South Precinct of Dorchester Meeting Records 1715-1726 

Covering the events of the Precinct, the church, and the creation of the township of Stoughton



A Coppy of the General Court Grant for a now precinct to be set off within the Township of dorchester . Upon Reading a Petition of the Inhabitants of the Westerly Part of the Blew Hills within the of Dorchester commonly call'd the New Grant, Importing, That they live very remote from any place of Public Worship, The nearest being at  about six miles distant from Dorchester Dedbam & Milton Were upon that account very uneasy & Petitioned ye Town of Dorchester that they might be sett off a Precinct by themselves, Whereupon at a Meeting of the Town of Dorchester, on the twelth Day of May 1707, they did by a Vote manifest their Consent thereto, and that the Petitioners should be impowered to agree with & settle an able Minister among themselves, & to raise a Tax to defray the Charges of Building their Meeting House & Maintenance of their Minister &c, and chose a Committee, who with the Petitioners on the tenth Day of June following agreed upon the Place where the Meeting House should stand & now stands, & what shoul be the Bounds & Limits of their Precinct, As by the Committee's return may appear, and moreover the Town of Dorchester gave the Petitioners about thirty Pounds towards Building their Meeting House,


   That upon this Encouragment the Petitioners sett, about building their Meeting House, and in May 1708 petitioned the General Court for Confirmation of what was done, A to impower them to do such other Acts as might be agreeable to the Laws &c Which passd in the House of Representve, but was Non-Concur'ed in Council, That they have improv'd the Rev'd. Mr. Joseph Morse as their Minister for above these eight years, but not ordain'd, Nor the Petitioners enabled to levy a Tax for his Support, Which lavs them under very great Inconveniences for want of the Gospel, & as to the Minister's Support, Which falls heavy upon some while others refuse to pay any thing at all.


    Humbly Praying that the General Court will please to Confirm the said Town Vote. A the Doings of the Committee thereupon, And that they may be a distinct Precinct & Impower'd to choose fit Persons among themselves to asses, & Levy a Tax for the Support of their Minister, & Defraying other Charges & to do such other acts as may be agreeable to the Laws, &c.]


[The above three paragraphs in smaller type and enclosed in brackets are not in the Book of Records but are copied from the Records of the General Court].


In the House of Representatives


                                                                                                                                                   Decemr 19th 1715

Read and Ordered that the prayer of this Petition be Granted so far as that a new Precinct be Constituted and sett off with all the necessary Powers and privileges used and exorcised in Precincts for the maintenance of the Gospel ministry agreeable to the Limits and Conditions expressed in the Report of the Committee apointed by the Town of dorchester for that end widen is signed Samuel Clap Samuel Topliff and Samuel Wales

Sent up for Concurrence

                                                                                                            Daniel Epes Speakr pro Tempore


                                                                                In Council        Decemr 19th 1715      Read and Concurred

                                                                                                                                        Sam1 Woodward Secry



[p. 2]

  Att a Precinct meeting In dorchester march the 28th 1716 Legally warned for to Choose a Clerk and three Assessers for the year ensuing within the precinct the same day was Chosen for moderator Joseph Hewins. the same day was Chosen for precinct Clerk Joseph Hewins the same day was Chosen for Assessors of said precinct for the year ensuing

                                                        Heniy Crane     John Fenno 

                                                                and Joseph Hewins


Att a Precinct meeting legally warned In dorchester April the 20th day 1716

                                                             Samuel Andewrs        moderatour


The same day it was voted that the Inhabitants of said precinct would give to Mr Joseph Morse forty pounds annually so long as hee shall uphold  

  and perform the work of the ministry among them this vote was in the Affermative

the same day it was voted that there should bo fifteen pounds Raised by Rate    upon the inhabitants and Ratable Estates within this precinct and 

  laid out upon the meetlng-house as far as that would go toward the finishing of itt    this vote also was in the affir[mative]

the same day likewise it was voted in the affirmative that there should be five pounds more R[----] for to defrey the necessary Charges [----] saide 



[p. 3]

The same day itt was voted that a Committee should be Chosen to Receive    the money that was granted for the meeting house and for other necesary charges ariseing within said precinct and to hire workmen to doe the work    about the meeting house and to pay them for their work    this vote was in the affermatiue.

the same day itt was voted that John fenno and Richard Hixson should be a    Committee to Recieve the money that was granted for the meeting house and other nessesary charges ariseing within the precinct and to hire workmen to do    the work about the meeting house and to pay them for their work this vote    was in the affermatiue

Att A precinct meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants Quallified    according to Law in dorchester precinct legally warned July 11th 1716     Joseph Hewins.   moderatour.

the same day it was voted that there should be four Shillings levied upon the

   pole in the ministers Rate this present year      this vote was in the Affermative

the same day itt was voted in the affermative that the assessors Reeieve and pay

   Mr Morse his Salerey and that the Constable should make up his Accounts

   with them.


[p. 4]


   Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of dorchester South precinct Regulerly    Assembled on Tuseday the eight day of Jenuary 1716/17 Joseph Hewins moderatour

the sam[e] day the ministers Rate was published: and two dayes ware appointed

   for persons to pay in their ministers Rate and to make up their accounts

   with Mr Morse.  the dayes appointed were the first munday and the

   third munday in february

the same day itt was voted in the affermatiue that there should be a new door

   made neer the west Corner of the meeting house.

the same day itt was voted that the seats in the body of the meeting house    should be Removed and Joyned togeather in the middlo of the meeting house.    this vote was in the affermative

the same day itt was voted in the affermatiue that a Committee should be

   Chosen to go to dorchester att march meeting to Request a part of the School

the same day the Assessors of the precinct for this present year ware Chosen

   by the major vote a Committee to go to dorchester to Request a part of the

   school there

The same day itt was voted in the affermative that there should be three men    added to the Committee that have the oversight of the meeting house and of    the work that is to bo done to itt and the men Chosen to that service ware John    Puff[er]  Henry Crane.   Samuel Andrews


[p. 5]


Att A meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitance qualified acording to Law within dorchester South Precinct Legally warned march ye 25.  1717

                                                                                                Samll Andrews moderater

The Same day there was Chosen By a majoritie of vote for A Precinct Clark for

   ye yeare insuing: Peter Lyon The Same day was Chosen for ye first assesser by ye major vote for ye yeare

   insuing: Peter Lyon The Same day was Chosen for ye Seconde assessor for ye yeare insving by ye

   major vote Joseph Hewins The Same day was Chosen for ye third assessor by yo major votes for ye yeare

   ensuing    Henry Crane


ye 21. of march 1719-20

Then Constable Samll Bullard Broft a recent in full from under ye hand: of ye    Reverend mr morse: unto yo assessors of This Precinct: of ye ministriall Rate    comitted unto Side Bullard To Colect in ye yearo 1716


march ye 4. 1720-21

Then Constable Joseph Tucker, Rescued for ye yere 1718 of ye Reuerend mr    morse, a recept in full, under Mr. Morse is hand and Broft it to The assessors, of

This Precinct: of ye ministriall Rate Commited unto Joseph Tucker To Colect in the yere.    1718


September ye 20th 1721

Then Constable Philup Liscome Broft a recept in full From under ye hand of: ye    Reverend mr. morse: unto ye assessors of This Precinct: of ye ministriall Rate    Commited unto Philup Liscume to Collect in ye yeare 1719


December ye 14 1721

Then Constable Edward Baly Broft a reccpt in full From undr The hand of    ye Reverend mr morse: vnto ye assessers of This precinct, of ye ministriall    Rate which was Commited unto sd. Baly to Colect in ye ycare 1721


[----]er. 14. 1721

Then Constable Edward Baly made up his acompts with the Commettee of This    precinct, of The Ten pound Rate which was commeted to said Baly To colect in    The yere - 1721


[----] 29 - 1723   Then Constable Thomas Spur Brought a Recept in full from [un]der the hand of ye Reverand mr Joseph Morse unto the Commettee or  [----] of this Precinct, of ye ministriall Rate which was commeted   [----]ur to colect in the yere 1721—


[----] Then Mr Joseph Morse gave a Recept In full under    [----]xty pounds in money for his seruice in ye ministry [----] of    this Precinct, for the yere 1722              *   *   *   *   from Mr. Joseph Morse


[p. 6]


At A meeting of ye freeholders and other inhabitants qualifled acording to    Law within dorchester South Precinct Legally warned: on june ye 4th 1717    Mr nathll Huberd moderater

The same day it was voted in ye Afermitlue that ye veconcle in ye meeting    house on ye west ende of ye Pulpite should should Ly vecante for ye Present.

The same day it was voted on ye afeiinitiue that the veconcys at ye ends of ye    Seats below in ye meeting house Should be made up into two Longe seats one    at a ende

The Same day was Chosen for to get these two seats made ye formar Comitte    that was chosen to get ye work done about ye meeting house

At a meeting Legally warned and asembled in dorchester South Precinct on    July ye 28 1717. It was Put to vote whether ye Congregation in this precinct    would renew there Call to ye revrend mr Josip morse for Ids farder Settlement:    and to be ordained a Pastor of a church in this precinct: this vote was on ye    afremitive

The same day it was voted on ye afermitive that ye sd Precinct Congregation    would Proceed to ordain mr Josiph morse Som time in ye month of octr next insuing

At A Meeting of yo freeholders and other Inhabitance qualified acording to Law   within dorchester South Precinct Legaly warned and asembled on Sept ye 30.   1717:   Isaac Starns modaretour

It was voted on ye afermative That ye Precinct Congregation would Proceod To    ordaine mr Joseph mors ye Last wendsday in octo next insewing

The Same day it was voted on ye afermitiue That ye Prouizion and entertain-   ment of ye Elders and mesingars at ye ordaination Should be raysed by a rate if a    free colection would not defray ye charge: and if it did and there should be anny    overplus it Should be layde out in Somthing to furnish ye Secrimentall Table    withall

The Same day There was Chosen for a Comittie to resave ye mony that should    be given or gathered for to defray ye charges of ye ordaination and to Lay it    out in Sutable Prouizion for ye honorable entertainment of ye Elders and mes-   ingars at ye ordaination and ye comittie chosen ware Ritchard Hixson: Beniemin    Esti: Samuell Andrews Thomas Spur John vose and Philip Liscome The Same day There was choson a Comittie to sende Letars to ye nighboring    churc[h] for There Elder's and mesingars for Their asistance at ye ordaination    of mr Joseph morse: and ye Comttie Chosen was, Peter Lyon and Joseph    He[wins]

The Same day was voted on ye afermitve That ye Precinct would s[---] ye assesars in theire reating of ye ocupiers of ye scoolo fa[rm]  This    Precinct for Theire Pouls and Stocks.

At A meeting of ye freeholders and other inhabitance qualified [----]    To Law Legally warned and asembled on november ye 15 [----] Joseph    Hewens moderator

The Same day it was voted on ye afermitive that ye Precinct [----] Ten    Pounds: for to be raysed by a reat for to Pay [----] Precinct is now    indepted. and to defray ye charge [----] nesaseyly arise in ye Pre-   cinct this Presante ye [----] To be Layd out upon ye meeting house.

The Same day ye assesers were chosen for [----]ye Constable and Lay    it out acordin [----]


[p. 7]


The Same day it was voted on ye afermitiue That Thay would Chuse A    Comitte of five men for To Seate ye meeting house - and ye Comittie chosen:    were Henry Crane: Samuell Bullerd: John fenno: Joseph He wins and John    Puffer.

The Same day it was voted on ye afermitiue That Thay would Chuse A Comittie    for to gather in ye Reuerend mr. morses old arears and ye Comittie chosen    was: Henry Craine Thomas Spur Benjemin Esti John Puffer and John    wintworth.


At A meeting of ye freeholders and other inhabitants qualified acoding To Law in Dorchester South Precinct: Legally warned and asembled on Jenuery ye    20: 1717-18    Peter Lyon modorater. 

The Same day it was voted on ye afermitiue That Thay would Petetion ye    Towne To Set Them off a Township acording To ye Bounds of ye Precinct:

   The Same Day it was voted on ye afermitiue That Thay would Chuse a Comittie To Prefer Their Petition and ye Comittie Chosen was Peter Lyon    Thomas Spur & John vose.

At A Meeting of ye Freeholders and other inhabitants quallified a cording To    Law in Dorchester South Precinct Legally warned and asembled march ye    17th 1717-18.   Peter Lyon Modarater.

The Same day was chosen for The Precinct Clark for ye yeaare insuing - Peter    Lyon .

The Same day was chosen for ye first assesser: Peter Lyon.

The Same day was chosen for ye Seconde assesser John vose.

The Same day was chosen for ye Third assesser John fenno.

[The] Same day John Fenno gave an acoumpt of ye Twentie Pound    granted By ye Precinct for ye finishing of ye meeting house and other   charges araising in ye Precinct in ye yeare 1716 which acoumpt was exsepted.

[The] Same day ye Comittie That was chosen To Provided for ye [----] [o]rdaination    of mr morso gave in Their acoumpt & exsepted

[The same ] day it was voted on ye afermitive That Thay [----] hold ye weekly    contrybution and Paper Their mony [----] [T]heir names Their unto and all That is not so [----] be astemed as  Strengars mony and noe    [----] Taken of it as any part of mr morses Salary.

[----] [comm]ittie That was chosen for To Prefer a petetion To [----]

The precinct off a Township: was chosen again [----]n untill it be acomplished if it may [----]e chosen was Peter Lyon John vose Thoms Spur

 [p. 8]


At A meeting of The Freeholdars and other inhabitants quallyfied a cording To Law in Dorchester South Precinct Legally worned and a Sembled august: ye 18th 1718   Joseph Hewins modarator. The Same day it was voted in ye afermitiue That ye Precinct Congregation would give To ye Reverend mr morse: 15 pounds more Then his Former Sallary for This Presant yeare. 

At a meeting of ye Freenoldars and other inhabitants quallyifled acordlng To Law: Legally worned and asembled in This Precinct : on nouember ye 26. 1718. Mr Nathanel Hubard modorator.

The Same day it was  voted  in  ye afermitive That ye first monday and    ye Last monday in february annually should Be ye set days for ye inhabitants    for To make up Their acoumpts with mr morse of The ministerall Rate At a meeting of ye inhabitants of This Precinct Legally worned and asembled February ye 16th 1718-19    Joseph Hewins modorater.

The Same day it was voted Thay would Petetion ye Town of Dorchester for    That Part of ye incomes That is belonging To ye ministry church and Scoole    of Dorchester: That does By Right Belong To This Precinct The Same day was choos a Committie for To Prefer a Petetion To The Town    for ye same and ye Comittie chosen was Joseph Hewins: John vose and Peter    Lyon.

At a Precinct meeting meeting in Dorchester South Precinct Legally worned and    asembled: on march ye 4th 1718-19   Joseph Hewins: modarator.    Joseph Hewins was choosen: Precinct Clerk: and first Assesor and John Puffer    ye Second assesor: and Joseph Tucker The Third assesor. The Same day it was voted: on ye afermitive That ye Precinct would glue To    The Reverend mr morse Fifteen Pounds more To Be aded To his former    Sallary: For This Presant yeare

The Same day it was voted: on ye affermitiue: That Thay would grant a Rate To    Be made of Twentie Pounds and Collected of and From ye inhabitants and    estate of sd Precin[ct] [----]Be Layd out upon ye meeting House and To defray    any or [----] nessesary charges That may arise in ye Precinct This y[----] The Same day it was voted on ye afermitiue That The as [----] Should    Reseve ye saide Twentie Pounds of ye cunsta[---] [----] hire workmen and    Pay Them: and Pay any other charg[es]

At a meeting of The Freeholdars and other inhabitan[ts] ***** a cording To    Law in Dorchester South Precinct [----] of September: 1719:  By vartue    of a warant [----] of Dorchester To choose a Precinct [----] This    Presant yeare By reson of [----] Chosen in march. To Be a clerk and as--   [-----] an assessor Their none acseptance [----] The Same day Their was chosen [----] Precinct Clerk - Peter Lyon [----] The Same day was chosen for ye [----]


[p. 9]

At a Precinct meeting in Dorchester South Precinct Legally worned and assembled on ye 21 day of march 1719-20.   Joseph Hewins moderator The Same day was choosen For a Precinct Clerk and ye first assessor: Peter Lyon

The Same day was choosen For The Seconde assessor Joseph Tucker The Same day was choosen For ye Third asseser william Crain The Same day it was voted on ye affermitiue That The Precinct inhabitants    would giue ye Reverend mr morse Sixtie Pounds for his Labor in ye work of    ye ministry For This Presant yeare The Same day ye assesers was choosen a Comitie To Call and opoint Precinct meetings The same day it was voted on ye affermitiue That Their Should Bo Six Shillings

   Levied upon ye Poule For This Presant yeare To ye ministeriall Rate At A Precinct meeting Legally worned and asembled ye 29 of june 1720 The Same day John Fenno Joseph Tucker and Peter Lyon: gave an acount    How Thay had Layd out ye Ten Pound and ye Twentie Pound Rates which    were comitted To Constable Haws and Constable Liscom To Colect The Same day it was voted on ye afermitiue That Thay would choose a

   Comittie of Three men for To Sate ye meeting house and ye Comittie Then Chosen: was : John Fenno : Benjemin Blackman and Joseph Hewins The 8ame day There was Ten Pounds granted To Be Raysed by way of Rate    upon ye Pouls and estets in sd Precinct For To Repaire The Roof of ye meeting    House and To Bank ye out side of ye scils of sd house and To Repaire mr    morses Pew desantly and To Defray other neseasary charges araising in sd Precinct

The Same day The assessers were chosen a comittieTo Receve ye sd Ten Pounde    Rate of ye Constable: and hire workmen and Pay Them for said work: and Pay    other charges areising acording To ye vote

[----] Then John Fenno Joseph Tuckar and Peter Lyon Receved of Constable

   Liscom 20 Pounds which was in full of a Rate which was comitted To    him To Collecte in ye.yeare 1719 [----] Same day Paide To Lefte John vose for work don in ye [m]eeting house Seventeen Pounds and nineteen Shillings

[----] [me]eting Legally warned and asembled the 3rd day of march 1720/21    [----] [mo]derator:  The Same day was Choosen For a precinct Clark     and [----] Tucker : The Same day was chosen For the Second    asseser [----] Same day was chosen For the Thard asseseser John Feuno    [----] the affirmitive That The Precinct inhabitants would [----]

   Sixty Pounds for his Labor in the ye work of [----]nt yeare 


[p. 10]

The Same day it was voted on ye affermitive That Thare Shuld Be five

   Shilings Levied on ye Poule for This yere insuing to ye ministerial Rate: The Same day it was voted that ye assesers Shuld be a Comitie for to inquier in    to ye Precincts Title to ye Land whare ye meeting house Stands & to get a    stronger Confermation of The Same if Nede be -At a Precinct meeting Legally Warned and asembled the. 30. Day of October.1721   John Fenno moderator :

The Same day the Committee gaue an a Compt of the teen Pounds which was    granted in the yere. 1720 and the a Compt was accepted onely exsepting    Twenty three shilings and .6. pence which was paid to John Vose for his    prouiding for the ordainnation of mr. mors: which was Dissallowed of by the precinct

The Same Day Thare was Aight Pounds granted to Be Raysed by way of Rate    upon ye pouls & Estates in sd precinct for To Defray the charges arising in sd precinct

The Same Day the precinct voted to give Constable Thommos Spur Suen Shilins    for him To gather obidlah Haws is. erears. of mr. morses Rate & sd Spur exsepted The Same Day Twas voted on the Afirmatife that The precinct was not willing

   That Mr- Hubbard shuld Draw of from this precinct to a nother town The Same day the Assassars was Chosen a committee for To manege the Prodaushals of This precinct.

At A Precinct meting Leegally warned and asembled the 5 Day of march 1721/22 Samuel Bulard moderator :

The Same Day was Choosen: Joseph Tucker the Precinct Clark : The Same Day was Chosen For the Three assesars Joseph Tucker and: Samuel

   Bulard: and William Crane -

The Same day was voted on the affirmitiue That the Precinct inhabitants would    giue ye Reuerand mr. morse Sixty Pounds for his Labor in the work of ye    ministry For This Presant yeare: The Same Day it was voted on ye affermitiue That Thare Shuld Be Five

   Shi[llings] [----] on ye Poule for This yere insuing to ye ministerial Rate: The Same day Thare was Chosen a commettee for to open The Boun[----]

   house Land & The Neighbors Lands a joyning & to mesuer how [----]    The Rhode & Likewise Each way: & for the Commettee [----]    Same To The Clark of This Precinct: That he may inter[----]

The Commettee Then Choseen was John Fenno & [----]

The Commeties Return about the meting house Land:We[----] The

   15. of march. 1722: & we have opened [----] Limits of the

   meting house Land & we finde the [----] From the South Corner

   by the Rhode Twenty [----] on ye Est end Twelve Rods, to

   a Black [----]& a halfe to a stake : & on the west

   En[----] The Cometty That Signd was - [----]


[p. 11]

At a Precinct meting of The Freeholders & other inhabitants Leegally    warned and asembled the 3 Day of September: 1722: Samuel Bulard moderater

The Same Day Twas voted on the Afirmitive That the Precinct woold pay mr.-   Joseph morses Salerry at Two Payments, the first to be paid by the Last of october and the 2nd To Be payd in: by The tenth Day of march Anually

The same day twas voted that the Assessars Shuld take Care that the arears of    of mr. morses Salerry Shuld be Paid & Cleard up for the yere 1717 -

At A Precinct meeting of The Freeholders & other in habitants Leegally Warned    and a Sembled, ye 4 Day of march, 1722/3 Samuel Bulard moderator -

The Same day Joseph Tucker was Chosen Precinct Clark:

The Same day was Chosen for the three Assessers, Joseph Tucker & Samuel    Bullard & William Crane

The Same Day Twas voted on the afirmative to give mr. Joseph mors thurty Pounds for The halef yere insuing: that is to be payd in to him By the forth    Day of September -

The Same day The Precinct voted on the afirmitive to Rays half a Croune apon    the Pole for the half yere insuing—

The Same Day the Assessers Was Chosen a Comettee to maneg the Prudanshels    of this precinct -

The Same Day was Chosen Decon Joseph Hewitts & Decon Benjamin Blackman

   & Peter Lyon a Commettee for to petion to ower Towen for that part of the School which may Properly beloong to this Precinct

The Samo Day the Commettee gave an a Compt how for the Last aight pound  has been exspended, which was Suen Pound:   Remaining for the youse of the Precinct one Pound: the a Compt was Exsepted by the Precinct


The Same Day the Precinct voted on the afirmitive that thay woold Rays five

   pounds apon the poles & Estates of inhabitents of theis Precinct to defray

   [----]es a Riseing in this precint -


[----] [---]es a Riseing in this precinct -

[----]g of The Free holders & other in habitents Leegally    warned & [----] Day of march 1723/4 -  Elder Joseph Hewins    moderater [----]er was Chosen Precinct Clark :

The Same Day was [----] Joseph Tucker & Samuel Bullard & Willliam

   Crane [----] voted on the a Firmitive to giue mr. Joseph morse    [----]ing viz Thorty pounds of ye same for ye yeare past [---]    ninty pounds to be paid in to sd mr. morse by [----] insuing: & to make    up the hole of the ninty -


[p. 12]


Pounds by the First day of march Next in suing:

The Same day the Precinct voted on the a firmitive to Rays Five Shillings on the Pole —

The Same Day twas voted that ye Assessers Shuld be a commettee for to manege

   the Prudanshales of this Precinct

At A precinct meting of The Free holders and other Inhabitants Leegally Warned & a sembled the first day of march, 1724/6 Elder Joseph Hewins moderator:

The Same day Joseph 'Tucker was Chosen precinct Clark

The Same day was chosen for the three Assessors: Joseph Tucker & Samuel Bullard & William Crane -

The Same Day the Precinct voted on the afirmative to giue mr. Joseph morse sexty Pounds: for his woork in the ministry, for The yere insuing

The Same day the Assessars was Chosen a Commettee for to manege The prudantials

   of this Precinct:

The Same Day the Precinct noted on the a firmitiue : that the Precinct woold rayse teen Pounds by way of Rate: for to defray the Charges of this   


The Same Day Twas voted that Thare Shuld be a Seet or Seets Set up in The gallarry which may be thoft nedfull.

The Same day ye commettee gave an acompt of ye Last, 5. pound which was

   granted to defray the charg of sd precinct At A Precinct meeting of The Freeholders and other Inhabitants Regulerly

   Warned & assembled the first Day of march, 1726/6, mr. Nathenil Hubard


The Same Day Joseph Tucker was chosen precinct clark The Same day was Chosen for assessers : for the yere in suing; Joseph Tucker

   John Fenno: & Peter Lyon, -

The Same Day the assessers was chosen a commettee for to manege The Prudantials

   of this precinct The Same Day, The precinct voted on the afirmjtive to ad Twenty pound To

   mr.  morses Stated Sallary for The yere Insuing: That is to Say Sixty pound

   in The hole -The Same Day the Precinct Chose;  Cap Isaac Royall, Lef John P[----] &

   Ins1 William Billing, a commettee for to in quier, whether a [----]

   portion of the Indan Land Lying with in this precinct [----] for the

   use of The ministree in the precinct: & apo[---] and to

   make Report of Thare Dooings at the next pr[---] At A Precinct meeting of The Freeholders and other Inh[abitants]

   and assembled the: aighttcnth Day of April, 172[-] The Samo day ye, Thord, article was a [----] That is, To

   Chuse a Commettee for [----]



[p. 13]


To  Procure,  a  Conveniant Tract of ye Indin Land for ye use of ye

   ministry in this Precinct, The Samo day was Chosen for a commettee Decon Benjamin Blackman, Left

   John Vose & William Crane : for to appere & Petision ye generale Cort if et

   may be Thoft Needful, on ye be halfe of ye north part of This precinct That.

   sd, precinct may not bo divided so much to thare pregjdice, that is to say by

   making ye South part a Townshep -The Same day et was voted on the afirmitive by said precinct to make sume

   Conueniant Place for ye Indines in the meting house for thare Incorigment

   to attend the publick worshep of god -The Same Day ye precinct voted on the afirmitive for to Rays, Five pounds by

   way of Rate for to defray the Charges of This precinct -

At A precinct meeting of The Freeholders and other Inhabitents Regulerly    warned and assembled in ye south precinct in dorchester The Fourteenth Day    of Nouember. 1726 - Capt Isaac Royall moderater:

The Same Day Samuel Bullard and others his neibours to the westword of    the foulmedows In said precinct Seting forth by way of petision: the grate    deflicalty of thare attending the publick worshep of god: with sd precinct by    Reson of thare Remotanes, Prayed that Thare heds and Estats might be freed    from paying Rates to the maintainance of the ministrye in this precinct, so    Long as thay should hier & maintain an orthodose minester to preach ye    gospel amongst them & It was voted In ye afimitive that ye prayer of ye

   petsioners should be granted

The Same Day ye precinct voted In the a firmitiue To Rays Teen pound In addition

   to the five pound which was granted ye .18. day of april. 1726. for to    defray ye Charges of This Precinct

The Same Day It was voted In ye afirmitive that thare Should bo a Commettee    Chosen for to Petition the grate & general Cort. that this Precinct with the    Lands be yand it In ye Township of Dorchester be Sett of a distinct Township:

   with ye one half or proportionable part of the anuel Incom of ye School    Lands Lying within ye South part of sd town according to a vote of ye town    of Dorchester pased at a meting of the Inhabitants of sd Town on The Eight    day of November. 1725 -

[The] Same day It was voted That. Capt Isaac Royall. Insign William Billing &    John Shepard & Siles Crane & George Talbut. Should be a Commettee to    petision [----] [Gene]ral Cort for the ends and purposes as a bove sd. & any


Three or mager part [----] [com]mettee are fully Impowered for to act In the affair above mentioned



[p. 14]


Septemr 28. 1724.   Then Constable Ebenezer Warren Brought a Resept In    full for the Thirty pounds which was granted to mr morse for half a yere   Sallery in the yere. 1723. & under mrs morses one hand: unto the assessors    of this precinct -

march 28, 1725/6 Then Constable Elezer Rhods Brought a Recept In full under    mr morses hand: unto the Assessors, of this south precinct, of twenty &    six pounds In money: which was Constable Rhods is part of inr. morses Rate    for to Colect.

Janawary 2. 1726/7 Then Constable Ebenezer Warren made up his a compt of    the Precinct Rate, which was commeted unto him for to colect, unto the    assessors of this south Precinct In Dorchester -

Feb: 6. 1726/7 Then mr Joseph Morse gave a full & final Discharge for that    years Salary, 1717. which was commeted to Constable Obadiah Haws for To colect, unto John Fenno, Peter Lyon & Joseph Tucker Assessars of ye    South Precinct in Dorchester . Now Called & formed into ye Town Called    Stoughton



Source: Edited and corrected from Frederic Endicott, The record of births, marriages and deaths and intentions of marriage, in the town of Stoughton from 1727 to 1800, and in the town of Canton from 1797-1845, preceded by the records of the South precinct of Dorchester from 1715 to 1727. (Canton, Mass., W. Bense, 1896), pgs. 2-10.


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