Selected news items from
The Stoughton Record
Newspaper from 1907
re-published in the Stoughton Journal article each week
by David Allen Lambert
For my current issue of "Looking Back" Stoughton, Massachusetts A Century Ago this week
pick up the Stoughton Journal every Friday, or view it online at:
News items from:
January 25, 1907
Local News about town
Ebenezer Rhodes Faxon died in Stoughton, Jan. 18, 1907, aged 87 years, 4 months 26 days. He was a descendant of the Roxbury Faxons, although he was born in Baltimore, Md., Aug. 23, 1819, and was the son of Nathaniel and Sallie (Crafts) Faxon. His parents reside in Baltimore but a short time and returned to Roxbury where they died when their son was in infancy. He made his home with an aunt in Roxbury until June 18, 1828, at which time though not yet 8 years of age, he came to Stoughton and lived with Lucius Packard of whom he learned the trade of boot-making. Since that time he was a resident of this town except when he was in the service of his country. On Sept. 17, 1861 he enlisted in Co. I., 1st Mass. Cavalry and after being at the front for some time became disabled on a severe attack of rheumatism and was detailed to serve as a nurse in the military hospital at Beaufort, S.C. and on April 22, 1863 he was honorably discharged from the service. On Aug. 24, 1862 he reenlisted and served in Co. C. 13th regiment Veterans Reserve Corps and remained until Nov. 16, 1865, when he was discharged from the service on account of the close of the war. When A. St. John Chambre Post 72 G.A.R. was organized, on Dec. 10, 1868, he was one of the ten charter members and was then and ever afterward when his physical strength permitted, an earnest worker in the welfare of the Post. From 1881 up to 1888 he held the office of Post Surgeon, and regularly attended the meetings. His comrades deeply respected him for he was so honorable, kind and true. He married in 1844, Miss Harriet Newell Holt of Moultonboro, N.H., and they had four children, two of whom are now living. Dr. William O. Faxon, senator from the Second Norfolk district, and Mrs. James W. Richardson. His wife died of pneumonia a little more than a year ago. Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at his late home on Washington street Rev. L. O. Williams officiating.
Chemung Lodge Knights of Pythias had a great time at the installation of their new offices, last Friday night, by Deputy Charles A. Elliott and suite of Brockton, some 70 being present. Caterer Valiquet furnished one of his most satisfactory collations, and there was a grand good time enjoyed by all present, including speech making by guests and home members.
Mrs. Charles Hathaway and Mrs. A. M. Bridgman were delegates to the quarterly meeting of the Norfolk and Pilgrim branch of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Board of Foreign Missions which was held at the Congregational Church in Randolph. Tuesday forenoon and afternoon.
Mrs. Jesse Rogers, Porter Street, was one of those who sang in the choral class of the Brockton Woman’s Club at its annual guest night at Y.M.C.A. hall in Brockton. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jones, Mrs. George Shaw and others from Stoughton also attended the exercises.
There will be a concert given in the Congregational church at an early date for the benefit of the church choir fund.
On Sunday, the 13th, two members of the Arion quartet Messrs. Channing Capen and Morton Capen were so ill with the grip they could not sign, and for the first time since the quartet was organized, two years ago, it had to omit it’s Sunday engagements.
William Southworth, who was recently appointed mail carrier for the rural free delivery, began his duties last week.
An alarm fire Monday evening from box 72 at 11:15 was caused by a fire in a barn owned by Mrs. Susan Sawyer and situated on Pearl Street. It was entirely consumed, with four tons of hay, which were stored in it. It was insured for $400., loss $600. cause incendiary.
News items from: February 1, 1907
Local News about town
Stoughton Rubber Co. Disposes part of its business to Spalding & Co. The Stoughton Rubber Company has completed the sale of its golf ball factor to Messrs. A.G. Spalding & Co., the well known sporting goods manufacturers of Boston, New York and Chicago. The purchaser is one of the largest concerns of the kind in the country and they mean to operate the factory to its capacity in the manufacture of golf balls, in which they are large dealers. The plant is a nearly new one located off Clapp Street on the line of the New Haven railroad. It consists of three buildings with ample land. The main factory is a two story wooden building completely fitted for the business of manufacturing gold balls. The other two buildings are a storehouse and a powerhouse, both of brick. The factory is a model one of its kind and is the result of several years experimenting in this particular line. The Stoughton Rubber Company built this factory about five years ago and began making in improved rubber cored golf ball.
Fine Ice Crop. Stoughton ice men are pleased with the fine ice crop which has resulted from the extremely cold weather. They have worked hard and preservingly for the past week gathering in the harvest that Stoughton may have at its disposal a liberal supply, and it is said they also hope to get enough to carry some over to another year. Mr. Farrington has put in for Fred G. Drake some 300 tons, while Mr. Murphy is putting in some 4,000 tons or more. From both the Sanderson place and Frank Monk’s on West Street. The ice is nearly a foot thick and is clear and of excellent quality from a sanitary point of view. With so generous a crop it is believed that the price this year will be moderate for the consumer.
The Y.P.S.C. E. will hold its meeting at 7 o’clock, Sunday evening, in the vestry, instead of at 5:45 at which time Miss Ruby Sampson, formerly president of the Society, will speak.
Mrs. C.A. Brown is able to be about again after an attack of the grip.
Mr. S.C. Wadden, the new druggist expressed himself the other day as being much pleased with the cordial manner in which he has been welcome here by Stoughton people, as he gains their acquaintances, one by one. Surely this attest to Stoughton’s good will and hospitable disposition, is what we all like to hear and especially so, when it is true as The Stoughton Record believes it is.
Sleighing Party. Twenty-Seven Young People go to Brockton. A company of twenty seven young people including, Mrs. F. M. Oxton’s Sunday school class and friends enjoyed a delightful sleigh ride to Brockton, Tuesday evening, where they alighted and were served hot chocolate at the Emanuel Candy and Ice Cream Parlors, Main Street, Brockton, after which the ride was resumed and the party came home through Avon. Mr. E.P. Clapp was the driver and those in the company were Mrs. F. M. Oxton, Miss Fannie M. Burnham, Miss Abbie Partridge, Misses Turner, Grace Carpenter, Ethel Pratt, Myrtle Butler, Linda Smith, Helen Blye, Annie Olsen, Helma Olsen, Netta Pye, Rosa Long, Carrie Long, Myrtle Drake, Mable Pratt, Cora Pratt, Madeline Meade, Inez Warren, Hattie Stevens, Ruth Capen, Stella Pratt, Viola Wade, Alice and Ruth Clapp, Mildred Thayer, and Maude Billings.
News items from: February 22, 1907
Local News about town
Pastor Resigns. Rev. L.O. Williams to Leave Church. At the Universalist Church Sunday, Rev. Leon O. Williams read his resignation as pastor. It is with deep regret that the church faces the loss of so zealous a pastor. Mr. Williams resigns to go to the Church of the Messiah at Buffalo, N.Y., the second largest church of that denomination in the country. Mr. Williams has been pastor of the First Parish Church since January 1, 1903. These have been years of steady growth, in all directions. Of coursed there is little room for increase of families in Stoughton but the Parish has taken on a more definite form and a more united purpose that ever before. Church membership has grown from about seventy members to one hundred and thirty five. The organization of the parish has been changed so as to be simpler and yet more effective. Finances have been placed on a more definite basis and the income greatly increased. In all ways the parish is in better shape that at any time of its history. Mr. Williams successor will find a fine parish well organized and ready for work along the lines of new services and new successes. Which this church has always been fortunate in securing able and worthy men as pastors, yet it is safe to say that none have been more successful that has Mr. Williams. The church to whom he goes in Buffalo will find in him both a forceful preacher and faithful and efficient pastor.
New Bank Quarters. Our successful banker, Henry W. Britton, has had new quarters fitted up on the second floor of his block for the Stoughton Co-operative Bank, and hopes to commence business in the new apartments on the second Saturday in March, when a new series of shares opens. Mr. Britton states that he will be at the Co-operative bank during certain hours regularly, and thereafter the business will be entirely separate from his other banking interests.
Given a Divorce. At Dedham, Wednesday, Mrs. Nellie K. Standish of Stoughton was granted a divorce from Henry A. Standish of Boston with a $25. a month alimony; beginning March 15; decree was for desertion.
Dog Bit Two. Man and Girl Sent Away for Treatment. Word has just been received by Dr. James Murphy from Dr. Peters saying that the head of a dog killed Feb. 10 in the yard of Fred Landon showed that he had the rabies. The dog at the time of being killed wore a collar marked “R.C. Lane, West Roxbury”. The Friday previous this dog got in a fight with a cat at the home of Thomas Cobbett on School Street and in trying the stop the fight Cobbet was bitten on the hand. The dog also started to fight with a dog owned by William Kelley and Helen Kelley, 9 years old got bitten on the hand while trying to separate them. The cat and dog were both killed. As a result of the report received by Dr. Murphy the two who were bitten, were sent to the hospital for treatment.
There was a large audience out to hear the vesper service at the Congregational Church. Sunday, afternoon, which was rendered very satisfactory under the direction of Miss Jennie Carpenter at the organ. The solo parts of the cantata of “Ruth” were taken by Miss Irene Howland, contralto of the Bromfield Street Methodist Church in Boston as “Naomi”, Miss Grace H. Carpenter as “Ruth”; Miss Ethel H. Jacquin as “Orpah”; and Mr. Morton A. Capen as “Boaz”. The chorus included Miss Mattie Sawyer, Miss Arletta Partridge, Mrs. Fred Oxton, Miss Turner, Miss Lottie Eldredge, Miss Minnie Bourne, and Messrs. E.P. Clapp, Lester Gay and Fred Clapp. An offering was taken towards a choir fund.
Mr. Henry Lunsmann is on a two weeks’ business trip to Chicago.
Miss Alice Edwards has returned from a visit to friends in Quincy,.
Ralph Murphy has retuned to his home in Weymouth after being the guest of Alfred Adams this week.
Miss Rosabelle Wittig has been entertaining friends from South Hanover this week.
Mrs. Ruth Orland, formerly of this town is spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mosman.
News items from: March 1, 1907
Local News about town
Sleigh Ride and Dinner. A party of twenty young people from Dorchester came to Stoughton village Friday morning, Washington’s birthday for a sleigh ride E.P. Clapp’s two horse pung met them at 11 a.m. in the square and drove them through North Easton, Bay Street [Bay Road] to Plain, making a short call at Mrs. Trowbridge to get warmed, and then they returned to the village where a dinner was served by Mrs. W.W. Webster in Grand Army Hall. After enjoying the dinner which all pronounced a great success, the party spent the rest of the afternoon dancing, singing, and generally enjoying themselves. Music was furnished by Master Joseph Kelley. The success of the event was largely due to the efforts of Mr. J.C. Trowbridge and Mrs. H. Frank Rice in making the arrangements.
Burned to Ashes. Charles Devine and family barely escape death. The dwelling on Bay Street [Bay Road] known as the Goodale house was burned in ashes about 3:30 this morning, the inmates, Charles Devine, wife and two children barely escaping by jumping from the second story in their night clothes. It is believed that the results would have been more serious had not Mrs. Devine got up, just as the fire gained good headway, to look after the baby who was ill. Discovering at once that the whole lower part of the house was on fire, she took the baby in her arms, got out on the to the roof, and then with her husband and other child, to the ground. Chief Pye of the fire department and four firemen were called and together with neighbors the barn was saved by throwing snow on the roof, but the house was totally destroyed. The property was formerly the old “Ira Drake” place. It was owned by William H. Harris, and was insured. The house had been improved of late and its said that the insurance will hardly cover the loss. The family being forced out in the cold found the neighbors most kind and hospitable in assisting them to leave care for themselves properly.
Mr. Oxton will speak at the Wayside Mission, Sunday at 3 p.m. and Miss Mary Macomber Pastor, at the Prospect Harbor Maine will speak at 7:30 good Music.
Mrs. Ruggles to Sing. The fact that Mrs. May Sleeper Ruggles of Boston will singe at the vesper service at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, in the Congregational Church will no doubt serve to draw out an unusually large attendance. It is a treat to listen to a singer of her class.
Miss A.F. Capen spent Washington’s birthday with friends in Mansfield.
Miss Alice King spent last Friday and Saturday with friends in Brockton.
Mr. E.N. Yates of Campello will speak in the mission in Stretton’s Block Sunday afternoon at 3 and 7:30 in the evening.
Mrs. C.H. Lake will entertain the ladies of Liberty at her home on Park Street, March 5th. All members are request to be present.
Mr. D.F. Marcy, the new blacksmith who has taken the Payne shop in the rear of the Congregational Church is giving good satisfaction by the quality of work he is turning out. Given him a trial.
WANTED: A competent girl to do general housework. Reference required. R.G. Leavitt, Walnut Street.
Dr. W.O. Faxon and Mrs. Faxon will spend the remainder of the legislative session at the Copley Square Hotel, Boston, although he will be at his home office on Friday afternoon from 4 until 9. He finds his legislative duties take a good share of his time now that he is in the upper branch.
News items from: March 15, 1907
Local News about town
The Counter Co. The Stoughton Record is informed that every effort possible has been and is being made to have the business of the Phinney Counter Co. retained in town, but up to present time nothing has been accomplished. The business committee of the Merchant’s Association is doing what it can to interest someone to utilize the factory or plant, and it is yet hoped that some arrangement may be made in the near future that will guarantee a continuance of an industry which has stood by the town for much more than a score of years. One gentleman who has worked on the Phinney factory many years says that he received from the company in wages some $17,000. This item alone allows what it means to the town to lose so extensive a business. It is also stated that 58 men with homes in Stoughton have been employed there , and they are now securing work in Brockton, Boston, or another place.
Hazelum is Manager. His friends persuade him to direct baseball another season. In spite of the fact that Mr. John T. Hazelum the Stoughton Base Ball Association has stated that he would not serve as manager of the Stoughton team another season, at a largely attended meeting, Monday evening, his many friends prevailed upon him to serve this year and he was unanimously elected forthwith.
The Annual Meeting of the Evergreen Cemetery Association, Stoughton, will be held at the Banking Rooms of H.W. Britton & Co. Stoughton, on Tuesday evening, March 26, 1907, at half past seven o’clock, to hear and act up reports, elect officers and transact any other business that may be legally presented. Wales, French, Clerk, Stoughton, March, 11, 1907.
The Upham Bros. bowling team beat the W.L. Douglas team in Brockton, Monday evening.
Misses Marion Stretton and Helen Leonard were at home Sunday, from their college studies, the one at Wellesley and the other at Tufts.
The Stoughton Y.P.S.C.E. has been invited to attend the 21st anniversary of the Endeavor Society of the First Congregational Church of Whitman, to take place Wednesday evening, March 20th.
All those who enjoyed the readings of Mrs. Dexter of Brockton at the Fortnightly Club recently have only the highest praise for her. She will be heard at the entertainment at the Congregational church next Tuesday evening.
Although Mr. Edwin Jones is best known as an organist, yet his skill as a violinist is appreciated by those competent to judge. Mr. Jones will be heard at the entertainment at the Congregational Church next Tuesday evening.
Dr. W.O. Faxon, who is chairman of the legislative committee on railroad has gone to Conway today with his committee to “view the premises” on a matter before of his committee.
For my current issue of "Looking Back" Stoughton, Massachusetts A Century Ago this week
pick up the Stoughton Journal every Friday, or view it online at:
Continue with Selected news items from
The Stoughton Record
Newspaper from 1905 [Click Here]
Newspaper from 1906 [Click Here]