal business.  There are 35 lots in this tract and we predict that from 12 to 20 house will be erected on this plot before next fall.  Lots are being eagerly sought and non sold for speculation but only for building purposes.  The John M. Dennie Stable on Rose street sold at auction, this week, was bid in by the second mortgage.  The Bird estate on Washington street which has just been vacated will be sold at public auction, Jan. 20th, and is being investigated for business purposes. Contractor Frank Edwards has a number of men remodeling the large barn he recently moved in Stoughton into a six tenement block.

Mr. George Belcher is convalescent.

Sunday morning Officers Vanston, Pye and Clifford raided the Central dining rooms on Freeman street , but were unable to find any liquors.  Sunday forenoon Chief of Police Richard Vanston, Officers Pye and Clifford assisted in the liquor raid at the house of Patrick Maguire in Avon .

E. J. Wheeler, who has been in the McLean hospital in Waverly for the past two months, is expected home this week.

The Maltby School of Shorthand is preparing some stenographers who are worthy of good positions.  An efficient shorthand school right at home is something our townspeople should appreciate and take advantage of whenever such instruction is desired.

Seriously Injured.  Mr. Andrew Reilley, driver for Dennie’s express, was badly hurt in South station, Tuesday evening.  In some way he was thrown upon the front platform of the forward car of the 5:30 train just before it was to start.  It was said a train back in hit a truck that was in the way and that this truck struck him with such violence as to cause the injuries.  He was at once taken to the hospital.  He was found to be badly bruised on his side, but was sent home after being properly cared for.


Plumbing and Heating executed in a very thorough manner in all its branches.  I am also agent for the Celebrated Ranges and Hot Air Steam and hot water Heaters made by the Hub Man’fg Co.  Also agent for the Magee Furnace Co. Both Boston Firms.  All Union Made.  Fully Guaranteed.  See What my customers say about ranges bought of me.  D. Deacon, Ballou Blk., Pleasant St.  Plumbing and Heating.

H.E. Holbrook & Co. will hold an auction sale of household good at the Henry Albert Drake store, Pleasant street , opposite Belcher’s last factory.  Saturday, Jan. 20, 1906 at 1:30 p.m.

Stoughton Lumber Co.  Is the place to get all kinds of building material, including hardware, nails, lime, cement, brick, roofing paper, etc.


News items from: January 19, 1906

Fatally Injured. Joseph F. Murphy Meets Sudden Death. While in the act of performing his duty as brakeman at Canton Junction on the N.Y. N.H. & H. railroad about 2 o'clock, Sunday morning, Joseph F. Murphy, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. M.F. Murphy of Monk street, fell to the track and was run over by five freight cars which broke both his legs, fractured his back bone and cut a gash in his head. He was conscious when picked up by a railroad hand and placed in a baggage car, to which an engine was attached in time to leave for Boston at 2:08, where an ambulance was in readiness to the Massachusetts General Hospital. It is supposed that the brake as he was using it, gave way and thus threw him to the ground. Mr. Murphy was conscious until nearly the time of his death at 5:20, Sunday morning. While in the baggage car he asked to have a draft of air shut off and also asked for his mother and a priest realizing his critical condition. After having arrived in Boston, Rev. Fr. McCloud of St. Joseph's church visited him, but none of his folks could get to him in time to see him alive. The doctors in charge said that he had a clear mind until the last, and did all they could to ease the pain which he suffered. The young man was 23 years old, was a great favorite among his associates and was appreciated for the life and enthusiasm which he displayed in all that he undertook to do. He was formerly a conductor on the Old Colony street railway, and members of his family had advised him not to work on the night freight. He leaves besides his parents, two sisters, Alice and Retta, and one brother, Edward V. Murphy, all of this town. Conductor Marvel had charge of the freight on which the accident occurred, and another break man, Mr. Fowler, was also on the train.

Wales French, Edwin A. Jones and Alice Burnham attended a meeting of the Massachusetts Library club in the public library in Boston, Saturday.

Frederick R. Currie has resigned his position with F.H. Milliken, grocer, and has taken a position at Mulholland's market.

Miss May Brock of Brock street has been the guest of Miss Clara Geer of South Boston, formerly of this town.

J. Harvey Peasley of Rose street was taken to the Massachusetts General Hospital, Monday, for treatment.

Clarence Jones of Morton street, is recovering rapidly from his injured foot, and is able to get about a little each day.

R.D. Porter's coal sheds have been rebuilt and put in first-class condition.

101 Years Old. Mrs. Matilda Capen will celebrate tomorrow. Mrs. Matilda Capen mother of Sanford E. Capen, will observe her 101st birthday anniversary, tomorrow, Jan. 20th 1906. Mrs. Capen or "Aunt Matilda" as she is well known in the neighborhood is in good health and still continues to do housework and is a pleasant companion of those of her home. Her wonderful physique at so advanced an aged is certainly to be admired by all who see her so active and useful as she proved herself to be in performing her daily household duties. The Record is pleased to be again privileged to extend its hearty congratulations to Mrs. Capen and wish her as many more happy years of life as she can live happily.

Liquor Seizures - Stoughton Officers were "On the Spot". On Saturday, Officers Vanston and Pye seized from Charles Kransevich, a marketman of Canton St., 10 cases of larger, five cases of ale, five kegs of ale, two gallons of whiskey and one gallon of wine. The man had just loaded the stuff in his wagon and started from the depot. John Mathus, a marketman of Wyman street, also started from the depot with a load of wet goods. They were seized by the officers.

The Webster House on Porter street has just put out a fine new gold leaf sign. Mr. Webster proprietor, believe in having the best as the grade of the sign of work indicated.

Fire Test. Without notifying the teachers this morning, Chief Vanstone of the fire department and Mrs. Lena Gobbett, chairman of the School Committee, visited the school building containing scholars in grades 1 to 8, and rung in the school fire alarms in each building. At the Clapp building the upper floor was cleaned in 45 seconds and the entire building in one minute and nine seconds, the pupils taking their garments with them. The upper floor at the Drake building was cleaned in 55 seconds, and the whole building in one minute and six seconds, without taking their garments. The above is considered a fine record by the fire engineers and the committee. Miss Lilla M. Layng, has charge of the Clapp building, and the Drake school is in charge of Mrs. Mansfield of Canton. The scholars are required to practice the fire drill every week.

Fred Williams, the popular clerk of the Washington street drug store, thought he had beaten all records the other day, who was approached by a stranger on the sidewalk, who inquired "Where is the glass works, Charlie?" "How did you know that my named was Charlie?" Fred asked. "Why, I guessed at it." responded the stranger. "Then guess where the glass works are," was Fred's rejoinder.


A dress suit cases free with every $15 purchase at the Union Clothing Co., Strettons' block. 

Ellis Drake, Porter St., Nearly Op. Town House, Stoughton. Dealer in Sewing Machines, repairing and rebuilding. General light repairing promptly attended too. [Note: Ellis Drake's claim to fame was inventing the Baseball cover. To read more about this Stoughton inventor go to:

Go to Wilkins news-stand if you want the larges and best assortment of reading matter of all kinds.

I will but any Quality of Fowl and will pay reasonable prices. I also deal in Cattle and give special price for fatted calves. Benj. Lipsky, Pearl st., corner Pearl St. Place, Stoughton. Telephone 51-7.

Clean Coal. Not dust and dirt, but Clean Coal, each piece Distinct and Shiny. That is the kind you get of Porter who looks after your interest by giving quality and honest weight and measure, and at as low prices as anybody. Porter's Coal will Bear Inspection. R.D. Porter, Lehan's Block, Stoughton.

Special Sale! Saturday and Monday, Jan. 20 & 22. On several articles that it will not pay you to let go by. We have purchased a large lot of Fancy York State hand picked Pea Beans and our special price will be only 6cents qt. Large lot Yellow Eye Beans, 6cents quart. 10cents Canned Corn - large lot just rec'd [now] 6cents can. Canned Peas 8 cents per can. 50-cent Stone Crock of Jam [now] 40cents. 15 cent Mixed Candy [now] 9cents lb. We will close out our Christmas Candy at 9 Cents per lb. And many other Specials which we shall take pleasure in showing. J.H. Smith & Co.


News items from: January 26, 1906

Veteran Firemen Hold Successful Event - Annual Ball. In the town hall, Friday evening the Veteran Firemen's association held its annual concert and dance. There were a large number present, including friends from Brockton, Canton and Hyde Park. The ball was opened by Representative William O. Faxon of this town and Hon. George L. Barnes of South Weymouth, who gave short addresses. There was a prize waltz at which Matthew Lannigan and Agnes Murphy were awarded the prize of $5. The floor was in charge of Cornelius Healy, Jr., president of the association, assisted by Frank E. Hussey, Frank E. Drake and Hiram E. Belcher. The committee of arrangements included Cornelius Healy, Jr., Joseph A. Buck, Charles F. Adams, J.G. Estey, Frank E. Hussey, Charles H. Lake, Frank E. Drake, J. L. McDonald. The reception committee included Richard Vanston, William H. Toomey, George A. Nevins, Hiram E. Belcher, Fred W. Estey, Howard S. Crosman, Wilfred Clark, James A. Capen and Fred Beauregard. [A long list of the attendees also appears in the paper].

Some residents on Park street, beyond the South Stoughton station, believe it would be a good financial investment for the town to extend the electric lights there to the Brockton line, especially if the incandescent system were used. Now that water has been put up in the street, they believe that if light was added, so that houses could be equipped with all the "modern improvements," there would be a material increase of building on the street which would much more than give ample return on the outlay. There is no doubt that most building in the future will be along or near the electric car lines; and it might be good policy for the town to specially favor such streets in order to encourage building upon them.

Quite a number of our people have been "under the weather" during the past week, the symptoms in many cases being like those in the grip.

In the superior court at Dedham, Charles L. Swan and Henry E. Holbrook of Stoughton have brought suit against Sarah Levy of Attleboro. Writ
returnable at superior court, Dedham, first Monday in February. Action of contract for $1000.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Bryce Gemmel of West Stoughton announce the engagement of Miss Margaret White to Dr. Hartwell Astor Sibley, Jr, of Dorchester. 

Rudolph Krona of Sumner street has the mumps.

William H. Overton of Philadelphia, son of W. H. Overton of West Stoughton, is seriously ill.

Mr. Arthur W. Gay is home for a ten days' winter vacation from his studies at Boston University.

Miss Lou Donley is recovering an operation for appendicitis in a private hospital in Boston.

If the Soule Shoe School Co. has men back of it, who are capable of making money in the manufacture of shoes in Stoughton. The Record certainly hopes that the Merchants' Association will find a way of providing the extra $5000 of capital wanted. If the company can furnish $10,000 it seems as if it would be possible to get half that amount in town. We cannot afford to see the Wales French shoe factory vacant or idle these prosperous times.

A gentleman who claimed to represent the hotel keepers of Boston in the interests of the liquor business, came here, Saturday, and tried to get some
of our merchants to sign a petition to repeal certain liquor saloon laws. He unfortunately approached several strong temperance men first, who made
him realize that he had got into the wrong place to obtain signatures and he left the town forthwith. Our people were perfectly "dry" on the subject.

Who was Abel Puffer? My grandfather's great-grandfather George Talbot who was the first Talbot that ever settled in Stoughton and gave the old
cemetery [Pearl Street Cemetery] to the town had a sister Elizabeth Talbot who married Eleazer Puffer in 1713. Abel Puffer's grandfather John was a brother of Eleazer - Abel was born March 27, 1737, died May 20, 1813. The Puffer's lived in Sharon, also in Ponkapoag. The cure for the rattlesnake bites as contributed by F.A. Noyes may be found in the history of Canton. [contributed by] J. Elmer Talbot.


Stoughton Association Organized Last Evening. The members of the Stoughton `Base Ball association, held their annual meeting for election of officers, last evening, and reorganized as follows: Jerome F. Murphy president, James Mead vice-president, David Dennison treasurer, Michael F. Lyons financial secretary and recording secretary. The directors comprise John Scannell, John Hazelum, Henry Rafferty, J. Frank Smith and David Dennison. The directors, in company with William H. Toomey, will go to Taunton, the first of the week, to attend the adjourned league meeting. It is hoped that the conditions will be such that Stoughton will be able to become a member of the proposed trolley league, to advantage. The result of the coming meeting may show some favorable developments. The Base Ball Association has been conducted with such success during the past few years in town that it now commands the respect and confidence of our lovers of sports as well as those in surrounding towns. And it is predicted that the year 1906 will lead all others on the Stoughton diamond.

John Hyde, manager of the Stoughton base ball team in 1905 does not wish to have his name referred to as manager at present, as he claims he does not now occupy that position.


Low Rates. On February 15th, and daily until April 7th, tickets will be on sale via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to principal points in
California, Oregon and Washington, from Stoughton at rates of from $49.90 to $51.85 according to railroads used to Chicago. Tickets will permit of liberal stopovers at various western points, and are good in all Tourist cars. Corresponding reductions are made to a great number of their points
in Western States, and tickets can be purchased from your nearest railroad station to destination. Through train service from Chicago to principal
points in the west assist persons traveling to make to trip without change of cars. Tourist cars daily. For further information apply to Geo. L.
Williams, New England Passenger Agent, 368 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.  

Navel Oranges 20cents, 27cents and 33cents a dozen at Kennedy's Fruit store.

Catering for Weddings, Lodges, Clubs and House Partiers. Sandwiches, Ice Cream, Coffee - Food of all kinds - Bruce L. Valiquet, Wyman Street. Tel. 19-5.

Benjamin S. Smith, No. 2 Paul St., Stoughton. P.O. Box 127. House Painting and Interior Decorating. Paints, Leads, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Papers and Mouldings. Agent for Alfred Peat's Prize Wall Papers. Victor Talking machines, records and supplies. Cash or Installments.


News items from: February 2, 1906


New Uniform.  Chief of Police Vanston appeared in a new uniform Wednesday, with five blue stripes on the sleeves of his coat, denoting 25 years of service on the Stoughton Police force.


Stoughton’s Funny Story.  In the Sunday Herald’s page of funny stories for Jan. 21st [1906] was the following from Fred W. Sargent of Brockton “The following anecdote was related to me by a relative now over 80 years of age, and has the redeeming quality of being absolutely true.  Should any one doubt it, they will find the hymn mentioned in a hymn book used by the Old Stoughton Musical Society, the oldest musical organization in the United States .  A citizen of some prominence living in East Stoughton (now Avon ) passed away.  He was known far and wide as a hard master, both in business and home life, and the sorrow at his demise was not what would be called general.  His neighbors and townspeople were quite unanimous in deciding that Dea. M’s taking away was “all for the best.”  The funeral was in the church and, like all funerals in those days, was largely attended.  After the usual service by the clergyman, he announced that all would join in singing that well known hymn: “Believing, we rejoice to see the curse removed.”


On Wednesday Stephen Fish attended the annual reunion of the Society of California Pioneers of New England held in the United States hotel in Boston .  A dinner was helf after which there was singing, story telling a recitations.  The society was formed in 1883 and Mr. Fish is a charter member and has always attended these reunions.  There are at present 140 living and 38 were present.


Among the guests at the reception of Gov. Guild, last Friday, to members of city and town governments, were our selectmen, Messrs. Britton, Pratt and Healy, and Town Clerk Wentworth.  Mrs. Britton also accompanied her husband.  There were many wives of the officials present, and that has been a pleasant feature of these receptions the Governor has just given.  It certainly ensures him the cordial support of the ladies, and in close campaign that might be the deciding factor of the contest.


Philippine Ruler’s First Wife Lived Here.  Gov. Ide married in Stoughton .  The new governor general of the Phillippines, Henry Clay Ide of St. Johnsbury , Vt. , is a man whom old inhabitants of Stoughton remember well.  He was October 26, 1871 , at Stoughton to Mary Melcher, who was the daughter of Joseph and Sophia Melcher.  She died April 13, 1892 .  Two daughters are Annie L. and Marjorie Ide, and the later is a student at Abbott Academy , Andover .  Two cousins of Mrs. Ide live in Stoughton now – E. A. Jones and Henry S. Jones.  Gov. Ide has visited Stoughton many times.  E. A. Jones has a letter from him saying that in June of this year he would visit the town again.  Gov. Ide was formerly chief justice of the Samoan islands, and his elder daughter, Annie, became very expert in speaking the language of the people there.  She accompanied the Philippine commission to the Philippines , and finding that the two dialects were much alike she used her knowledge to reply to some addresses by chieftains on one occasion.


Tuesday evening, Thomas McCormick of Atherton street , while crossing the square, was knocked down and run over by a pony team driven by the son of James Graham.  He was slightly bruised but otherwise was uninjured.


Articles in the Town Warrant.  The Record is informed that an article will be inserted in the warrant for the annual town meeting, to see if the town will engage the Stoughton Military Band to give weekly concerts during June, July and August. Also an article to see if the town will appropriate money for sprinkling the streets in the Square.


Mustn’t Throw Tacks, Etc.  A bill before the legislature provides that it shall be unlawful for any persons knowingly to throw or place or cause to be thrown or placed in any highway, public place or bridge any tacks, nails, wire, scrap metal, glass, crockery – or other things injurious to the feet of persons or animals, or to the tires of wheels of bicycles or other vehicles.


Although 101 Years Old She wanted the Old Price.  All Stoughton knows that one of the oldest ladies in the state lives here, “Aunt Matilda” Capen has had her fame spread far and wide, especially as she reached her 101st birthday on the 20th of [January] in excellent health and with eminently sound judgment.  And as 100 is par, she certainly can properly be ‘quoted’ as at least one per cent premium , or above par.  And if the following story is true, and it certainly has the familiar “ear marks” of truth she certainly deserves to be quoted also for the sound judgment and ready wit with which she met the physician who was recently summoned to attend to some slight ailment that affected her.  Upon his arrival, it is said, she met him at the door with the plain declaration that before he set his foot inside the door she proposed to know if he was going to charge the new “union” rate or “do business at the same old price” to which she had been accustomed.  In reply the diplomatic and ever gallant M.D. assured his prospective patient that while the physicians had felt it their duty to make the proposed increase in most cases they had also after due deliberation, made it a rule that they would make no charge whatever to patients over 100 years old.  It is needless to say that his ministrations have been successful.


Mr. Brown of Boston , a contractor and builder, has been in town this week looking over a tract of land, to see if it would be advisable to build a large dwelling house thereon.




A New Thing.  Assorted Cream Bon Bons 25cents lb.  Fresh Wholesome and delicious.  Kennedy’s Fruit Store, Lehan’s Block, Stoughton .


With our superior brands of teas.  The people will remark, We generally “aim to please,” And always “hit the mark.”  Eggs fresh from the hen.  “A new lay every day.” 33cents Per Dozen. Gay & Southworth, Britton’s Block., Stoughton


My Experience as a specialist is invaluable to those who suffer from Eye Troubles.  Don’t put on glasses until you have consulted me.  If they are not needed, I’ll tell you so.  Consultation Free. Office hours 9 a.m. to 12; 1:30 to 7 p.m.   Saturday even’g until 9.  Tel[ephone] Con[nected].  George. H. Dears, O.R., Office Opp., Drake School, Stoughton.



News items from: February 9, 1906

Overheated Furnace Sets fire to home of William H. Harris. The beautiful home of William H. Harris of West Stoughton was entirely destroyed by fire, including the furnishings, yesterday afternoon [February 8, 1906] between 3 and 4 o'clock. A sum of money said to be $180, which was about the bureau in one of the chambers, and a lot of jewelry, were also burned. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were absent when the fire began. The servants and three children, who were upstairs at the time, were unaware of the fire until it had gained great headway in the lower part of the house, and they were obliged to flee without removing any valuables. The residence is one of the handsomest in West Stoughton, and with its contents was worth about $8, 000, while there was a total insurance of $6,000. The house was located on what is widely known as the Lincoln Farm, which is as picturesque a piece of property as can be found in this section. Mr. Harris a successful wool merchant of 250 Summer street, Boston, and has made his home in West Stoughton for five years.

Big Stoughton Cat. The Boston Sunday Herald had a fine photo half tone picture of Mr. Hosea C. Witt's big cat, and the following description:- "This Stoughton cat "Jim," has been gazing at some of the portraits of the heavy weights of his race recently, and is of the opinion that he can over balance the best of them. "Jim" tipped the scales at 22 ½ pounds one day recently, and he had not been living any higher than usual, for he is very particular as to his diet, and is the despair of all vegetarians in the country. "Jim" is eight years of age and narrowly escaped being chloroformed in his infancy. In fact, he was brought that dire fate and he has been the pet of the household ever since. His rule is to ear two meals per day of clear meat, cooked just enough to destroy any germs, and chopped up so that he will not have to work to hard, for that is a thing he abhors. As for chasing or injuring and rodents, he considers the height of folly when it is so much easier to roll contentedly on a rug in a comfortable room. "Jim" is a beauty, and no mistake, being marked very evenly in black and white as shown in his picture."

Caucus nominations of candidates must be filled with the Town Clerk on or before 5 p.m. Saturday, February 24, 1906. Officers to be voted for by ballot: Three Selectmen; Thee Assessors; Three Overseers of the Poor; Town Clerk; Town Treasurer; Water Commissioner for three years; Three Auditors; Four Constables; One School Committee for three years; Two Trustees of the Public Library for three years; One Highway Surveyor for one year; One Tree Warden for one year; One Sinking Fund Commissioner for Three Years.

Suitable Candidate. Mr. Baldwin has constructed several Street Railway Lines. The proposal of some of the friends of Mr. Thomas Baldwin that he allow his name to used as a candidate for road surveyor, this year, led certain ones most interested to investigate as to his qualification for the position. In its last issue, The Record printed some of the facts regarding his extensive work on state roads and general highway construction work, while many things in this favor were not mentioned. No one doubts that the successful construction of street railway lines requires also a good general knowledge of the proper construction of highways. In this capacity Mr. Baldwin has served efficiently, having worked for two years as motorman and track foreman for the Norton & Taunton St. Ry. Co. He constructed the line to Glen Echo Park in there weeks. He also built the street railway between Baldwinville, Templeton, and Athol, and also the line between Middleboro and Buzzards Bay. Mr. Baldwin has also worked on state highway construction, while in the employ P.W. Pecto, contractor of North Easton. He has late built several new roads for Henry W. Britton.

Monday evening the Historical society met in the public library building. There was a large number present. Amelia Clifton gave a reading on the "Twelve Divisions" and the history of the earliest grants of land in this vicinity, and J. Elmer Talbot explained several of the maps in regard to locations.

J. Harvey Peasley of Rose street is improving slowly from a sever attack of illness.


The Stoughton Base Ball Association holds a meeting tonight and it is thought that a manager may be chosen for the coming season. It is proposed to have a playing manager if possible this year.


Martin McHale & Co. Hair Dressers. For a first-class Shave, Hair Cut, Shampoo and Massage Treatment come to us. We use the best of everything and have all the latest improvements found in a first-class shop. Compressed Air just installed. Good treatment. Union Shop. Ladies' and Children's Massage treatment and Shampooing given special attention from 9 to 4 daily - 6 Porter St., Stoughton.


News items from: February 16, 1906

 Local News about town


Kicked Senseless, Robbed of $50.  On Saturday evening, John Mattus entertained several of his friends at his home on Perry street .  A merry time was enjoyed by all until around 1 o’clock Sunday morning, when Joe Sylsky left the house, whereupon several others of the party followed him out.  A short time afterward Sylsky was found in the yard in an unconscious condition.  He was taken unto the house and Dr. Daniel C. Rose was summoned.  He found upon examination that Sylsky had been brutally assaulted and was badly bruised about the body and head.  Upon his return to consciousness he claimed that, after leaving the house, he was set upon by those who left the house after he did, and they all pounded and kicked him and robbed him of $50.  Officer James J. Pye was notified and with Chief of Police Vanston arrested Toney Warinch, Charles Warinch, William Slitz, Frank Goatch, Peter Goatch and Adam Gricou.  They were placed in the station house and were each charged with assault and battery and larceny from the person.  They were released later by giving bond of $200. each for their appearance in the district court, Wednesday morning.


Frank Edwards the hustling contractor has recently purchased 10,000 feet of first quality pine and place in store.  Our North Stoughton neighbors will have no cause to complain when Mr. Edwards draws his square rule upon your work.  Satisfaction to all is his chief aim.


Leo Porter has severed his connection as clerk at Swan’s Store.


Edward Dooley has taken a position at Upham Bros. shoe factory.


Arthur Sprague who has been ill is able to perform his duties again at French & Ward’s office.


Upon the hill, beyond Upham’s shop, is where the air is clear and bracing and makes life worth the living.  It is a section which seems to aid in prolonging life, as “Aunt Matilda Capen, who is over 101 years old, and Mrs. Esther Heath, a lady of 90 years are both living and seem to maintain good bodily health and keep in the best of spirits.  Mrs. Capen does considerable housework, while Mrs. Heath improves her time largely by reading, and usually without the aid of glasses.  It is wonderful what a strong hold some persons have on life, and it is the privilege of their friends to ask them to reveal the secret of long life with happiness “thrown in.”


Fell on his head - Frank Mahoney Falls at Dance of Stoughton Baseball Association.

Frank Mahoney was hurt Friday night while in attendance at the Baseball Association dance in Sons of Veterans’ Hall.  He was sitting, on the stair rail when he toppled over and fell a distance of 10 feet, striking Henry Rafferty in his descent.  This broke his fall to some extent or he would probably have been killed.  He then struck on the stairs.  A big gash was cut in his head and he was unconscious for a long time.  At first it was thought he was dead.  Dr. McDonald was called and attended him.  It is thought no serious results will follow.


Children Mustn’t Dance.  The following bill is before the Senate, having passed the House.  It shall be unlawful for the proprietor or any employee of the proprietor of any public hall, or room in which public dances are held, or other entertainments held until midnight or after, and for admission to which money or other token of value is accepted, to admit thereto any person under the age of seventeen, without the escort of one or both of their parents, or their guardian; and any minor may be refused admission to or excluded from such premises unless he or she produces evidence satisfactory to the proprietor or his agent that he or she is above the age of seventeen.  Whoever violates the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $25, or the forfeiture of their license, or both.


On his Birthday.  A surprise party was given John H. Shields at his home on Kinsley street , Thursday evening, Feb. 8th in honor of his birthday.  He was presented with an elegant Morris chair and also slippers.  The presentations was made by Albert E. Standish, after which there was a musical entertainment including piano solos, violin and graphophone selections,  A collation was served of ice cream, cake and fruit.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Mosher of Boston , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. John Dearden, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lake, Mr. and Mrs. John Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Whitten, Arthur Dobbins of Canton junction, J. W. Graham, Robert R. Lloyd, Jesse Rogers, John Davenport of Mansfield, Harry Rogers, Fred Williams, Celia Rogers and Ethel Jacquinn.




E. E. Randall, Plumbing, Heating and General Jobbing.  Stoves Stored and Cared For.  Shop Dr. Swan’s Block, Freeman St. Stoughton – Agent for Glenwood Furnaces and Heaters.


Wanted: A young girl for afternoons to assist in the care of a child a year and one half old.  Apply to Mrs. M. E. Locke, Freeman street .  



News items from: February 23, 1906

Very Badly Hurt.  Timothy D. Buckley was struck by a train Monday morning; hurled aside and injured badly about the head.  He was put on the train and take at once to Boston to the Massachusetts General Hospital .  The train was the 7:55 , and was stopping at the West Stoughton station.  Buckley is said to have stepped off the platform directly in front of the locomotive.  He was struck and his body hurled through the air.  After he fell it was seen that the principal injury was about the man’s lead, and no time was lost in putting him on the train and hurrying him to Boston .  He was brought to the Massachusetts General Hospital .  The physicians at the hospital completed their examination of the injured man shortly after 10 o’clock , where his name was placed on the dangerous list.  He was employed in L.G. Southworth’s saw-mill close to the West Stoughton station, that day, and had been at work there that morning previous to going over to the station.  His usual employment was as a member of U.C. Porter & Sons.  His family was notified from Boston to come at once to his bedside.


More Cars for Stoughton on Sundays.  The Blue Hill Street Railway company, mindful of the convenience of its patrons, is going to give additional cars, as follows, on its Sunday trips – On and after February 25th the following additional trips will be run on Sunday only.  Leave Canton for Stoughton :- 8:41 p.m. and 9:41 pm .  For Mattapan – 9:29 p.m. Leave Stoughton for Mattapan: 9:05 p.m. , for Canton Turnout only 10:05 p.m.   Leave Mattapan for Canton , High street only 10:15 p.m.


The Dry Pond pop corn firm of Smith, Clapp & Gay find their fame and reputation spreading across the water, and have received inquiries for their goods from entirely new firms in England .


Real Estate News in Stoughton from H.E. Holbrook

Mr. Harry Chavis has secured through our agency the estate of William Welch at the junction of Morton and Wyman streets.  Mr. Chavis purchases for a home and will occupy soon. 


We have sold to Mr. Fred Capen for Charles Jones the lot corner Grove and Porter streets.  Mr. Capen contemplates building at once.


Contractor Frank F. Edwards has also purchased of us the lot adjoining the one sold to Mr. Capen and has in contemplation the erection of a modern three flat dwelling the immediate future.




Eggs for Hatching, 5 Cts. Each. from my great Egg-Laying Strain of R.I. Reds.

Gilbert Harris, Stoughton , Mass.

Don’t take chances of getting drowned by fishing through the ice.  Look at our Stock of Salt and Smoked Fish and be content.  Our Fish Stock consists of: Salt Mackerel, Smoked Herring, Smoked Halibut in Packages, Whole Cod Fish.  Fancy Cod Fish in 3-lb and 1-lb boxes, Fancy Cod Fish in 1-lb. Cartons, Tid Bits Cod Fish in 3-lb boxes from 25c., Shredded Cod Fish in packaged, Canned Sardines all sizes, Canned Salmon, Canned Lobster, Canned Shrimps, Canned Salmon Cutlets, Canned Clams. Would not something in out list appeal to your some day when you are seeking something out of the ordinary and cannot decide what you want?  J.H. Smith & Co.


Edgar F. Leonard, Attorney and [Councilor]-at-Law, Office, Monk’s Blk., Stoughton.



News items from: March 2, 1906

Local News about town


The petition circulated endorsing Mr. Edwin A. Jones for school committee, is a strong one, bearing the names of many of our leading and most influential townsmen.  As the socialists have no nominee, it has been suggested that they join the Republicans in electing Mr. Jones.  No doubt his Democratic friends will give him a substantial vote also.


Selectman [Cornelius] Healy’s re-election is generally considered a sure thing by his many friends.  As a clerk, for both the water board and the selectmen, he has proven of equal of any of his predecessors, to say the least.  And as a town official he has rendered a service which is commendatory in itself.


While Mr. W. H. Hewson, Socialist nominee for water commissioner, could bring to that office practical knowledge as a mechanic, Mr. Holbrook could furnish knowledge of business methods which would serve the department well.  The department has one practical man at its command in the person of Mr. F. L. Clapp, and the friends of Mr. Holbrook believe he has the ability to inaugurate a plan where by many more residents can be induced to take water, and thus make the department more self supporting.


Miss May Zinner made an excellent impression as a cornet soloist on the occasion of the Fireman’s ball, Friday evening.  She is certainly an artist of no small talent whose future is full of promise.


Mrs. Josephine C. Conner has taken title to the Estate of Mrs. E. F. Coombs formerly of West Stoughton , now of Augusta , Me.   The transfer was made through our office - H.E. Holbrook.


Eightieth Birthday.  Mrs. Charles Winship, mother of Charles V. Winship of this town, has reached the age of eight years.  The occasion was observed last Saturday, Feb. 24th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank F. Ryder, in Lynn .  An afternoon whist part of lady friends, and a family supper made the day very pleasant.  Mrs. Winship received many flowers and tokens of remembrance, the “Pullman Mission” of the Universalist church sending a large bouquet of flowers.  Mrs. Winship was formerly of Sharon , where she made her home until 1880.  She still retains all her faculties and is well preserved.  Her many friends wish her many more years of happiness.


Remedies made by the United Drug Co. of Boston.  Howe’s Pharmacy, successor to C. I. Pendleton, corner of Washington and Wyman Streets. [The formal notice that someone was ending a relationship in 1906].

Notice: Stoughton , Mass. , Mar. 1, 1906 .  Notice is hereby given that on and after the above date I pay no bills except those contracted by me.  Nellie A. Drake.


Notice: Stoughton , Mass. Mar. 1, 1906 .  Notice is hereby given that on and after the above date I pay no bills except those contracted by me.  Fred G.. Drake.




“Old Maids’ Conference.”  A Social Entertainment by The Epworth League at the Methodist Episcopal Church, will be repeated Fri. eve., March 2, ’06 .  Admission, 15 cents.


I will buy any quantity of Fowl and will pay reasonable prices.  I also deal in Cattle and give special price for fatted calves.  Benj. Lipsky, Pearl st., corner Pearl St. Place, Stoughton .  Telephone 51-7.


Wanted – Washing to take home.  Address: Mrs. A. M., Post office, Stoughton .



News items from: March 16, 1906


Local News about town


Town Budget recommendations of Committee of Amounts to be appropriated.  The committee of fifteen respectfully recommends the following appropriations for the ensuing year – Support of schools ($18,000.); Text books ($1,000.); Superintendent of Schools ($410.); Almshouse ($1,500.); Poor out of Almshouse ($2,000.); Poor in Institutions ($ 300.); Soldiers Relief ($ 500.); Interest ($ 14,300.); Payment of water bonds ($ 2,500.); Sinking fund ($ 2,000.); Town Officers ($ 3,000.); Town House [Town Hall] ($ 1,000.); Printing and stationary ($ 650.); Police ($ 1,600.); Miscellaneous expenses ($ 500.).  Repairs on roads and bridges, removal of snow, drainage, sidewalks and salary of highway supervisor the excise tax and railway tax ($ 6,000.); Fire Department ($ 2,600.); Decoration of Soldier’s Graves ($ 200.); Inspection of cattle ($ 200.); Inspection of slaughter house, meats, provisions, etc. ($ 100.); Town Physician ($ 250.); Tree warden ($ 300.); Board of health ($ 50.); Street lighting ($ 3,700.); Public Library ($ 600.); Improvement of public parks ($ 50.); Suppressing gypsy and brown tail moths ($ 300.).  Total: $ 63,810.  Committee: Arthur L. Holmes, Chas. S. Porter, Wales French, Frank H. Milliken, Edward A. Perrin, Fred H. White, Edgar F. Leonard, John J. Kennedy, H. L. Johnson, Henry W. Britton, M. F. McCormick, H. E. Holbrook, S. A. R. Pratt, Chas. D. Folsom, and George W. Pratt.

The town of Stoughton is not to be included in the comprehensive proposition of the Old Colony Street Railway company for the development of the trolley express service over its various lines.


Dr. H. A. Sibley, who has recently opened an office in town, brings with him happy reminiscences and good wishes of a host of friends in Dorchester where he is well known, his father being a very successful physician on Washington street .  Born with his medical instinct, the younger Dr. Sibley was educated in Boston common and High schools, fitted for college in Wilbraham Academy and after his course at Harvard spent three years in survey with the Boston Emergency Hospital where his long association with Dr. Galvin fitted him for a high place in medical practice, especially in surgical lines in which he is becoming a specialist.  We trust that he will find Stoughton a pleasant and profitable place of business.  We are certainly glad to receive earnest young men, especially those well recommended as Dr. Sibley.


H. E. Holbrook will set at public auction, Wednesday March 28, at 2:30 p.m. the Spring Brook Ice Business of Frank Monk on West street including 2000 tons good quality ice, two double and one single wagons and all ice tools together with five-year lease of ice houses and pond at a rent of $100. per season with privilege of renewing.


Mrs. Thomas Stretton was called to Springfield Tuesday, to attend the funeral of a cousin.


Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Paul have returned from a very enjoyable visit in New York city to their daughter, Mrs. Paul Mann.


Mrs. Orvillo Knight, Park street , has been entertaining her mother Mrs. McDonald of Nova Scotia .





E. E. Randall, Plumbing, heating and general jobbing.  Stoves stored and cared for.  Shop, Dr. Swan’s Block, Freeman St. , Stoughton . Agent of Glenwood Furnaces and Heaters. 


The latest in Ladies Corset’s at Monk’s cash store.


Don’t Drink – Advertising – Good Coffee – at the right price.  Tastes much, better and can be had only at our store.  Direct Teas and Coffee.  Are the Best.  Strictly Fresh Eggs, 27 cents.  Gay & Southworth, Britton’s Block, Stoughton .


News items from: March 30, 1906

Local News about town


The adjournment of the annual town meeting Monday evening was very largely attended and was lively from the time it opened until it adjourned.


Miss Grace Dunbar has returned to her home on Porter street from a hospital in Boston where she had an operation on her limb which, it is hoped will result in permanent improvement.


The Stoughton Brass Band has been engaged to furnish music for the afternoon of Memorial day by Post 72 G.A.R. and Hon. Thomas E. Grover of Canton will deliver the oration.


Mrs. Fred D. Clapp has been suffering with a severe cold. 


Mrs. Emma Pye, Mrs. Jennie Stevens, Mrs. Nellie Tatten, Mrs. Rose Smith and Miss Gertrude C. Marsh attended the W.R.C. Norfolk County quarterly convention held at Brookline on Wednesday.


Owing to other attractions, there was not a large number present at the regular meeting. Monday evening, and those not present missed hearing an interesting and instructive address by State Overseer Gifford of Brockton on the history and purposes of the Grange.  There were also reading by Mrs. Ethel Bird and a talk on highway side improvement by Joseph Goddard and others.  Resolutions on the recent death of Sister Hattie A. Gilbert were adopted, and similar resolutions adopted by Harmony Grange were read.  The next meeting, April 9, will be devoted to a public salad supper at 6:30 price, 25 cents, followed by State Lecturer Charles M. Gardner of Westfield , with readings by Isabelle Perry and other entertainment.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snell have had the pleasure of visiting friends from Maine .  The home of Mrs. Snell makes happy for her guests cannot be spoke of too highly.  Second visit always follow.


The New England Telephone Co. is starting a farmers line through the Dry Pond district. 


William Purcell died in Stoughton , March 27th 1906 , aged 68 years.  He was born in Ireland and came to Stoughton about 30 years ago and formerly lived in Canton .  He served in the Civil War in Co. H., 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry and since 1885 has been a member of A. St. John Chambre Post 72 G.A.R.  His illness was pneumonia and was of but few days duration.  He leaves a widow and one daughter Mrs. Mary, wife of Daniel J. Mahoney of this town.  Funeral arrangements were held at St. Mary’s church on Thursday morning a large concourse of relative and friends attending besides Post 72 G.A.R. in body.  Rev. Father Kiley referred to the deceased as one who proved himself to be a worthy soldier in defense of his adopted country, and exemplary husband and father and ever diligent and honorable citizen.  Burial was in St. Mary’s cemetery [ Holy Sepulchre Cemetery ].




New assortment of white waistings, excellent value, 12 ½ cents per yard.  Monk’s Cash Store.


Base balls and sundries, all the latest patterns of mitts in stock at James Lehan’s Washington street .


A girl for general housework and one to wash dishes.  Good wages to right party. 18 Pleasant street .


Buy Before the Coal Strike.  Sixteen cords dry wood to be sold now on lot for $40.  F.A. Noyes, Morton St .


Navel oranges 30 cents, 35 cents and 49 cents per dozen at Kennedy’s fruit store.


To Ice Customers.  Notice is hereby given that on and after April 1st, I shall discontinue the Ice business in Stoughton and shall close all accounts on the same.  Thanking the public for its patronage in the past, I remain.  Sincerely, Frank Monk.



News items from: April 6, 1906

Local News about town



Last Makers Organize.  At a meeting of the Last Makers Union No. 12066, in Britton’s block, Wednesday evening, an organization was perfected, officers elected and delegates to the Brockton Central Labor Union appointed.  Delegates were present from Malden and Brockton .  The Brockton delegates promised financial aide to the strikers.  The situation at the Belcher Last Company was reported unchanged and that strikers are holding together.  Favorable reports were received from Auburn , Me. , Worcester and Abington.  It was reported that men hired to take the places of the strikers refused to work when the facts of the case were made known, and that work sent from Stoughton to Abington was refused by the local unions there.  The men are hopeful for the outcome of their step.


Mr. and Mrs. Seavey of Rockland street are the parents of a 11-pound boy.


Rev. E. Ames of the Methodist Church has been made an elder in that denomination.


The ice business of Mr. Frank Monk consisting of lease of pond, some 2500 tons of ice and general “good will” also to Mr. Murphy who will consolidate it with his own ice business, thus increasing his own stock and keeping the business in town for its advantage.


The Base Ball Association has engaged “The Hansells,” the well known musical family of Brockton , to play here at their entertainment on the 11th of May.  This family has a high reputation for excellence, and ought to prove a strong attraction.

The following are some of the items voted on at town meeting.


The fire engineers were authorized to purchase the pair of horses for the fire department.


It was voted that Mr. I. H. Lamb be reimbursed $35 for building sidewalks on his property provided he deeds that section of his land to the town.


The matter of repairing Elgin street was referred to the Highway surveyor.


It was voted that all town laborers employed by the day on the highways or under the direction of the water department be paid at the rate of $2.00 per day.  The town had already adopted the eight hour day.


It was voted that 50 voters constitute a quorum for all special town meetings during the current year.


The selectmen were instructed to offer a suitable reward for the conviction of persons setting forest fires.

The school committee was authorized to name the new high school, and it was voted that be called the Kimball School, the name being suggested by Mr. Sanford E. Capen.  [Historic note: The school was eventually named the Kimball School in honor of the late Stoughton Town Clerk Henry C. Kimball who died accidentally].





Wanted – Young man for order wagon.  Leave name at Record Office.



News items from: April 13, 1906


Local News about town


Howe Found Guilty.  The cases of the Commonwealth vs. A.E. Howe, druggist, Stoughton , for keeping and exposing liquor and for maintaining a liquor nuisance, were tried at the Superior Court at Dedham , this week, and on yesterday the jury brought in a verdict of guilty on both charges.  The sentence was put over until today.


A relic of great interest to the Masons of Stoughton has just been brought here from California .  It is the original first master’s jewel presented to the first master of Rising Star lodge, Peter Adams, over 100 years ago.  The jewel was sent to Stoughton by a descendant of Peter Adams, and is to become the property of the lodge.


The selectman have appointed Richard Vanston as day police and Jas. J. Pye as night police.


The strikers at the George E. Belcher Last Co. gave a detailed list of their demands.  The strikers who signed this document were as follows: Clarence H. Johnson, Fred White, Edwin F. Wales, Harry W. Porter, E.L. Blood, J. Fitzpatrick, E. E. Blake, H. Dix, Geo. Gerard, B. W. Holmes, B. W. Holmes, Jr., E. Waterman, H. G. Crockett, H. Botsch, Neil Reardon, A.S. Heath, H.E. Belcher, Geo. A. Shaw, Paul S. Jones, C.E. Holmes, Frank Linfield, Bradford Smith, C.B. Paul, Frank Ryerson, Chas. Reynolds, Jos. Murphy, Henry Salley, J. Hagan, H.O. Holmes, H.S. Hayden, John McGarvey, William Beals, Stanley Willis, A. Smith, Arthur Perkins, B. Dykeman, John Cullen, H.L. Smith, J.B. Lawrence, Henry LaGoss, John Strom, Jay S. Willis, H. Kershaw, F.H. Weeks, Joe Berg, Obed Hamblin, C.A. Stevens, John Sellars, Geo. Wade, J.L. Belcher, and C.H. Fitzpatrick.


The Stoughton Gun club will holed an all day shoot on the grounds on Patriot’s Day.  Match shoots will be arraigned.


The baseball season is opening early this year and some fine exhibitions of the art are to be enjoyed in our immediate localities.  No one dares doubt the fulfillment of the promise that Stoughton ’s “professional” nine will be well up to its high standard.  Then there is the St. Mary’s T.A.S. the Pinnacles, and a third nine is being organized under the name of South Norfolk Athletics, the games to be played in Sharon and occasionally in this town.  The Athletics expect to open the season April 28th or May 5th, and play Saturdays throughout the season.


Mrs. Frank Rice of Dorchester spent Sunday with Mrs. Charles Trowbridge, West street .


In the district court, Tuesday Henry W. Hayden of Avon was arraigned, charged with drunkenness and alleged assault on his uncle, Elbridge Hayden.  His case was continued until April 21.  Bonds were required of $100. in the case.


Charles S. Porter is out on the roads with a new pair of fine jet black work horses.  They are of medium weight and are an ideal team, as they pull together splendidly.


Mr. J.C. Trowbridge is putting his cottage on West street in complete repair for the occupancy of some Boston ladies during the coming summer.




This is the time to have your old bicycle repaired.  Prices right, at James Lehan’s.


You can get Easter lilies, carnations, roses, and any kind of Easter flowers you want at the Stoughton greenhouses, 12 Grove street .  Prices as reasonable as possible for the season.


News items from: April 20, 1906

Local News about town

Anxious to hear. The terrible disaster to San Francisco and vicinity comes right home to Stoughton, as Mr. George Ellis Bird is anxiously
> waiting for news from his daughter, who resides there, and Mrs. Aaron Gay is also waiting for news from a sister who lives at San Jose, one of the
> ruined suburbs of the city. They have good reason to expect, however, that they have escaped bodily injury, from published reports of the
> general conditions of the disaster. Mr. Christopher Holland has also two sisters living in San Francisco, one of who is married, and Mr. Thomas
> Connor has a brother living there. The firm of Upham Brothers had a large customer there, and Mr. Albert Mead, salesman for them, was on his way here for his annual visit, but had not reached the city at the time of the disaster. 
Badly Burned. Mrs. Pliny B. Capen, while attending a bonfire in her yard on Lincoln street on Saturday had her dress ignited. Before she could
extinguish the flames she was severely burned. 
Boiler House Burned. The boiler house at the head of one of the greenhouses owned by A. P. Calder and located near his residence on South
street, near the Brockton line was badly damaged by fire about 9 o'clock, Sunday night, which originated in the boiler room in a brooder, full of
small chickens. 
Mrs. Mary L. Reynolds and son, Frank, are guests of Jonathan Capen.
By unanimous vote of the G.A.R. [Grand Army of the Repubic - veterans of the Civil War] at their meeting Tuesday evening the contract for flowers
for Memorial day was awarded to Comrade B.F. Washington, Florist, who has furnished the flowers for the Post for several years in a most
satisfactory manner. Mr. Washington has also received many favorable comments for his beautiful decoration of the Universalist church on Easter
Miss A.M. Clifton read a paper before the Walpole Historical Society, by invitation of Mrs. Luther Leach of Walpole, formerly of this town, Tuesday evening.
The Pinnacles and St. Mary's T.A.S. base ball team played an interesting game on Bird's field, yesterday morning before some 125 spectators. On
the whole the nines were fairly well matched. While the team work and fielding of the St. Mary's was a feature the Pinnacle's had a pitcher, Gus
Knowles, whose fast work in the box prevented a larger score by the winners. Cutting caught for the Pinnacles, while Cotter and Porter were
the battery for the St. Mary's team, looked fine in new suits. "Jack" Hyde was umpire. The game lasted but six innings, the St. Mary's winning
5 to 2. Tomorrow, the St. Mary's will play the Edmonds of Dorchester. 


News items from: April 27, 1906

Local News about town

Chief Richard Vanston resigns as engineer of Stoughton Fire Department.  Chief Engineer Richard Vanston of the fire department tendered his resignation, Monday evening, to the board of selectmen, to take effect at once, and Henry M. Bird was appointed engineer.  This resignation came as a surprise to the board, as Chief Vanston has been one of the most efficient engineers the town has ever had, and the board was much opposed to accepting his resignation.  But Mr. Vanston could not be persuaded to hold the office longer.  He entered the department in 1870 and in 1881 was appointed engineer and has held the office continuously for the past 15 years.  He has always been held in the highest esteem as a fire fighter by the town officials, members of the fire department and citizens.  All deeply regret his decision.  The fire engineers met Tuesday evening and reorganized.  James J. Pye was chose chief to succeed Richard Vanston, resigned; Henry M. Bird, 1st assistant chief and clerk; Horace Mann, 2nd assistant chief; Elisha Hawes, No. Stoughton , 3rd assistant chief; William Kelley, West Stoughton , 4th assistant chief.  It was voted to buy a pair of horses, cart and 1000 feet of hose.  The horses were on exhibition Wednesday.  Fitzpatrick’s barn will be hired for the accommodations of the horses.


On Monday Mr. George E. Bird received a telegram from his daughter, Mrs. Edward

Everett, who lives in San Francisco that she and her family were all right.


The Senior and Junior classes of the High school will repeat their fine four act drama, “Valley Farm” in the Town hall, next Tuesday evening and the proceeding will b e added to Stoughton ’s contribution to the relief fund to relieve the San Francisco sufferers.


San Salvador Council, K. of C. will give the proceeds of its ball this evening, to the San Francisco relief fund.


Next Sunday morning at the Universalist Church the pastor will preach on “The Christian Church.”  Mr. Walter Goodnow will sing.  All are cordially invoted.  Sunday school will meet promptly at 12 o’clock .


Mr. Frank Monk has purchased through H. E. Holbrook, the Emma Spofford farm, stone house and 186 acres of land, on West street , Stoughton for occupancy.  The place is assessed on a valuation of $7600., and with the farm adjoining owned also by Mr. Monk, makes one of the most desirable farm properties in town.


A meeting of Stoughton grange was held Monday evening, in Odd Fellows hall, when the following entertainment was given song, Grange; reading, Mrs. John Welch; song Jennie Veazie; address, Ernest Gilbert; address Charles Curtis; address, Mrs. Frances Farrell.





Iron beds, $3.50 up, Stoughton Furniture Co., Porter street .


Special price on straw matting, 12 ½ cents a yard, Stoughton Furniture Co. , Porter street.



News items from: May 4, 1906


Local News about town

Stoughton certainly extended a kind and helping hand towards the San Francisco sufferers, and how happy all those must feel who had an active part in the work.  Not happy because of credit or honor, but because of the personal consciousness of having done something to relieve friends in great distress and helpless.


Mr. Edwin A. Jones received a letter from his cousin, Miss Annie L. Ide, this week, in which she described her experience with the San Francisco disaster.  Miss Ide is a daughter of Gove. Ide of the Philippines, and usually makes her home at the Knickerbocker Hotel, San Francisco, but just before the disaster was visiting in Santa Barbara, at which place she had a presentment that something terrible was going to happen, and on this account went to her hotel headquarters in San Francisco for a day, and removed all things which she could not replace, including her diaries, which she had lept complete for ten years, and which had been in her room for five months.  These having been removed, the calamity came.  Further than is mentioned above, she cannot explain why she went at this particular time and removed her valuables.


Workmen clash.  Unionists would not work on same building with non-union man.  Yesterday morning, for the apparent reason that Schuyler Grant, a non-union laboring man, was shingling the roof of a barn on Porter street, for Mrs. Jeremiah Murphy, which had been engaged by fire engineers to provide stable room for the new fire horses, a gang of union men hired by the engineers to equip the interior of the bar refused to commence work, and picking up their tools, left the premises.  Mr. Grant continued his work as if nothing happened and was on hand this morning for the same purpose.


Miss. R. Adelaide Washington will attend her school reunion to be held at Hotel Vendome, Boston , on this Saturday.


Mrs. J. G. Phinney and Mr. John W. Phinney of Stoughton and Mrs. Carrie Tower and daughters, Misses Gertrude and Al ice Tower , of Roxbury, sailed on Saturday on the Steamship Romanic for Europe .  They will spend the coming five months abroad.


Baseball Tomorrow.  The So. Norfolk A. A. will play a strong Attleboro nine on Blake’s field, off Voses’s lane, near Old Cemetery , at 3:30 , tomorrow afternoon.  The visitor’s have a record of winning 24 out of 26 games during the season of 1906, and claim they will make the game interesting.  The local nine will have substantially the following line-up: Gay p, Poole c., J. Fitzpatrick 2b, Cleveland ss, C. Fitzpatrick, 3b, Bragdon 1b, R. Rowe cf, Mann, rf, Admission 15 cents.




After having been connected with the Washington St. Drug Co. for the past seven years, I am pleased to inform my many friends and patrons that I have purchased the drug business of this concern and will hereafter be glad to serve my customers at the old stand as in the past, and I hope to merit the continued generous patronage which this reliable business house has always received.  Cordially yours, H.W. Winship, Registered Pharmacist.



News items from: May 11, 1906


Local News about town

On Wednesday evening, the local stockholders of the Stoughton Gas & Electric Company met Mr. Mather, representing Fernald & Co., the Boston bankers controlling the stock of the company.  Mr. Mather stated that after negotiations extending over many months, the Edison Illuminating Company of Brockton had made a definite offer for the stock of the company.

As of May 11, 1906 Stoughton had raised a total of $1342.00 in aide to the victims of the San Francisco Earthquake.  The Employees of Upham Bros. & Co. Factory gave the largest amount totaling $200.50.  This was followed by Employees of the Phinney Counter Co. $81.95

A horse belonging to Matthew Ring of Morton street ran in the Square, Monday forenoon, tipping over the milk wagon to which he was attached and dragging it from the opposite the Town House on Pearl street to opposite the Parker House on Wyman street where the horse was caught by Fred D. Clapp.  The wagon, although badly scrated, was not damaged much as expected.

The many friends of Mr. Charles W. Welch will be glad to learn that his health is improving rapidly as a result of the rest he is taking.

Baseball News.  The thunder storm, Saturday (May 5) upset the plans of the baseball lovers, although they were on the diamonds ready for business.  The game scheduled between the St. Mary’s T.A.S. and the Walpole A.A. did not start, while that between the S. Norfolk A.A. and the Watson & Newell A.A. of Attleboro , on Blake’s field, was called after the third inning by the umpire on account of rain, the score being then 3 to 2, in favor of the former nine. The feature was the batting of Harry Rowe of Sharon , who got a single and a three-bagger.  The St. Mary’s T.A.S. team goes to Mansfield , tomorrow, to cross bats with the Mansfield A.A.  The Stoughton B.B. Association nine opens its season tomorrow, with the Hyde Parks.


Mrs. J.J. Moore wishes the people of Stoughton to known that she is now taking orders for the Racine Hosiery and stocking feet that wears well and looks well.  Also the most complete, authentic and best illustrated history of the San Francisco horror that money and care can make.



News items from: May 18, 1906

Local News about town

Sunday’s Fire - Swan’s Block Suffers $4,000 loss, with contents about $ 8,000.

Just before 2 o’clock, Sunday morning, an alarm from box 58 called the fireman and many anxious citizens to the fine block of W.R. Swan on Washington and Wyman streets, where a hot fire had already gained considerable headway, it evidentially having started in the cellar and having worked its way up through the stairway in back of Howe’s pharmacy and also up by the chimney about in the centre of the building to second floor.

Within ten minutes two hydrants streams were playing on the flames, and in about 20 minutes Frank Hussey had a stream ready from the engine with 20 pounds steam pressure back of it which did effective work at a critical moment. Soon there were two other streams from hydrants, while a reserve line of hoses and firemen from West Stoughton were soon on hand ready to assist. The fire in the building was confined between the partitions and only worked through the side of the chimney and the courtroom, beside coming through in one place on the roof.  The building from the outside is, to all appearances, practically the same as if it had not been on fire.  [Historical Note: On September 6, 1969 this building finally was destroyed by fire].

At Dedham probate, the other day, on the estate of Harriet A. Gilbert, Stoughton , Ernest H. Gilbert was appointed administrator.  Estimated estate, real $2250., personal $400.  Heirs, Myron Gilbert, husband, Ernest H. Gilbert, son, and Roby M. Gilbert, daughter.

Mrs. Luella Drake Southworth has been chosen superintendent of the “ Old Cemetery ” on Pearl street .  Through her efforts the cemetery has been put in respectable condidtion.  Mrs. Southworth is now at work raising money for a permanent fund, which is to be placed in the hands of the Evergreen Cemetery Association.  The income will be used for the general care of the “ Old Cemetery .”  She had about three hundred dollars promised, and wishes to get at least five hundred.

In the district court, Monday, Allyn E. Howe, a local druggist, was charged with selling adulterated alcohol and defaulted.  Thomas Sheehan, charged with committing malicious mischief, was fined $15.

Mortgagee’s Sale .  I hereby notice that I shall sell at Public Auction in Swan’s Block at the corner of Washington and Wyman Streets, Stoughton , on Monday June 4th at 4 P.M. the goods and chattels mortgaged to me by Allyn E. Howe by a mortgage dated November 15, 1905, and recorded in the records of the mortgages of personal property in the Clerk’s office of the town of Stoughton book 5, p. 141, for breach of the condition of the said mortgage.  Charles N. Chase, Mortgagee,

The old blacksmith Shop opposite Milliken’s store on Washington street , has been removed, and there is to be a fine lawn there instead.


Girl Wanted immediately to wait on table, and to assist in pastry cooking; wages $5.00 a week.  Second girl kept.  Apply at No. 18 Pleasant street .

The Maltby School of Shorthand – without losing a single season are open for business at residence, Park street .  School will repopen in Swan building as soon as repairs are made.  Register now for Summer Term.  W.E. Maltby, Prin. Park St. , Opposite Walnut Ave. , Stoughton .

Pure Honey, 15 cents per jar at Kennedy’s Fruit Store.


News items from: May 25, 1906


Local News about town

North Stoughton Post Office – It must be discontinued if Free Delivery is to be restored.  The fact that the rural free delivery were put up by mistake within half a mile of the post office, has got the office into trouble with the post office department at Washington, and the officials in consequence removed the boxes as they were used contrary to the regulations.  Immediately upon this action those who had used the boxes petitioned the department to have them restored, to which a reply came which said that if the boxes were replaced the post office at North Stoughton would have to be discontinued.  Of course this plan at once met with disapproval as the citizen of this portion of the town have had a post office for over 40 years. 

West Roxbury Nine Easy Mark for Stoughtons.  The Stoughton baseball team shut out the West Roxbury nine on Bird’s field, Saturday, 10 to 9 .  While the visitors are reckoned as a strong nine and have shown it this year in previous games, yet it was evident throughout the playing that they were outclassed.  The Stoughton boys, while this is but their second game, played together and the spectators shared with pleasure the carrying out of Manager Hazelum’s plan to make it a point to win as many games as possible during the first month’s playing in order that Stoughton ’s reputation may be re-established well up to the standard.  During the first part of the game the West Roxbury catcher suffered from a split hand which disabled him, and he was attended by Dr. E. H. Ewing.  This was considered as unfortunate for the visitors, but the new catcher and the new fielder put in to take the places did good work, and doubtless the result was not changed.

The Stoughton High School Tennis Association held a meeting Tuesday afternoon, and elected the following officers: President, Francis Toomey; secretary and treasurer, Beatrice Monk; executive committee, Marion Stretton, Lottie Eldridge and Hobart Perrin.  Through the kindness of the Chicatabut Club the association will be given the use of its fine tennis court during Tuesday and Friday afternoons throughout the season.

Mrs. William Graham of Sumner street , observed her 76th birthday, Tuesday, May 22, by entertaining her grandchildren and other relatives.  Mrs. Graham is in good health and enjoyed the occasion freely.  She received numerous presents.

Rev. Samuel T. Patterson is spending today, his 75th birthday, with his son in Huntington , going thither on Wednesday.

Michael McNamara, is suffering from a sprained ankle.

Albert Pye has a position at Swan’s grocery store.

The Stoughton Political Equality League met with Mrs. Loring Tilden, Monday night.

William Deacon has a position as conductor on the Blue Hill Street railway.

The family of A.E. Howe druggist, whose household effects were removed from town, last Monday, are stopping at the home of Mrs. Howe’s mother, in Mr. Howe’s absence.  A friend of Mrs. Howe in town received a letter from her last week. It is said that she is much broken up over the unfortunate circumstances which surrounded the departure of Mr. Howe from this town, and for her there is much sympathy felt by her Stoughton acquaintances.


Pool Tables and Fixtures will be offered Saturday evening May 26, at 8 o’clock , H.E. Holbrook will sell the pool tables and fixtures at [Frank A.] Capen’s pool-room, Odd Fellows block, Stoughton .  These tables are in very fine condition and will positively sold to the highest bidder, together with all the table fixtures, such as cues, racks, and four new sets of balls.  H.E. Holbrook, Auctioneer, Wyman St. Stoughton .

Situation Wanted – young American girl wants position to take care of child or children or will do light housework, best of references, apply box 118 , Stoughton .

This is the time to have your old bicycle repaired.  Prices right, at James Lehan’s.



News items from: June 1, 1906

Local News about town

Principal L.G. Whitten of the High School has resigned, having sent a written resignation to the School Committee a few days ago.  The committee to date has not acted upon it, but expect to do so in a few days.

Auto Speed Limit – Governor Guild has signed the new automobile bill, which lilmites the speed in thickly settled or business sections of a city or town to twelve miles, and outside the thickly settled or business sections to twenty miles, and further provides that every person operating an automobile shall run at a rate of speed at no time greater than is reasonable or proper, having due regard to traffic and the use of the way and the safety of the public.

Mr. Lucius Clapp and daughter Mary, of Randolph , spent Memorial day in town.

The Stoughton Band covered itself with credit by its work in town in connection with Memorial day exercises, and the citizens feel gratified and proud over its creditable showing.

Mr. Benj. Crabtree has sold his house to Mr. and Mrs. Jenks who have removed here from Hanson.  Mr. Crabtree will go to Maine for a while to engage in Mission work and late in the season will go to Montana to reside.

Master Francis McCole is seriously ill at the home of his parents on Pleasant street .

Mrs. Eldridge of Hyannis is being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Beals.

Alice and Henry Washington are guests of relatives on Pleasant street for a week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gould are the happy parents of a baby girl.  The little stranger has been given the name Hazel Frances Gould.

The St. Mary’s T. A. S. baseball nine, Timothy McCarthy Manager, played the Iolas of Brockton at Walkover Park , Saturday afternoon, and were beaten 19 to 3 , with H. Rowe in the box.

The heirs of Betsey Capen have sold their house on Central street to Frank Marchand, the occupant.

S.A. Burdick, blacksmith and wheelwright, has purchased the business of F.S. Langmaid & Co. rear of Congregational Church, and will continue to same in an  up-to-date and satisfactory manner.

John Cheesman, who has conducted a blacksmith shop on Washington street opposite the Fitzpatrick shoe factory for some years past, is erecting a shop off Porter street in rear of Burrell’s store, which he will occupy as soon as finished, his former shop having b een torn down by its owner.  The new shop will be completed in about a week.

William Jones of Campello, formerly of this town, turned out with Post 72, G.A.R. [Grand Army of the Republic – Union Civil War veterans], Sunday, of which he is a member.


Wanted – A cheap family horse for the country.  Must be absolutely reliable for ladies to drive – fearless of autos, electric cars, etc., must be kind and a fair driver.  Apply at once, Parsonage, next to Congregational church, Stoughton . Thomas Bickford.

Wanted – An opportunity to do general housework, Washington , ironing, etc. by hour or day.  Miss. M. Conley, Cor. West and Elm street , West Stoughton .

H.E. Holbrook will sell a large lot of household furniture from Drake’s store, Pleasant street , at 2 p.m.



News items from: June 8, 1906


Local News about town

Richard M. Vanston of this town, who was the first conductor for the Blue Hill Street Railway, has resigned, concluding his services on the road Saturday night.  That he does to take a desirable position in the George E. Belcher last factory.  Mr. Vanston was formerly president of the Blue Hill employees association and was very popular as a conductor on the line, where he will be missed.

Mr. Eugene Dearden is at the new Middleboro factory of George E. Keith, where he has a fine position on a shoe machine.

Miss Mattie S. Sawyer of Pearl Street entertained friends from Scituate at a party at her home, Saturday, and in the afternoon a picnic was enjoyed at Blue Hill.

The following young people were received as members of the First Congregational church here, Sunday morning: Harold Tucker, Lawrence Safford, Alice Bourne, Mildred Thayer, and Ida Cobbett.

Miss Harriet Proctor, formerly teaching in the High school, was visiting friends here over Sunday.

A dozen or more members of Porter’s Orchestra made a surprise visit to Mr. George A. Nevins, one of their members, last Saturday evening.  It was both a birthday and wedding anniversary celebration, although both of them were just a little later in the month.  The evening was spent in enjoying musical selections by the orchestra, led by Mr. Ellis Porter, and in a social way, by family and other friends present.  Mrs. Arthur Nevins and George Nevins in serving ice cream and other refreshments and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all present.

At the special town meeting, Monday evening, it was voted to authorize the water commissioners to sell two water bonds to provide money for work done under former vote of town, to extend water where there is a guarantee of four per cent on the cost.

It was also voted to instruct the selectmen to place 20 incandescent lights on Plain and West street to a point opposite residence of Jesse Gay, and to appropriate $320 for that purpose. 

It was voted to authorize the selectmen to sell, to the best advantage of the town, the property on Highland Street deeded to the town by Alexander Lucas.

Messrs. N.S. Atwood and E. E. Leach went “way down in Maine” fishing, a few days ago, with a couple of Boston friends, and report very good luck, bringing home some 50 pounds of trout none of which, however, weighed over a pound. 

Upham Bros.’ baseball nine will play a picked nine with Gay and Porter as battery on Bird’s fiend, next Wednesday at 5:30 .

In the district court, yesterday, the case against Charles E. Poore of Sharon was continued until Aug. 15; that against Edwin Foster of Canton for breaking and entering, until next Wednesday, June 13th. 

Dr. Faxon presented in the House, Monday, the petition of Webster Smith and others for the incorporation of the Dry Pond Cemetery Association.  It was referred to the committee on rules as to the suspension of the rules so that it can be considered during the present session.


News items from: June 15, 1906


Local News about town

The Fire Horses. The fire engineers have finally decided to keep the pair of dark gray horses recently on trial for the fire department.  They weigh 2780 pounds.  Dr. James Murphy, veterinary surgeon, has pronounced them perfectly sound.  They are five and six years old and are good workers on the road and can get over the ground pretty well if necessary.  The black pair from Brockton first on trial were the fastest of any that have been brought here, but owing to a possible weakness which might result from a strain one of them received, it was not though best to keep them. The grey pair now accepted by the officials came from Abraham’s in Boston .

Fred S. Savels is having town water put into his residence on Capen street .

Mrs. William B. Southworth and son are visiting her sister, Mrs. Corey Wood at Crescent Beach , Conn.

Little Charles Channing Gay, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hartley Gay, celebrated his fourth birthday, Monday, by entertaining four of his friends.  He received a number of presents, and had a birthday cake.

Dr. Cyrus Mann, now aged 86 years and a well known former resident of this town has returned to Stoughton to spend his declining days.  He formerly lived on Wyman street , but now occupies a tenement in the house on Seaver street with Rev. L. O. Williams and family.

The many friends of Mr. George W. Mantle will regret to learn he had to have his leg taken off just above the knee recently owing to his physical condition.  Dr. Conant of Boston and two assistants performed the operation, which was successful.  Mr. Mantle is as comfortable as can be.  [Historical Note: George W. Mantle was a Civil War soldier from New York , and is buried at the Evergreen Cemetery ].

Miss Agnes Davidson, of Pleasant street , died Saturday, June 9, after a lingering illness, aged 43 years.  Miss Davidson had served faithfully as housekeeper for Mr. H.G. Burrell for many years, and had many friends in the neighborhood who speak kindly of her life and character.  Her remains were taken to Needham , Mass. , for burial, where she has relatives.

The senior class of the High School will attend the Congregational church next Sunday forenoon to listen to a baccalaureate address by the pastor.  it is expected the school committee and the selectmen will also be present officially.

The Stoughton Grange observed children’s night, Monday evening, in Odd Fellow’s Hall.  The entertainment was in charge of Miss Mattie Sawyer, Mrs. Josephine Nourse, Mrs. Elmer Lothrop, C. Edward Connell, Mrs. Adaline Mosman, Mrs. Etta Pratt, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding, H. Ellsworth Holmes.  The program was as follows: Reading , Miss. Isabelle Perry; piano solo, Freida Spurr; reading, Howard Connell; reading , Ralph Nourse; song, Marjorie Fobes; reading, Anetta Pye; piano solo, Willie Phillips.  Following this a peanut hunt was enjoyed after which the children marched to the dining room, where refreshments were served.  Games were then played and selections on the graphophone were give.



This is the time to have your old bicycle repaired.  Prices right, at James Lehan’s.

H.C. Witt, Contractor and Builder, Box 6 , Stoughton .  Estimates given on application – Jobbing promptly attended to.

Herman Starkowsky – Custom Boot and Shoe Maker.  Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers repaired at short notice.  18 Morton St. , Stoughton .



News items from: June 22, 1906

Local News about town

New Principal.  At a meeting, Tuesday evening, the School Committee elected Mr. H.R. Eaton of Belfast , Me. as new principal of Stoughton High school .  Mr. Eaton has taught in high schools for the past six years, and has been principal at Belfast for three years.  He is married a member of the Congregational church of that city.  The School Committee, before engaging Mr. Eaton, made most thorough investigations as to his teaching ability and his fitness in every way, and they got most favorable reports in every instance.  They also found that wherever he has taught he has been popular and much liked by the scholars, while whey have reason to believe that his executive ability is well up to the standard.  Mr. Eaton is a native of Auburn , Me. , and a graduate of Bates College .

The telephone charge between here and Brockton has been reduced to 10 cents for three minutes, it has been 15 cents.  This will serve to make Stoughton and Brockton even more intimate in business and social relations.

The Selectman are going to take Saturday afternoon off during the summer, by changing their office hours to the morning, except one hour in afternoon from 12 to 1.  No doubt they will attend the ball game like other folks.

New Stoughton Teachers.  Miss Lillian M. Quinn of Gardner , Mass. , will take Mrs. Mansfield’s place as principal of the Drake School .  Miss Ethel F. Roberts of Middleboro is the new teacher selected for the North Stoughton school.  Miss Jennie Veazie will teach in Miss Chandler’s place at the West Stoughton school, with Miss Ruth Capen of this town as assistant.  Miss Amy Capen has been appointed to take charge of the Seaver street school.  Miss Mabel Turner of Lowell will take Miss Lola West’s place as teacher of the second grade, Drake building.

The Bristol & Norfolk Street Railway tracks between here and Easton have been taken up.

At a meeting of Pecunit tribe of Red Men held in Odd Fellows’ hall, Monday evening, the following officers were elected; George Sprague, prophet; Harry Simms, sachem; Otis Bisbee, senior sagamore; Frances Cusack, chief of records.  Following the business meeting the warrior’s degree was conferred on one candidate and the chief’s degree on two candidates.

Adams Capen was taken to the Homeopathic Hospital in Boston , Monday, in Frank I. Capen’s automobile.  He was attended by Dr. Daniel C. Rose and is to be treated for a lame foot.  Mr. Capen in 85 years old.

Little John Williams, son of Rev. L. O. Williams, was accidentally hit in the head with a stone, Monday, and rendered unconscious, although he soon recovered and was not seriously injured.

Governor Guild passed through Stoughton in an automobile, a few days ago, and partook of a Stoughton soda at Winship’s pharmacy with apparent good grace.

Ralph Blake is building a house on Britton avenue for his own occupancy.


I will pay cash value for your Second-hand Furniture, Carpets, Bric-a-Brac, Antique Crockery, office or Store Fixtures, etc.  Charles H. Fish, dealer in Second-hand Furniture.  Office Fixtures, Etc.  79 Pleasant St. , Brockton . Stoughton [trolley] cars Pass door.

Room to let.  Apply to Lamont Pratt, Seaver Street , Stoughton .


News items from: June 29, 1906


Local News about town

A horse owned jointly by James Kinsley and William Sly, was frightened by an automobile while attached to a laundry wagon near the Drake school, Tuesday, and ran through the Square, leaving the wagon lodged against a telephone post.  Fred Connor chased the runaway on his bicycle and brought him to a standstill on Park street .  A front wheel on the wagon was broken and the harness slightly damaged.

John Vanston’s meat cart was struck by a Blue Hill [trolley] car at West Stoughton this week, and somewhat damaged.  Mr. Vanston was thrown out and badly bruised.

Sharon women want better order.  Maintaining that illegal liquor selling, drunkenness and other violations are rife, the women of Sharon have presented a petition to the state police asking that a state office be detailed for duty in this town.  The petition, which the signatures of 168 residents of all classes, was presented to Chief Joseph E. Shaw of the state police by Mrs. Mary E. Hixon, who, with Mrs. George A. Dennett, was responsible for the idea.  The claim that various forms of lawlessness in the town have increased in such an alarming extent that it is time the women took a hand in it correction if the men will not; therefore, they would allow the signatures of no men. 

The annual reception of the graduating class of the High school in Town hall, last Friday evening, was very largely attended.  Besides the members of the graduating class, those assisting in receiving were as follows, members of the High School Association: President, Mrs. Alice Gray Teele; treasurer, George Monk; secretary, Eugene Toomey; director, Charles S. Upham.  The ushers were: Hobart Perrioe, Karl Standish, Forrest Holmes, Francis Toomey, Charles Burnham, William Lutted, Agnes Dwyer, Mildred Pollycutt, Alice Edwards, Lottie Eldredge, Helen Lutted, Stella Lagard, Annie Fay, Lucy Williams.

A Strange Case.  Last week one Daniel Hollis, formerly of this town, but who was supposed to have been lost at sea nearly 20 years ago, and whose wife and meanwhile, believing him dead as reported, married his brother Benjamin, appeared in Lynn, it is said, where he went after leaving this town.  His wife was Addie Coates, also of this town.  When Daniel learned that his wife had married his brother, it is said he left town and has not been seen there since.  One who did meet him said that Daniel was rescued at sea from his wrecked vessel, taken to New York , whence he shipped to Australia .  His wife it is said, does not believe that he did return as claimed.

Mr. and Mrs. William A. Hodges of Pearl street gave a second wedding reception to their friends, Tuesday evening, as several were unable to be present at the “at home” reception last week.  The evening was very presently spent.  Refreshments were served.  Mr. and Mrs. Hodges expressed themselves as being very happy, and those present whished them many happy and prosperous years.

The site of the Congregational church has been fenced in and is to be graded and sown down at an early date.

Dr. Faxon was called to fill the chair of Speaker of the House one afternoon, last week, and performed the duties with ease and accuracy.

The Fitzpatrick Shoe Co. is taking account of stock, and will start up briskly on new orders just after the fourth.

During the rest of the summer there will be dancing at Glen Echo park every Wednesday and Saturday evening.


A Saw and Hammer do not make a Carpenter.  Shorthand and Typewriting do not make a stenographer.  You must know how to use your tools intelligently to be successful.  We teach the know-how.  Ask for prospectus – The Maltby School of Shorthand, Stoughton , Mass.


News items from: July 6, 1906

Local News about town

Stoughton ’s Celebration – Passed off Smoothly in Spite of Severity of Weather. 

Stoughton ’s Fourth of July celebration passed off smoothly in spite of the severe weather, the crowd improving every opportunity to carry out the program by piece-meal between the showers.  The parade, scheduled at 7 a.m., did not start until 10:30, but was fairly successful considering the disadvantage, H.E. Holbrook, the chief marshall, was very enthusiastic in getting the procession started, and, assisted by James J. Pye, J.C. Trowbridge, and Robert Mulholland, mounted, ushered in the event with evident success.  The procession was led by the Stoughton Military Band, W.H. Howard leader. 

The Sports. With the exception of the ball game with the Hyde Parks in the morning, it is doubtful if the sports were interfered with very much by the rain.   The 100 yard dash was won by Callahan of the Stoughton baseball team, the prize being $2., Henry Murphy, Jr. came in second, and won $1.  Edward Chamberlain was best man in running high jump, for $1.50 prize, and Arthur Deacon was second, for $1. The broad jump prize of $1. was won by Fred Hooper.  Pinning tail on donkey, Carl Johnson, 25 cents; Edith Kelley, 10 cents; Maud Murphy, Esther LaBombard, Nellie Connors, Frank Delucca.  Three legged race, John Harris, $1.20; John Dykeman, 50 cents; Harry Phillips, $1; James O’Donnell, $1.  Big race, Harry Phillips first; William McCarty, second and Hyman Mednicov, third.  Five entered the bicycle race.  Prices were won as follows: Philip Hayes first, pair of shoes from Fitzpatrick shoe Co.; Rocco Delucca second, gold cuff links; Fred Pye, third, find white shirt; Terrance Oliver fourth, china bowl; Arthur Perkins fifth, pocket knife.  There were other races of minor importance for the amusement of the children, which served their purpose admirably under the direction of the committee. [Historic note: A dollar in 1906 was worth roughly $21.00 in today’s money].

Wales French of Pleasant street spent the Fourth with relatives in Nashua , N.H.

Mr. George Curtis and daughter, Miss Bessie Curtis, returned from their summer cottage at Hough’s neck, to spend the Fourth in Stoughton .

The new street lights have been installed on Washington and Plain streets, and the residents along the lines are delighted.

Mrs. Fred Bartlett, the operator at the central station of the New England Telephone company is unable to be at her post.

The Stoughton baseball team will play the John P. Squires nine on Bird’s field at 3:45 tomorrow afternoon.  Hawkins will twirl for the home team; and an interesting game is expected.  The visitors have a good reputation and have played here before.  As this game is announced late, spread the news.

Buys Lumber Business.  Mr. Fred D. Clapp has purchased the buildings, lumber and business of the Stoughton Lumber Co., and is conducting the business at the old staff off School street with a good stock of lumber and building materials.  Mr. Clapp has been associated with his father Mr. E.P. Clapp, for several years past, and knows the business thoroughly, and his many friends wish him success in his new venture. 

Won First Prize. Mr. Joseph Greene of this town who made such a bit in Stoughton’s antiques and horribles procession, five years ago, by acting the part of a Fiji island chief with appropriate dress, entered the Brockton parade, Wednesday, as a Fiji island chief “on the warpath looking for bad officials,” and was awarded first individual prize, $6.00



News items from: July 20, 1906

Local News about town

Serious Auto Accident.  Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Jill thrown out.  The friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Hill who were thrown from their auto Sunday afternoon by a collision with an electric car at Mattapan will be glad to know that Mrs. Hill is getting along quite comfortably as could be expected.  Mr. Hill, who was somewhat injured, finds himself a little lame but is all out and attending to business as usual.  He still says he was up against a pretty stiff proposition, to either run over the boys with probably fatal result or to run into the electric car.  He took the latter alternative of course.

The former teachers and scholars who attended school in the old school-house, now the engine house at North Stoughton , held a basket picnic at North Stoughton .

Mr. Ellery P. Clapp underwent an operation at a Boston hospital Wednesday, and is reported as comfortable.  He expects to be able to come home I about a week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gilbert and Mr. Erastus Smith attended the meeting of the Old Colony Pomona Grange at East Sandwich , last Friday, returning home the following day.

The newly elected principal of the Drake School , in place of Miss Quinn, released to go to Everett is Miss. L.A. Partridge of Adams , Mass. , until now assistant principal of a grammar school in West Springfield .  Miss Partridge is a graduate of the North Adams Normal School .  She is a very successful teacher of several years experience.

Stoughton has some interest in the announcement of the coming wedding of Miss Annie Ide, daughter of Gov. Gen. Ide of the Phillipines, from the fact that she is a near relative of Mr. Edwin A. Jones.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Adlington of North Stoughton , are enjoying a trip in Maine .

H.C. Witt contractor, has just completed a large amount of repair work at Upham’s shoe factory.

An Avon clergyman says Sunday amusements at Highland Park do the public more damage than highwayman.  The Sunday observance problem is not an easy one, either for those who want to go to church and for those who do not.

Mr. W.H. Martin of Bay street who has bought the Philip Drake place some three years ago, is raising up the main part of his house and will add a first story and make it a sixteen-room house.  He expects to make this his permanent residence.

The Stoughton & Randolph street railway is being decidedly improved by the raising of quite a section of the tract near the Fairview hotel of Mr. Press just this side of North Stoughton .  The road by the way is doing a very good business now, taking some 300 fares on Sunday, of which some 800 went to Glen Echo.


Dried Beef in Glass Jars.  Just the thing for warm weather, at J.H. Smith’s & Co.

If you try Drake’s Cake once you will always buy it.  J.H. Smith’s Co. have it.



News items from: July 27, 1906

Local News about town

New Road Proposed.  Looking on the map of Sharon and Stoughton , one notices that Plain Street in Stoughton and Morse street in Sharon lie in the same geographical direction, but need a mile and a half of new road to connect them and make a continuous thoroughfare.  Plain street ends at Mountain street .  The connecting piece of road would be between Bay and Mountain streets.  This improvement was long ago projected.  There is now no road leading into Sharon between East street and Mountain street .

Fine Stable and Land will be sold, Saturday.  M.M. Upham auctioneer, will sell at auction on the premises at 5 p.m., Saturday, (tomorrow), July 28th, the property on Rose Street, Stoughton, known as the John M. Dennie stable, consisting og over 10,000 feel of land, building over 80 feet long by 40 feet wide; could be made over into tenement property at small expense.  Parties looing fvor investments will do well to attend this sale.  The property is located in the center of the town, and must be sold.  Terms made known at sale.  For further particulars consult M.M. Upham, auctioneer.

The Stoughton Firm of French & Ward is doing a large business at present in the manufacture of its newly patented elderdown cloth, called Krinkledown.  It is the latest fabric for women’s and children’s wear and is proving a fast seller.  Owing to the increasing demand for this great innovation to knit goods, this firm has been running its factory over for months and expects to obliged to increase its capacity in the near future.  The fabric is being advertised extensively all over the country and the September sales will no doubt be enormous.  It is especially gratifying to have two large concerns in Stoughton increasing their business at once, and both making strong bids fpr a still greater enlargement in the near future. 

Edwin A. Jones has purchased the Wheelock estate on Pierce Street .

Mr. Frank Rice entertained a large part of friends from Boston at his West street cottage, Wednesday.

Mrs. Mattie Trowbridge is spending a vacation of two weeks from her duties in Boston with her father, Mr. James B. Clapp of Dry Pond.

The electric lights are now about ready for use on the Dry Pond extension, having been taken as far as Mr. Jesse Gay’s.

Mr. W. H. Martin of Bay street , who has bought the Philip Drake place some three years ago, is raising up the main part of his house and will add a first story, and make it a sixteen-room house.  He expects to make this his permanent residence.

More Room Needed.  Stoughton Rubber Company to Enlarge. The Stoughton Rubber Company having absorbed one of its rival companies, has decided to enlarge its Stoughton plant, and has acquired for that purpose the Alexander Hamilton estate, which join the present factory.  President Ira F. Burnham has purchased it from the present owner Miss McKendry.  This estate has a frontage of 100 feet on Summer street.  The building on this land will be removed and a three story building will be erected plans of which are already in the bands of the Stoughton Rubber Co.  This building will be used for the cravenette raincoat department.  Beside the new building, the brick mill on Summer street will receive another story and will be extend back for 75 feet.  The spreading room will also be made a two story building.  A second story will also be added to the heater building.  These extensions of business will make work for about 100 families in town.

Ernest H. Gilbert, administrator of the estate of Harriet A. Gilbert, late of Stoughton, was given leave to mortgage for $1900, the homestead and 35-acre farm, dwellings on West street, Stoughton, for a term not exceeding three year at rate of 5 ½ per cent.



News items from: August 3, 1906

Local News about town

Court Room Improved.  In the course of repairing the W.R. Swan building, as a result of the damage of the recent fire, Mr. Swan has materially improved and beautified the court-room as well as the clerk’s and judge’s offices.  The court-room ceiling and the walls have been finished in graded colors of cream, apples green and light blue, and the woodwork has been newly varnished including the furnishings which belong to the country.  The work is in charge of B.S. Smith and thus is very satisfactory both to the owner and the court officials.  Even those who go to the court quarters to hear sentences must be impressed with the neat and attractive appearance of the walls and furnishings, as the work has been done with so much taste and skill.  On the second floor also the Maltby School of Shorthand quarters are also undergoing similar improvements, and like repair work is being done on the first floor.  The work will all be completed in a week or two.

By order of the Selectmen we will sell at public auction for the Town of Stoughton , Saturday, Aug. 11th at 3:30 p.m. , on the premises of the so-called Lucas estate at the head of Ames ’ Long Pond, Highland street , Stoughton , consisting of a small dwelling, several henneries and about 18 acres of land.  Its location at the head of this beautiful sheet of water makes it an ideal site for a summer camp as well as a most favorable location for poultry farming.  Terms $50 cash, at sale.  Balance in 30 days.  H.E. Holbrook, Auctioneer.

Miss Louise May Lothrop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Lothrop, of Morton street , was taken to the Massachusetts General Hospital , Monday afternoon, for a severe case of appendicitis.  We understand the operation was very successful, and the family feels that she will be with them again.  She was attended by Dr. Joseph McDonald of this town.

Stoughtons at Home - will play St. Alphonsus Team here Saturday.  It is refreshing again to note that the Stoughton baseball team will play at home again tomorrow afternoon, when it will cross bats with the strong St. Alphonsus team of Roxbury.  It is said that every time this nine comes here, it rains.  But we all hope that the weather will take a favorable turn tomorrow and let two fast nines war in peace. Maguire will probably pitch for the visitors and Tacey for the Stoughtons.

Major George W. Dutton has just been chosen president of the survivors of the old Ninth regiment, of whom only 130 remain out of the original 1691. [Historical note: The Ninth Massachusetts Infantry Regiment was a Civil War Regiment made primarily of Irish volunteers. Co. K. 9th Mass. Inf. was Stoughton ’s Irish Regiment.  For a complete listing of the veterans go to: ]

Jennie McNamara entertained a number of her friends Tuesday evening at her home on Leach street , the occasion was her 20th birthday.  She was the recipient of many beautiful presents, among them an umbrella, bracelet, and a ring.  Songs were sung by Miss Alice G. Nally, Miss Nellie Reardon and Frank Noonan.  Among those present were: Annie Dunlay, Annie McDonaldn, Martha Madden, Nellie Riordan, Alice Bryon, Jennie Mahoney, Ethel Wells, Mamie Reed, Frank Jordan, Frank Nally, Daniel Healey, Daniel Keefe, Edward Murphy, John McDonald, John Dykeman, William Finn, Frank Noonan and Michael Kelliher.



News items from: October 5, 1906

Local News about town

The attention of The Stoughton Record has been called to the excellent service rendered the people of Stoughton at Winship’s Pharmacy. Mr. Winship has recently engaged the service of Mr. Alvin F. Brown of Concord. Both he and Mr. Winship are registered pharmacists by examination, and either one or the other is on duty at the store from 6 a.m. until 11 p.m. The store is never without a registered man present who can compound your prescriptions in a proper manner. The town is certainly fortunate in having a so well managed drug store at hand.

In Memoriam – Tributes from friends of George W. Mantle. Rarely is the community more shocked than it was, last Saturday of the sudden death of Mr. George W. Mantle. White it was well known that his health was precarious, owing to his recent serious ill health to which had been added the operation of removing most of his right leg to stay the progress of disease, yet his improvement of late had been apparently real and noticeable.
Mr. Mantle was born, Aug. 12, 1845, in West Chester, N.Y., which is now part of New York City, in the same house in which his mother was born and was educated in the public schools. He was among the first to enlist in the Civil War and served in Co. L. Ninth New York State Militia; 83rd Vols.; Fifth Maine Battery; Thompson’s Independent Battery – Battery C; First Pennsylvania Artillery; Battery H, First New York Light Artillery; Co. H. 94th N.Y. Regt. He was a member of John A. Andrew Post Grand Army of the Republic of Boston. Mr. Mantle was especially loyal to his membership in this post in Boston to which he was introduced by Gen. Charles W. Bartlett, Democratic candidate for Governor, last year, and who sent a beautiful wreath of rememberance to the funeral being unable to be present.

Mrs. Rosina Beless has sailed for a vist to her birthplace in Wales and expects to be gone some weeks.

Just as Mrs. Clarence Jones of Morton Street, opened the cellar door at her home, Wednesday forenoon, she was greatly surprised to see a skunk asleep in a basket which had been left in the cellarway. Mrs. Jones called her son who shortly put a “piece of lead” into the animal’s brain, no further disturbance resulted.

Location of Post Office. Stoughton Lodge, I.O.O.F. received an offer through Postmaster George A. Wales to lease the ground floor of Odd Fellow building for 10 years at $500. a year to be used as a post office which is now being considered by the lodge.

In the Norfolk Superior Court Criminal Court, William H. Jackson of Stoughton, who was convicted of practicing medicine without a certificate has been fined $150. and sentenced to two months in the Dedham House of Correction.

The service at the Universalist Church next Sunday morning will be the regular quarterly Communion. There will be an opportunity for the christening of children and for the reception of members into the church. The Sunday School will meet promptly at twelve o’clock.

Lost – between the home of Mrs. Dennis O’Brien on Sumner street and Stoughton Square, on Thursday, a gold heart and neck chain. Finder please return to Mrs. Dennis O’Brien, Sumner Street and receive a suitable reward.

Miss Ruth Cutting is suffering from an attack of bronchitis.

Miss Mary Clapp of this town, was visiting friends at Dry Pond, Monday.

Mrs. H.H. Draper of Winchester has been a guest at the home of W. Hartley Gay, Plain Street, for a few days.

Herbert J. Holbrook has resigned his position at Besse Baker Co. and has accepted a desirable situation with the Hawley Clothing Co. of Brockton, and will be pleased to see his friends.

The Arion Quartet of this town which has been furnishing music for the First Congregational Church of Brockton for the past year, has been engaged to continue its services for another term of six months.


Wanted a young man for order wagon. Leave name at The Stoughton Record Office.

If you want to see everything Up-to-Date look in at the Jumbo Peanut Man’s Candy Window. We have just had made by Madeson Confectioners. Delicious Fudge, 12cents a pound. – 21 Darling’s Block, Washington Street, Stoughton, Mass.


News items from: October 12, 1906

Local News about town

Want a New Railroad. The Stoughton Record is informed that the purchasers of the real estate around Glen Echo have the firm conviction that they will soon have an electric [trolley] road through there from Avon to Dedham. 

On Wednesday evening, Mrs. Octavia C. Blair, of Brockton, inspected Stoughton’s Women’s Relief Corps Post # 99. After inspection a collation was served by Mrs. William Pye. There was a large attendance and the evening was very much enjoyed.

The Ladies of Liberty will meet Wed. October 17, 1906, at the home of Mrs. James J. Pye, 2 p.m. Porter Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hathaway of Park Street left here Thursday on a pleasure trip to New York, the Hudson River and other points of interest.

Herbert R. Drake has just returned from an extended visit to New York and Syracuse, where he was the guest of his daughters.

Miss Vivia Bird has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. John Royston of Worcester, and Mrs. Royston accompanied her.

A Satisfying Feast. Caterer Bruce Valiquet has received many praises for the tasty and artistic manner in which he performed his part of supplying and serving the refreshments served at the wedding last week of Dr. Sibley and Miss Margaret White at the residence of Mrs. Bryce Gemmel of West Stoughton.

Won First Prize. A guessing contest as to the number of feet the hand pumper for the Stoughton Volunteer Fire Department would throw at the Brockton Fair resulted as follows: Mildred Malcolm, 221 feet 11 inches, first prize $7.; George A. Nevins, 222 feet 2 inches, second prize, $5; Frank Hussey, 222 feet 2 ½ inches, third prize $3.

A surprise was tendered to E.P. Clapp of Clapp street Wednesday evening by the members of his Sunday School class. A social time was enjoyed and refreshments served. Mr. Clapp was the recipient of a pair of gloves. Among those present were Mrs. Iris Goward, Miss Lucia Chandler, Miss Grace Carpenter, Miss Lucy Standish, Miss Cora Coombs, Miss Bertha Bisbee and Miss Jennie Veazie.

Formerly of Stoughton. John H. Newbold died at his home in Ridgfield, Conn. Sept. 26, after a long illness, and was buried in West Chester. He was well known and respected here, where he resided for a number of years.

Died in Lynn, Sept. 28, John C. Glover, aged 87 yrs. 6 mos. Mr. Glover lived in Stoughton for about 45 years and was the last of his generation of the Glover family and there are none of that name now living in Stoughton. He was for a number of years engaged in business in Blackstone market but for the past 15 years has been totally blind and died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Sarah Robbins. He leaves two sons John L. and Ellis, of Boston, and three daughters, Mrs. Annie Currant of Somerville, Mrs. Sarah Robbins of Lynn, and Mrs. Abbie Durning of Cambridge. He was buried Monday, in the family lot at Evergreen Cemetery. [Historical note: He was the son of Elijah and Sarah (Howe) Glover of Stoughton].

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burnham who have been visiting in Denver the past three months, have returned and are now the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Porter, Park Street.

Trolley Service to Brockton Fair not much better. Although the People of Stoughton got carried to the Fair grounds without change of cars and for a ten cent fare, yet there is some doubt if it was any more satisfactory. The difficulty was that it was impossible to make schedule time. For instance, the cars left here at 10:20, Friday, and no cars reached town again for almost an hour. Passengers who came from Canton were obliged to wait 40 or 45 minutes. This was what the railway company warned might happen. It may be an open question of it isn’t better to have the cars run on schedule time, even if it takes a transfer to reach the Fair grounds, and even an extra fare. But even with a transfer, it seems there should be a free transfer ticket furnished. However, the general public can express their opinions of the advantages of the change, and doubtless the selectman will be governed accordingly.


Automobiles: 1 Knox (2 cylinder) Touring Car, canopy top, new tires - $800.

2 8 horse power Express Cars each - $700. 1 (2 cylinder) commercial truck - $1000. 1 Model C Winton Touring Car - $800. 1 Model K Winton Demonstrating Car. A bargain for someone. W.H. Marble, 69 Main Street, Brockton, Mass.


News items from: November 16, 1906

Local News about town

Sued for heavy damages. Before the superior court at Dedham, last week the case of Mr. Thomas Stretton and Miss Marion Stretton, for damages to themselves and auto in their collision with a train at North Easton on the New Haven road, August 13, 1905, was on trial. Lawyer Edgar F. Leonard of this town was their counsel while Choate, Hall & Stewart and F.A. Farnham appeared for the road. The jury first went to view the premises. The suit of Mr. Stretton is for $25,000 and Miss Marion for $5,000. The case was heard before Judge Crosby. Mrs. and Mrs. Stretton and Miss Marion were all put upon the4 stand, and quite a number of other witnesses were called from North Easton, especially in regard to the nature of the crossing, etc. Mr. Leonard finished in his direct side of the case on Tuesday. Those who were present during their trial speak in high terms of the able and skillful manner in which Mr. Leonard conducted, alone, the case for Mr. and Miss Stretton, against the counsel for the New Haven road. The evidence was finished on Wednesday, and then the counsel for the road asked the judge to render a verdict in its favor on the ground that the plaintiffs had not shown due care. But the judge said he thought he would let the jury hear the arguments. The jury brought in a verdict this morning, in favor of the road. [Historical note – to find out more about Thomas Stretton go to:

Announcement. I wish to announce that I have opened a Harness Shop in the Square, near Britton’s Block, Washington Street, where I am prepared to do all Harness Repairing. I have on hand a good stock of New Harnesses, Fixtures, and complete line of Stable Goods. I solicit your patronage and guarantee effect satisfaction in quality and prices. A trial will convince you. [Historical note: They never mentioned who they were in the advertisement!]

To Let. The whole or a part of my house on Washington Street, Stoughton, fitted to suite tenant with modern improvements, Mrs. Hannah A. Dam, 55 Maple Road, Brookline, Mass.

A large portion of the roof of Monk’s block was removed yesterday, preparatory to putting on a new one, and the sudden and heavy rain storm did a good deal of damage to the ceiling of some of the upper rooms.

The Stoughton Historical Society at its rooms Monday evening and a paper entitled “Some Aspects of Stoughton from 1795 to 1825 written by the late Newton Talbot, was read by Henri Johnson.

The monthly business meeting of the Epworth League was held Monday evening with Mrs. Jason Drake, Refreshments were served.

Mr. Charles Parker of Winter street is suffering from a sever attach of inflammatory rheumatism.

Stephen H. Davis is dead at Auburn, Me. at the age of 86 years. He leaves a widow who was Mrs. Josephine E. Smith of Stoughton, before her married to Mr. Davis in 1886.

At a meeting of Stoughton Grange in Odd Fellows’ Hall Monday evening the first and second degree were conferred on two candidates. It was voted to attend “neighbors night” at Foxboro, Wednesday evening. It was also to attend neighbors night at North Easton, Thursday, Nov. 22.

Frank Curtis of Ashland has been visiting his mother this week at the North Stoughton Station. 

Mrs. Mary Monk is making an extended visit to friends in Brockton.


News items from: November 23, 1906

Local News about town

School House Burned. Large crowd see destruction of Old High School Building. At 2:10 this morning an alarm for fire in the old High School building on Monk Street brought firemen and a large crowd of spectators to witness the complete destruction of the structure. Owing to the unfavorable hour, it was some little time before a hydrant stream was gotten upon the blaze, and then the pressure was, for some reason although supposed to be 60 pounds, so weak that the streams were not very effective. On Monk Street an attempt was made to use the “Y” to get two streams, but the result gave two of no efficiency so it was given up. When the fire department began work the building was well on fire and flames burning through nearly all the roof. Fortunately the wind was favorable, blowing directly toward the street, and adjoining buildings were saved. After about half an hour of hydrants service, a stream from the steamer, which had been standing on Washington Street all the time, was put on the fire and after that there was little danger although some parts of the building and contents burned very fiercely. The building was owned by the Plymouth Rubber Company and was occupied by it as a store house, and by J.S. Daly’s paint shop, in the west end. The fire first broke through the roof over this paint shop, and apparently started in that part of the building, whether by spontaneous combustion or not is not determined, although that may have been the case. Early in the fire, the furniture was removed from the house next east of the building occupied by John Connell. The loss must be considered total and amount to $4,000. to $5,000. for the Rubber Company and to $75.00 to $100. for Mr. Daley.

An Old Barrel. Monday afternoon Seba Smith of Pleasant Street was exhibiting to his friends a relic in the shape of a small barrel which was made by his father and carried by him during the Revolutionary War in which to carry water for drinking purposes. It was given to Mr. Smith when he was a small boy by his father. He prizes it highly.

Treasurer Denies – Reported Sale of Stoughton Plant to United Shoe Manufactory Co. A report was in circulation Thursday that the Phinney Counter Co. has sold out to the United Shoe Machinery Co. Treasure Elmes of the Company denied the report emphatically. He declared no representative of the shoe machinery concern had ever visited the Stoughton plant with any such object in view and said there had been no negotiations whatever in that direction.

Mr. Ben. S. Capen has removed from Lincoln Street to his new home of Pierce Street which he has just remodeled and fixed with modern improvements.

Mr. Bennie Clapp is enjoying his annual vacation with his father Mr. James B. Clapp of Dry Pond.

Herbert Trowbridge has gone on a two weeks trip to the Bermudas, taking his vacation in this very pleasant manner.

Mrs. Edwin E. Kelsey of Lawrence, formerly of this town, is spending the winter in Southern California.

Miss Bowers, who has been the guest of Mrs. Emerson Wilkins, Walnut Street returns today to her home in Georgia.

Illness of Mr. Darling. The many friends of Deacon H.W. Darling will be glad to know that he is progressing favorably well toward recovery from the ill turn that he suffered on Tuesday morning.

The Town Hall will be decorated for the coming fair of the Congregational Society by Mr. Fisher of Brocktom, who enjoys a very high reputation in this line of work.



News items from: December 14, 1906

Local News about town

A History of the three Drake School Houses in Stoughton. In spite of the very inclement weather about twenty five of the members of the Historical Society were present at the meeting on Monday evening. The entire evening was taken up by recounting the history and recalling the days of the old Drake School houses. The president Mr. H. L. Johnson and several others could remember the original building built in 1826 and many were the tales of old school days recalled by Mr. Johnson, Mr. Marcus Porter, Mr. G. H. Goward, Mr. J.W. Richardson, Mrs. E. A. Curtis, and Mr. J. Elmer Talbot. A short history of the buildings was read by Miss Clifton which follows: (School Houses, taken mostly from a paper written by the late Mrs. Henry Jones).

The original Drake School house built in 1826, was a one story building 28 1/2 feel long by 22 feet wide. It was built some distance from the street in a field, but was moved nearer the turnpike before it was occupied. It faced the south, had six windows in the school rooms and one in the entry, with green blinds and a green door in the southwest corner of the front. The schoolroom would seat between 80 and 90 pupils with close arranging the seats being in rows along the sides of the room facing the middle. The boys seats were on the right of the teacher's desk, which was at one end of the room and the girl's seat in the left. The door leafing to the entry was opposite the teacher's desk, and it was the custom as late as 1840 for the pupils to make obeisance to the teacher on entering and leaving the school room. About 1833 a second story was added to this building. It was a counterpart of the lower room and was used as a primary school room. After nearly twenty years of usefulness the first building because inadequate to accommodate the pupils and was moved away and converted into a tenement house, and finally destroyed. 

The second Drake school house was built in 1845, standing farther from the street than the old one so there was quite a play ground in front. This building which many of us remember as it was built consisted of three rooms, a large room on the second floor and two rooms on the first. The front door was in the middle with stairs at the left hand. In 12 years this building became too small, and in 1858, two rooms were added to the front, also a cupola which contained a bell which was rung many years. This addition made the building 100 feet long, and is the building so familiar to us all and so dear on account of pleasant memories of school life spent under its roof. Here the High School was started in 1865 and continued until 1872 when a new building was built on Walnut Street. In 1890 this second Drake building was moved aside, propped up and used the schools until the present Drake building was ready for use [January 1, 1891]. It was then sold and moved to Monk Street where it was used as a store house till on the morning of Nov. 23, 1906 it was destroyed by fire.

A Silver Loving Cup. Miss Fannie M. Burnham, who for the past 12 years had been connected with the Sunday school of the Congregational Church in superintendent either of the senior or junior departments, was taken completely by surprise, Sunday, when she was presented with a beautiful with a beautiful solid silver loving cup, properly inscribed, from the school, as a token of appreciation for past faithful service. Supt. W. E. Maltby made the presentation. Miss Burnham responding with appropriate remarks. 

The Street Railway Company is to start work immediately on putting in a new turnout in Stoughton line near the Tolman School in Stoughton.

The patrons of the waiting rooms of the West Stoughton depot of the West Stoughton depot have commenced the new station agent, Mr. John Deardon many times of late, for next manner in which the rooms and kept throughout. They are not only clean, but the temperature is kept even comfortable by a careful management of the heating plant, which the rooms are made cheery by the presence of nearly 30 potted by the presence of nearly 30 potted plants properly cared for. If all railroad stations were as carefully hooked after there would be no complaints by even the most particular patrons.


News items from: December 21, 1906

Local News about town

Christmas Shopping Guides and Hints for the Stoughton Record readers: Stoughton Furniture Co., for everything in that line, anything you want in the way of furniture, china or glassware, etc. with special counters for 5, 10 and 25 cent goods. R. D. Porter can fill any kind of an order for coal or wood to cook the Christmas Dinner. Monk’s Cash Store, as always can be depended upon for a large, complete and varied assortment of whatever a “department” store in a live country town like Stoughton ought to carry. R.H. Milliken, the grocer can supply you with all kinds of goods in the grocery line, with oil for your lamps, so they will not go out like those of the foolish virgins. If your range needs attention or your parlor stove, before your friends come to see you for the holidays, call in Daniel Deacon.

And Cornelius Murphy will give you good coal of any kind, promptly and at the right price, to put into those stoves. “Get acquainted” at the “Merrie Christmas time” with the coffees and teas of A.L. Holmes and they will do you good. At the store of J.H. Smith & Co., the “Christmas fever is raging,” in other words they are “making it hot” for all who want a liberal supply of good things to satisfy a genuine Christmas appetite, and you should order early as possible. Stoughton wouldn’t know what to do at Christmas, as well as at other times, without the fruit store of Kennedy, and he has all you ought to eat in such lines. For choice selection of Jewelry and stationery, visit Darling’s Jewelry Store. Of course there are always in “good form” the year round, such as insurance with George O. Wentworth. “Krinkledown” made by French & Ward at West Stoughton and for sale by all dry goods stores. Insurance by Henry W. Britton, fire, life, and accident. Suits of overcoats, H. Silver, Freeman Street. Harness repairing and stable supplies, H. Press, opposite Milliken’s. John Dearden, “The Life Insurance Man,” whose title tells the Story. Caplan, the Tailor, Stretton’s Block. H.E. Holbrook & Co., all kinds of household goods by auction. Dears’, Eye-sight specialist, Monk’s Brick Block.

One of Stoughton’s Best Citizens Passes Away. Henry W. Darling, one of Stoughton’s most respected citizens passed away at 10 o’clock, Tuesday morning [December 19th] after a brief illness. He sustained a shock a few weeks ago, and he had failed constantly since then until his death. He was 70 years of age and had been in the jewelry business here since 1861, occupying the building known as the Darling Block [southwest corner of Washington and Wyman Streets], which he had constructed. He was born in Shirley, Mass., coming to this town about 1861. Mr. Darling was honored and beloved by all who knew him. Though he was of a quite and retiring disposition, his influence was felt in the community. To meet him was always an uplift and an inspiration.

Post 72 G.A.R. [Grand Army of the Republic] took into membership four comrades at the meeting held on Tuesday evening last. The post now numbers 84 members.

Miss Josephine Gardner has accepted a position in the office of “The Dramatic Mirror” in New York.

Miss Jennie Carpenter and Miss Addie Bickford attended the first concert of Boston Singing Club at Jordan Hall, Boston, last week.

The younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Holbrook, who is ill with diphtheria, is improving.


News items from: December 28, 1906

Local News about town

A Church Tablet. There has been placed upon the front of the Congregational Church, very recently, a handsome tablet in black and gold, with appropriate wording stating that it is the Congregational Church, that the parsonage is close by at the right, and the hours of service during the day and week. The tablet surely fills a “felt want,” and the society and the public is under much obligation to Mr. George Ellis Bird, by whose generosity it was placed there.

Mr. Abram Tartakoff of West Stoughton present the pupils of the Adams School with a large box of Christmas candy.

Some Christmas Observances. There was little show indeed for “A green Christmas” after the snow fall of Saturday night and the crisp cool atmosphere was decidedly of the “orthodox” variety. In short, it was “Christmas weather” as if made to order, and everyone seemed to enjoy it accordingly. Of course the churches were the center of attraction and they were handsomely trimmed for the occasion and were loaded with present were waiting to be spoiled for the pleasure of the recipients. At the Methodist Church, the exercises were held in the vestry, which was trimmed with festoons of evergreen in which a “Christmas Greeting” in colored crayons was upon the blackboard to welcome all who entered. Presents were distributed, from two trees. The two Christmas trees of the Universalist Sunday school were in the main audience room, and the presents were distributed after the rendering of a brief program. More elaborate preparation was made at the Congregational Church, in which there was an unusual amount of tasty and appropriate decoration which had been placed by an efficient committee of which Dr. Robert G. Leavitt was chairman. The pulpit platform had been much enlarged and at each corner, at the front, was a well laden Christmas tree. From the organ was festooned with evergreens while the chandelier in the center and the light brackets upon the side and rear were aldo adorned with sprays of evergreen and pine.

Mr. Joseph G. Bryer of the Senior Class of Boston University was the guest of Mr. Arthur W. Gay, Sunday.

The Old Colony Pomona Grange will meet in G.A.R. Hall, Eastondale, this evening with Harmony Grange at which time will be the election of office, a number of Stoughton Grangers are planning to be present.

Mrs. Lovey P. Erving and her brother Thomas A. Fish and child are living on Prospect Street, having moved from the house of G.W. Fish, one of her older brothers, on Park Street some time ago.

The Chicatabut Club held its third concert and ball in the Town Hall Wednesday evening. The floor was in charge of J. Lawrence Stretton, assisted by E.B. Southworth.

The annual meeting and sing of the Old Stoughton Musical Society, will be held at Stetson Hall in Randolph, Tuesday, January 1st , 1907. Business meeting and rehearsal at 3 p.m. Sing at 7 p.m. Admission 25 cents. members will please bring the Society’s book and the Jubilee book of 1872.

A. St. John Chambre, W.R.C.* [Women’s Relief Corps] Post # 99 has endorsed Mrs. Lue Stuart Wadsworth, D.J.V.P. for the office of D.S.V.P. Mrs. Wadsworth has accepted the invitation of Corps 99 to install its officers elect, at the joint installation of Post 72 G.A.R. [Grand Army of the Republic] and Camp 13 S. of V. [Sons of Veterans] on Tuesday, January 15th , at the Town Hall. The Corps has added two members to its roll this month.

Mr. Chas. Disbrow of East Worcester, N.Y. is visiting his daughter, Mrs. E. McP. Ames, Pleasant Street.

Smith, Clapp & Gay’s Rice Pop Corn – 10 cents box at Kennedy’s Fruit Store.

The various Stoughton young men and women who are at various colleges are now enjoying their holiday, vacation, and most of them are spending it at home.

Names of pupils of Grammar School who were neither absent nor tardy during full term: Fred Curry, Eleanor Curtis, Frank Drake, Nellie Morrill, Alice Murphy, Fred Snell, Lewis Stoyle, Not absent: Joseph Doherty, Adelaide Doughterty, Arthur Mitchell.

The large increase of the business of the *Stoughton Rubber Company* under the management of Mr. *Ira Burnham* is very gratifying to the town. Such is a large addition to our earning capacity and taxable valuation is pretty substantial proof of the efficiency of his manager.


For my current issue of "Looking Back" Stoughton, Massachusetts A Century Ago this week 

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The Stoughton Record

Newspaper from 1905

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Newspaper from 1907

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