Mr. and Mrs. George W. Pratt of that Town Have 12 Living Children


George William Pratt of Stoughton is the father of 12 children, and glad to have such a large family.  He is a lineal descendant of Phineas Pratt, who came to Plymouth from England at a time when large families were in vogue.  That was in 1623.  He was born in Chelsea 60 years ago, went to the front in the Civil War with H company, 43rd Mass. infantry, and removed to Stoughton in 1878.

Mr. Pratt is adjutant of Theodore Winthrop Post 35, G.A.R., of Chelsea.  He is chairman of the Board of Selectmen of Stoughotn and for the past 13 years has had charge of the property his father left him in Chelsea, where his mover, aged 89, still lives.  

In May 1868, Mr. Pratt married Clara Isabelle Pierce of West Townsend.  Their children are:

[Source: The Boston Globe, 19 March 1903, p. 4; and the Social Security Death Index]



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