The Civil War Letters of Alfred Edward Waldo (1844-1864) of Stoughton, Mass.
Many thanks to Col. "Chuck" Hanselmann for supplying transcriptions in 2006 from his collection.
[Note: All letters were transcribed by Col. Hanselmann with the original misspellings and language for a true transcription. The letters reveal Waldo, who may, or may not have been a hero, does not smoke or drink, to be, nevertheless, a flawed human being. Alfred’s father was known to be a virulent racist and the son appears to share some of his father’s views. One of many things to consider as one reads these letters is whether or not his two and one half years at war changes him, or makes him any more sympathetic to African-Americans. Some of his observations and language are racially offensive to modern readers. Please note that for the sake of the reader some words have been omitted in their full spellings for this reason].
(Corporal - Co. E. 35th Reg., Mass. Inf. Vol.) was born at
There is a memorial stone for Alfred at the Pearl Street Cemetery in Stoughton. The following are the transcriptions for the gravestones in the lot.
In memory of the sons of / Wm P. & Mary Waldo, / ALFRED EDWARD / Born Mar 13, 1844 / Passed to Spirit life; / June 7, 1864 from Armory / Hospital Washington, D.C. / Buried at Arlington Heights / SAMUEL AUSTIN / Born June 7, 1848 / Passed from earth life / July 8, 1868.
Alfred's memorial stone at Pearl Street Cemetery in Stoughton (at Left), and actual gravestone at Arlington National Cemetery (at right).
[If you interested in a higher resolution color image please email me]
- 1862 -
Father & Mother,
I arrived here in season Tuesday. I found our company had changed their
Quarters to where the 33d Regment formerly were which left for the seat of war.
Thursday our Regt. is full. Part of the companys have been mustered in and ours
will be this after
We have been expecting to come home on a furlough all of us and the captain
said he would get one for us but the orders came this morning to grant no more
furloughss for a longer period of 4 hours which would do us no good as we could
not come home. The capt will do all he can for us. We have got some first rate
officers. The
So good bye,
Uncle Samuel Capen is here I shall send this by him
I want you to get some blue flannel and make me 1 pair of flannel shirts. I
want a collar large enough to turn over. I want a pocket on the right hand side
and a button on it so that I can button it up. I want them made good & long.
Where you button up the bossom I want as many as 5 buttons put on. I want you to
get them done so that you can send them in by Satuday morning. Send them by
express if you cannot send them any other way. If you get one of them done and
have a chance to send it here by any one send it for this one is getting dirty.
I can have some from the government but they are not very good ones. You can get
help enough to do them up quick. If you send them by express Direct to A.E.
35th Regt.
The 32 Regt. went to day. Ours is the next one. They will try to get it off
tomorrow but I don't think they will get it off this week. You must get help
enough to make them up quick if you have to get a dozen to help for they will
get us off as soon as they can.
Edward Waldo
P.S. If you want to come here you can come in the first train from Stoughton
and get here at 10 oclock and start from here at 3 and get back at night.
Munson Hill
Father & Mother,
We left
Hunters Chapel,
I have just received your letter that you wrote before I left
I like out here first rate. lt is pretty warm days & cold nights.
Mother & Father,
I received your letter the other day. I have seen the 12th Regt. Gen. Bates
stopped with us last night. We have been on the march since Saturday. The whole
army is on the move. I can not tell any news as my letter will not go if I do. I
left my napsack with my extra shirt and pants & hat and things in it in
The rebels are but 2 miles from us they say. I may not write for some time
but you can write to me just the same. They will not probably send them letters
from here for a short time. Tell Mrs. Pennyman that I do not know what I
should do if it was not for her needle book. I have been on picket guard some.
We have all we can eat by just cooking it. We can get any thing we can find -
pigs, hens, peaches. You may send that flannel sometime but not at present.
I am in a hurry now.
Edward Waldo
Top of the
Since I last wrote to you we have travelled a great many miles. Last Friday
we marched the fartherest that we had any day. We went about 20 miles since
then. We have been with in a few miles of
I want you to send me 2 oil silk bags to carry my Sugar & Coffee in when
you send that flannel. I want them to hold about a pint a piece and fixed some
way so I can tie them strong and send me 3 or 4 postage stamps. I do not want
more than 4 because they will get all sweaty and stick together I can not get
them here tell Lucy that I will answer her letter as soon as I at a time. I must
stop now for we have orders to march. The Artillery are fighting now,
so good bye.
I am as smart as can be and like first rate.
Father & Mother,
I received a letter from you night before last and another one last night
with 2 dollars and 35 cents in it. I also a short time ago received one with
them bags in it. they are Just what I wanted. I had nothing but paper and that
was not very good to keep sugar in and it is pretty scary around here.
You wanted to know who marched next to me in one of your letters and I forgot
to tell you at the time. Capt. Niles marched at the head of the company the
orderly Sergt. next to him then came the front ranks of the Company in which was
L. J. Madden who was 1st Cpl. Cpl. Chas. Cook. Cpl. Bartlet
Sunday I drew me a wollen blanket & haversack & Canteen in place of
those I lost in battle. My boots are about ready to be taped. lf I could get
them fixed they would last all winter but we can't get any such thing done here.
I left the best pair of stockings in my knapsack. I have worn one pair out and
just drawn a pair from the Gov. I should like to have you get Grandmother or
some one to knit me a pair and a pair of mittens with a thumb and fore finger on
them and then if you send out a box of stuff after we get into winter quarters
you can send them. That cayanne pepper was good. Capt. Niles used to take
a drink of cayanne out of my canteen once in a while. He said it made him feel
stronger when he was on the march. Chas. Upham has sent Gus a box.
lt is on the way now. He put in a box of cayanne pepper in it. I have got some
made into tea sitting side of me now. When I am dry, I take a swallow. I
received a Courier and 3 Journals from father this week. You wanted to know what
papers I wanted. Any kind that you happen to have. They are all good here if
they are a month old. You wanted to know if we marched in the streets. I guess
you would think they were Streets. I cannot describe them. You would think it
was impossible for a team to go in them. They do not keep them in repair here. I
guess they were not made in the first place.
--dont know the name of this place,
Oct 29th 1862
Father & Mother,
We are in
Oct 31
We have marched about 10 miles further on. After we left
You said that you send me something to eat when it got a little cooler. I
shall not be sorry to see it coming. Yesterday l saw for the first time since I
left Mass a pie. lt was one that was sent from
Gus & I went off and came to a house. We went in and asked for
some milk and she gave us 3 pints of skim milk and a piece of bread and we went
into it. I had some cider the other day it yesterday. I bought a half of a cow's
liver and had a good supper off of it and I shall get a number of meals from it.
I had to pay 25 cents for it. I have not been to camp since yesterday. lt is
I do not know when you will get this for as the Army of the
Sulpher Springs.
Father & Mother,
I have not received a letter since Oct. 27th. I suppose that there is some on
the way but we have not had a mail lately and I do not know when we shall get
one. The story is that we have had 70 teams of this Division cut off by the
Rebels and if they have the mail may possibly be in one of them. We have had
nothing but coffee and meat for 3 days. No Sugar, Salt or hard tack. We have had
plenty of meat. We have drawn some from the Government and we have been out and
killed hogs and cattle so we have plenty but it would come handy to have a
little salt and stuff to go with it. The people that live here have to pay 1
dollar a pound for coffee & 75 cents for salt. We have been as far as
This is a very handsome place. There was a battle here last month which you,
I suppose, have heard of. There is one establishment here that is capable of
accommodating 4000 persons. One of the buildings is all tore to pieces. They are
stone. There is a bathing house that is fixed up in good shape. The sulpher
spring is in a building a purpose for it and it has got a large Marble statue
that must have cost a large sum but since yesterday morning the soldiers have
knocked it all to pieces. I drank some water out of the spring yesterday it
tasted as brimstrong as could be. They say that it is good for persons to drink
but I should rather be sick than to drink it. This morning since I have been
writing some of our teams have come in with provisions and a mail has also come.
there is a two bushel bag full for this regiment so I expect some letters as
soon as they have been sorted out. I wrote a letter to Lucy the other day
and I had ought to have wrote to Aunt Lucy Porter and Helen
before. If you see them tell them that I will write soon and I expect to get
before a great length time where I can write more regulary as the army cannot
move as soon as the rainy season commences. I have just got a letter from home
with 1 dollar in it and I guess it will come handy. I expect to have some to
send home some time. We were mustered for pay more than a fortnight ago but have
not got it yet and may not for a month. I also received the papers that you
sent. Mother wanted to know if I had been sick. All the sick I have been has
been caused buy the fresh meat which has given the whole regt. the Dia— I dont
know how to spell the rest of it. Gus had a box come the other day. We had to
march and carry the things. Gus wanted you to tell his folks that he was
smart. I will write as soon as I can.
Father & Mother,
I received your letter last Friday also the letter that had the mittens in it
which I was very glad of. The Journals came and the Courier so I had quite a
mail. I wish I could have as large one every time.
When I last wrote to you I was in Sulpher Springs. Since then we have marched
about 50 miles. We have been on the march 4 weeks since we left
We have been in camp on a hill on this side of the
I should like to have 2 shirts made and them good lend ones and have double
backs in them and you can send them when you send the box. I should rather you
would not send the box till I write for you to send it. I want a pair of sewed
boots, good long legs to then. I guess that 11's will not be any to large. I
want them pretty bad. There was one man in this company that had a pair of boots
come by mail for 62 cents.
I am growing fat as can be. I eat all I can get form the Gov. and some some
besides. There was one day that we had a bull, cow, calf, & hog, besides
what meat we drew from the Gov. in this company and we devoured it all before it
spoilt. lt is thanksgiving day after tomorrow. I suppose we shall have all the
Hardtack & Salt & Horse we can eat that day.
I here that there is some of the 9 months men that have gone into winter
quarter to home have they? I wrote in the first part of this letter the names of
the officers but wrote them wrong. The officers themselves expected to come into
this company until this forenoon. They have just been promoted Capt. Preston,
1st Lt. Stickney who is now acting Adjutant. Ingalls will be 2nd
Lt. if he ever comes back. You wanted to know if my side troubled me where I
fell in front of White store. lt does not. I am well in all respects only I am a
little lazy. Gus has not been in the hospital after the battle of
There will be more democrats home if the army ever come than ever went from
Camp near
Father & Mother,
Last night I received a letter from you with 5 10 cent Gov stamp in it also
one from S A and Helen. I should like to have 3 or 4 letters every
night. I got the Courier every week. There is a number in the company that read
it. They think considerable of it. I do not know what they are going to do with
the army this winter. The papers say that we are going on to
Sunday Nov 30th
It is very pleasant today. We are getting more rations than common now. Aqua
Creek landing is 7 miles from here and there is a train of cars running from
here to there and as long as we stay here we shall get enough to eat in a short
time. I do not see how in the world they get as much as they do. I guess it
would make your eyes stick out to see the number of troops that is here. We are
great thieves here but not so large ones as the old Regiments. Last night 2 or 3
of us went to the Quartermasters and when the guards back was turned took a box
of hard tack which weighs 50 Ibs and carried it to our quarters. We don't mean
to starve as long as there is anything to eat. Thanksgiving day was as pleasant
as any day ever was but I have had food more pleasant on that occasion. We had
hard tack and coffee without sweetning for breakfast and the same for supper
with a little sugar. For dinner we had hardtack and pork and I want you to have
a good fat turkey and plum pudding for next thanksgiving day and I will be there
for my share of it and more too.
We are all agoing to fight South. Til then if they want us to and then we
shall commence to fight the N. l am having a pretty good time here. Get up in
the morning about 6 o'clock and eat all I can get for an hour or 2 and then lay
around and drill a little read and write do the chores etc. til dinner time then
put on my afternoon clothes and go a visiting and look around til night. Then
come home to supper and go into the woods and get some wood and make up a good
smart fire in front of our tent and lay down and take some comfort of our lives.
We always sleep down stairs in the winter but shall move up again in the spring.
The 11th N.H. regt. in our brigade has not been in a single fight. lt has come
out since we came and it has lost a number of men by death. lt has burried one
most every day lately. I do not know of a single one that has died in our regt.
unless he was wounded. The 16th Regt. Mass Vol is right side of us also the
11th. The 16th John Turner was in. He I suppose is dead now. Mark Morse
is in the 11th. He was here yesterday. I did not hardly know him. He was as fat
as a goose. lt was the first time that I ever saw him but what he was drunk.
This is a first rate place for them that drink and use tobacco for they can not
get either. Thanksgiving day
Father & Mother,
It has been rather more than a week since I wrote you much of a letter but I
have been pretty busy for a short time past for a week after I last wrote to you
I was on picket on the banks of the Rappahannock. We got the water that we used
out of the river. On the opposite bank the Rebel picket is stationed. They were
about as far off as Mr Uphams house. There is no picket firing. They are
just as good friends as the Union soldiers are. After we had been there a week
we were paid off up to the 31st of Oct. so they owe us most 2 months pay now.
They paid us off at night and the next morning we had to pack up to go into
battle. They commenced shelling the city. We started with all of our money with
us in all probabily there was about $15000 with us. They shelled the city all
day and we did not go across the river that day and May or Fay of Chelsea came
to get the pay of the
- 1863 -
Father & Mother,
I received a letter from you Thursday and my shirt came boots came and a
letter from Martha & you with a 50 cent stamp in it.I was very glad to
receive them. Our regiment has been on picket a number of times lately and the
last time I thought I would get an excuse and I went to the acting Col. which is
Capt. Andrews and and unbuttoned by coat and showed him that I had not got any
shirt and my boots were all worn out and told me to go to Surgeon Lincoln
and get a shirt. I went there and and he gave me a blue one and it will be just
the thing for an under shirt now I like this shirt first rate. My boots had to
go around the whole company and be examined and they passed. They all said that
the one that made them knew how to make boots. You have no Idea how different my
feet feel now. You spoke about sending me some soap. The company have got as
much as a dozen bars that they would give away if anyone wanted them and salt
any quantity of it. We draw such things when we are in camp any time to speak
We had for dinner to day stewed beans. I have got a pint dipper that I have
to eat out of. I had it full for dinner and I have got an other one that I am
going to warm up for supper. We do not draw but one dipper full but I am on
pretty good terms with the cook and when that was gone he slapped in an other
dish full. For supper the company are going to have rice and they will get some
molasses on it. When I was home I used to like rice but out here I do not eat
any. I shall draw my molasses and eat it on hard tack.
I found a lead pencil in my shirt (the one I am now writing with) and a box
of pepper. The pencil that I had is most used up and this one came handy and the
pepper also for Gus had his in his haversac and I had rather be woth out
most anything else than pepper. All my vitules that I use pepper with it and
before I go to bed I very often have a good drink of cayanne tea which I was
always fond of.
You wanted to know what became of Augustus things. His money he sent
home at the same time that I did.
He enlisted before I did therefore he got more pay. We were all paid up to
the 31st of Oct. He received I believe 24 dollars & some odd cents and I
think he sent home 24 dollars to Chas. Upham. He had a 50 cent stamp
left. We all sent home most all of it for we were all drawn up in line of battle
in front of the city over 500 hundred guns minute firing into the city. You can
not imagine the noise that they made, one continual rpar all the time and we
expected every moment to be into the hot work ourselves so we got rid of the
greenbacks as fast as we could for if we did not we thought the Grey Backs might
get them that night. We went to our camp again and started the next morning for
the city and Saturday we had a pull at the cards. Sergt. Hawes is orderly
and it was his business to take charge of the property of those that are killed.
He took the 50 cents and what few little things that could be got that night and
I suppose will send them to his folks. You wanted to know if we had to carry off
the things of them that were killed. The rebels saved us the trouble. there was
not but a very few men that had a thing on their bodies. Not a thread of any
kind. Gus had on all of his clothes but a shoe.
Father & Mother,
I received a letter from you last friday morning I got one from William
Capen yesterday. I wish I could get one from some one every morning. I have
not received one from James Albert or Frank yet. Do you know what
regt. James Albert is in? What regt. is Alphonso Burrell in? I
have not seen him but Luther Bryant told me that he had seen him once.
We are in camp at the same place that we were before the battle. We have
nothing but shelter tents yet. We have been under marching orders for over a
month now. When we shall get off I know not. Gen. Sturges Commanding this
Division is in command of the Department of Washington and they say that we
shall go there to do guard duty. I hope we shall for if we do we shall be likely
to have good comfortable quarters but we can not tell much by what we here.
The 11th N.H. regt. is in this brigade it is a new regt. The Battle of
Fredericksburg was the first one that they was ever in. Robert Fisher, Ed
Fisher's son, belongs to them. I don't know as I ever wrote that he was here
before. He was wounded in the last battle. I saw him on the battlefield wounded
through the calf of the leg.
There was a barrel of dried apples that came to the
Last Wednesday we went on picket down to
We have to bring all of our wood two or 3 miles and water is pretty handy now
for they have dug another spring but I have been after water for the cook
sometimes and have to wait two hours. I am going to get a pass someday and go
and find the 12th regt. I have not seen them since the night before we went into
battle. That night they stoped side of us and Gus & I went over to
see them. They were all smart then and Capt. Ripley looked fat and
healthy but he was wounded and I have since heard that he was dead. Lieut. Whitman
stopped here one night since the battle. He had just come out to join his Regt.
and was looking after it and found this one.
Father & Mother,
I received a letter from you Friday morning. As usual the courier comes every
week and it gets pretty well worn before it gets through the whole company. We
had orders Friday to have 3 days rations cooked and be ready to march yesterday
morning but we did not march yesterday and today being Sunday I think we shall
not go before tomorrow. lt is very cold here today and was yesterday. The water
froze in the
You wanted to know where I tented now. I stay in the cook tent for the
present. I am assistant cook. We have got a tent with the sides boarded about 2
feet high with cracker box boards and our tents put on the top of that and a
fire place made of logs in one corner so it is quite comfortable and now we have
got to move and leave it.
I hope we shall not move a great ways in this weather for we shall have to
lay out nights. The ground being froze, we can not drive any tent pins. We drew
some dried apples from the Gov. the other day and I have some apple sauce to
wash down my hardtack. I do not have any duty to do now only to help the cook
and we cooks have enough to eat such as it is.
Phinney Burrell came over here to see me the other day. He looks just
the same as he always did only a little darker complexion same as the rest of
us. The other day one of our company died an he was buried with the
honors due to a soldier. The brigade band and the whole regt. turned out and
there was a squad of men detailed out of ther company under the charge of Cpl.
Thayer to fire a volley over his grave.
The officers had a regular drunk here last night chaplain and all. They kept
us awake all night. They sang till about
You wanted to know if Sergt. Hawes gave me any thing out of his boxes.
I will tell you. Gus you know had a box come and George Hawes had all of
his molasses and Sergt. Hawes had some of his things but he never gave
Augustus or I any of his things or any of the rest of the company. If you know
his father you can know what he is as far as money is concerned. I like him. He
will do as much for me as he will for any one but he will not give any thing
that costs money.
George Hawes had a box come the other day that was as large as a boot
box. lt cost 4 dollars to get it here there was 20 mince pies in it and some
other stuff. You can keep this to yourself.
Father & Mother,
I recieved your letter yesterday morning. It came one day later than usual.
If it bad not been for the bad weather that we have had for the last few days
you would ere this have heard of another great battle at Fredericksburg. Who
could have come off victor? I do not know. It have been a tough battle and if we
got whipped there again, I think that it would have done as much towards
settling this war as it would if they got whipped.
The whole Army of the
There was one man in company B was drowned in the river. it was very dark and
he fell down the bank and they did not get his body till to day. The Government
lost a great many horses & cannon. It takes 16 mules to draw as much as 4
would draw in good weather.
The Rebels have got stack up on the other side of the river on a large board
printed in large letters, "Burnside stuck in the mud".
Arabella you said wanted to know about the money that Gus
carried out with him. He did not have 2 dollars when he got to
I think we shall remain here for the present now and if you want send out a
box you can. If you do, send one I want you to put in 1 pair of stocking, 1 pair
of suspenders, a little cheese & molasses & sugar tea, one cake of
chocolate, some corn starch, butter and if that does not fill it up put in what
you have a mind to. I don't want you to send another shirt. I have been so long
with but one I should not know what to do with an extra one as I have no
knapsack to carry any thing in. I have got a new pair of pants, a cap, and
handkerchief hung up in my tent. They have been there a fortnight. I am saving
them to go into battle with. If we had moved this week I should have put them on
but as we did not I shall wait til we have orders to move again. If you send a
box put in a comb & towel. I never smarter in my life.
You write Lois & Everlyn on that letter and give it to
Now I have got my new boots I don't care if the mud comes knee deep. I guess
I can out of it.
Father & Mother,
I received a letter from you Thursday night containing a 50 cent stamp. It is
very pleasant today but rather muddy. lt storms about 2 or 3 days a week and it
keeps muddy all the time.
Last Tuesday our regt. went down on picket. lt rained all day and night till
The first 3 or 4 days of this week I made all of my meals out of raw pork and
vinegar & hardtack but yesterday and day before I have had slapjacks &
sugar & potatoes & steak. I suppose old fighting Joe Hooker is in
command of the army now and they will give him a good chance to get whipped then
he will resign and after they have all resigned I dont know what they will do
then. Gen. Sumner is in command of the right Grand Division of the army of the
The Government owes this regt. just three months pay today. I do not know
when they will pay us off. We were mustered for pay the 1st of Jan. and shall be
again the 1st of March.
We are in camp at the same place that we have been since we evacuated the
city and I don't see but we shall stop here for a long time to come but I can't
tell. We have to bring our wood 2 or 3 miles. lt is mostly pine. This regt.
keeps 10 or 12 six mule teams carting all the time. We have got a good fire
place in this tent it being the cook's tent. We have all the wood we want to
keep warm. There is an old man that lives close to this camp that owns the land
around here. He owns 700 acres. lt was all fenced with rails (there is no stone
here to make fences of) and well wooded.(He) had a good drove of cattle mules
& horses and a lot of slaves and a good house and all he has got left now is
his house and 1 cow and his land. There is not a stick of wood on it or a fence
or nothing to make one of. That is only one case. lt is so over the whole of
I am going to have some hard tack and molasses for supper and I wish I had
some of those mince pies that you wrote of to top off with. lf you get this
before you send the box put in something to make bread rise.
Edward Waldo
Camp Near
Father & Mother,
I received a letter stating that you had sent a box and last Friday. l
received one with a twenty five cent stamp in it the same day I received one
from James Albert & James Osgood and Saturday one from
Grandmother. James Albert is about 20 miles from
James Osgood is in the hospital at
I suppose before you get this we shall be on the move way down south in the
land of cotton. Thursday night we had orders to pack up and be ready to march
but it began to rain and they were afraid that they would get stuck in the mud
so we are waiting for it to dry up a little. The men will not have to march far
this time. The depot is but 1 mile from here that is where we shall take the
cars for Aqua Creek and there is transports there waiting to take us to Fortress
Monroe and from there we shall have a ride to Newbern North
The order came the other day that 2 men out of every hundred men fit for duty
could have a furlough and go home. There was 7 going out of this Regt. and we
all drew lots and it fell on our cook and he got all ready to go and I was to be
head cook while he was gone but as we had orders to move the order was
countermanded in this brigade, but in all probability there will be some of the
Stoughton boys home from the 12th or some other regt.
Last Thursday Lieut. Ingalls, our great Lieut. as we used to call him
came back. He is promoted to 1st Lieut in Company. P. He is the largest man we
have in the regt. and Lieut Palmer (who died at
Direct your letters as before till I write to direct different.
Newport News
Father & Mother,
I have had quite a little ride since I last wrote to you last. Monday morning
we started from Falmouth Station in the cars from Aqua Creek. The regt. went
early in the morning and I went 2 or 3 hours later with the baggage. When we got
to the creek, the regt. had gone aboard the steamer Lousina and had gone out in
the stream. We were taken out to her with the baggage about dark. She was pretty
well crowded. The officers occupied the state rooms and the berths were all full
of the privates. The cook and I spread our blankets in the lower cabin under one
of the tables and we had a bully place onboard of her 2 nights and one day. We
came at anchor off Fortress Monroe early Wednesday morning and about sunrise we
started for
The most of the old
My box has not come yet. There was 40 that came for this regt. night before
last and 50 more last night but mine was not with them. I expect it is down to
the Port and it will be along in a day or two. I got a letter with a comb in it.
lt is a first rate one to comb the lice out with. And I got another one also
with a 25 cent stamp in it and this morning the cook put 25 more with it and we
got a skilet and we can fry slapjacks in good shape now. We used to fry them on
an old plate. I should not wonder If both boxes came to once. I had a piece of
pie and some doughnuts out of Sergt. Saul Thayer's and a piece of pie out of
Sergt Houl's and the man that I tend with (the cook) is and old warrior.
He was in the Regular army when the war broke out in Mexico and was there 2
years and when the rebellion broke out he went out as one of the 3 months men
and now he is out as one of the 3 years men and he thinks if he gets home now he
shall stop there and go to war no more. You must direct my letters to Fortress
Monroe and they will come through sooner than to go by
I dont know as you can read this but when I get to writing I do it in a hurry
Newport News
. VA
Father & Mother,
Night before last I received a letter from you and L. A. I have also
had one from Grandmother & Lucy. Last Wednesday night both of the
boxes came and there was not a thing that was spoiled or jammed at all. And I am
living pretty high now, for a private. I am still cooking.
The other day Phinny Burrell came over here. He is in camp about a
mile from here. This whole Brigade have got A tents. There is 5 in each tent.
The cook & I have a tent by ourselves. There is a boat that runs to the Fort
and to
I don't know what the Abolitionists are a going to do with us now. I do not
care much I should like to stop here my 3 years. lt is a nice place. lt would be
like going down to Nantasket and spending the summer. Some say part of this
corps is going to
You can not find 5 men in the regt. but what are death on the Administration.
They say that they never will fire another gun at the Rebs. They were willing to
fight till they had got to fight to free the n[----]r and when it come to that
they think it is time to stop. it is not only so in this regt. but in all of
There is about 3 or 4 hundred thousand 2-years men going home between now and
June and I can't see how the goverment are a going to get men to take their
place. As for taking the n[----]s to help them, they will be rather poor if they
are all like those that I have seen when the shells have been flying around
thier heads. They would run and yell and fly around as if they were half killed.
I should like to see a n[----]r brigade go into battle once. I don't want any of
them to get hurt but I should like to see them run a little.
I get the Courier regular every week and it tells the story about as it is
the whole company have to read it. I like my suspenders first rate. I have got
on a new suit and feel as big as can be but it is a darned good place to get
lousy out here. I have to go and take off all of my clothes and pick all over
everyday. lf I did not they would crawl over me all night and I could not sleep.
I was the first one that had them. lt was Sergt. Hawes, the officers and
all have them. I have got so I could not do without them.
If they keep us here we shall have a good time and if they send us to Newbern
we shall have a good ride so let them go it
Newport News
Father & Mother,
I received your letter Thursday night with one dollar and twenty cents in it.
There is no chance here at present to get my picture taken but there may be
sometime. lf we stop here some time I may go down to the Fortress or to
I believe I wrote to them last our Lt. Col. Caruth and Adjutant Nath. Wales who were taken prisoner at Sulpher Springs have got back and Adjutant Wales is Major now. We all like Col. Caruth first rate and always did but the men do not care if Col. Wild never does come back. We have to black our boots every day and clean up and look slick as we can.
Our Chaplain preached his farwell sermon today. He has got his Discharge and
starts for home tomorrow. His health is not very good. I hear that Lt. J. Madden
has got his discharge and gone home. He has been in the hospital in
We have not a very large company at the present time. We have about 19 men for duty. There is some difference between that and 101 the number that we started from home with. We draw rations for 38 making about 19 that are home sick and one thing and another.
One night since we have been here we had a great snow storm. lt snowed most all night and toward morning it began to rain. We did not get up very early and after it had got to be pretty light I turned over and went into a pond of water all over. The snow had stopped the ditches all up and the water came into our tent six or eight inches deep. lt took all the next day to get things dried up but we came out all right in the end.
What do the think of the conscription act in
Newport News
Father & Mother,
I received your letter as usual last Thursday evening. We are still at the
old camp enjoying ourselves as well as we can. We have all sorts of weather here
in the course of the day. Some days it will rain like June 2 or 3 times and such
rain you never see in
Out on the left of our brigade we have a large market place where 50 or 60
teams come every day from Hampton loaded with all kinds of stuff which they sell
or swap off to the soldiers for rations of coffee and the like that they have
left over their rations. I suppose that the Gov. has to pay 35 or 40 cents per.
pound for coffee now.
I received a town report last night also a letter from Frank. He is
still at
My razors I could not tell where they are. They may be in that little closet
in Lucys porch or up stairs in that closet or on the shelf over Grammie's
butten door next to the stairs, but I could not tell for certain if he find them
he must take good care of them.
The apples and potatoes in the box were not froze a bit. I should like to
have about a barrell of such apples set up in one corner of my tent. I think I
would eat a few of them.
There is a number of minors in this Company and their folks draw a dollar a
week from the town where they enlisted and their folks are not dependant on them
for support either. These is Edgar Hawes and Geo. P. Gill both of
I have been in the service now 7 months and it would amount $28.
Newport News
March 13th, (1863)
Father & Mother,
I received your letter last Wednesday with my birthday present in it. lt is
my birthday today and as I had spare time I thought I would write so you will
get this earlier than common. I expect to send home some money before this month
is out but I may not get paid off. We were mustered for pay the first of this
month. The first of this month, they now owe me fifty two dollars up to March
They had a fight down to
The other night a rebel boat came in sight and when we got up the next
morning the old frigate Minnisota which is one of the blockading fleet and has
been stationed in Hampton roads was down in front of us and has remained there
ever since.
I do not see Daniel Tolman very often. I do not go out of our brigade
much. I have not seen D.A.B. yet. It is rather cool here all time being so near
to the water.
Sergt. Samuel Thayer of this Company started home on a furlough last
Tuesday to be gone 10 days. We have to cook for about forty men at present.
I am going to send home a short piece that I see in the papers about the way
that they use the n[----]s in the army. There has been many a warm day when
soldiers were sick to my knowledge and tried to get into an Ambulance and it
would be full of great fat lazy n[----]s that were able to walk out here. lf a
fellow has a black face he can go any where without a pass. Alphonso Burrell
was not cooking at all the last that I heard from him. He had rather do duty in
the ranks. He may have gone at it again by this time though for I have not seen
him for quite a while. I have not received any letter from Charles Upham yet
but I have the town report about the box. I have got a new knapsack and can
carry some things now when I am on the march and I should like to have my other
shirt and it will cost more to send it by mail than it will to send a box and if
Chas. Upham wants to put in some things you can send one if you have a
mind to and put in my shirt and old double brested vest if you can find it. I
can not tell where it is. A little salt fish or 2. piece of roast pork would not
taste very bad. If you send it get it off as soon as you can conveniently so
that I can get rid of it before we have orders to march from here. We may not
get from here this summer and we may go before tomorrow night, we can't tell.
The whole of the 2nd N.H. regt. they say have gone home on a furlough. They were
camped side of us at
Newport News
Father & Mother,
I received your letter Thursday eve. We are still here having a first rate
time. I received a letter from Chas. Upham also one from Joe the
same night that I got yours. The 29th regt., the one that Phinney is in,
started form here yesterday. The rest of his Division went a day or two before.
About a fortnight ago, Genl. (Edward) Ferrero our brigadier
general was appointed commander of this post and the 21st
It snowed here one night and day and yesterday the water was running a stream
by our tent and last night if I waked up in the night you could hear it roar
like a river.
They captured an infernal machine from the rebels the other day on the
The remainder of our knapsacks came the other day but mine did not come. lf
it did somebody smarter than I was got it. Augustus's came and there was a
receipt in it from Dr Gifford that I will put in this and you can give it
to his folks. I also forgot to send that piece about the n[----]r and I will put
that in this also. We play cards here all night some nights and in the day time
to sometimes. We drew new shelter tents yesterday officers and all. They have
got to carry their tent on their back as well as a private. There have been two
cases of scurvy in this Company. One of them a man from
They can't tuck any of their sicknesses on to me. I am as tough as a door
nail and likely to be till I get home. I ain't got but about 2 years and 4
months to stop now. Joe will be a lucky fellow if he get off without
hearing some of them blue pills (that the darned Rebels fire) whistle. He will
be pretty likely to have a chance this spring.
I saw Dan Tolman the other day. He is as fat as can be and dresses up
Father & Mother,
I received a letter from you the last time the day before we left
Wednesday morning we started on the
If we had not left the day that we did from
Father & Mother,
I have received 3 letters from you since I last wrote. I got 2 of them last
night and Friday. We have not got but 2 mails since we left
I have not cooked any since we left
Paint Lick, Ky.
May 9th, 1863
Father & Mother,
I received a letter from you last Satuday night and I should have written to you before but since then we have been on the march. We started from Winchester last Monday morning and we have come through Lexington and Nicholsville and a good many small towns. We have traveled about 100 miles since Monday morning. We crossed the Kentucky River last Wednesday. We are now about 15 miles from Richmond, Ky. where I suppose we shall march the next tramp we take. The 29th Mass is down on the Cumberland and I suppose Phinny is with them. I expect we shall go into Tenn. also before long. They will show us all over the country before we get home I guess.
Isaac Newton Lemfield
[Linfield] spent a few days with us while we were at Winchester. I was not very well while he was there. I had a Diareah.The government allows us 42 dollars for clothing per year and at the end of the year at the last pay day. lf they have had more than that amount it is taken out of the last 2 months pay and if they have not had that amount, what they have not had is paid them with the last pay.
I suppose old Hooker before now has had a terrible battle near Fredericksburg. I think he will either use up the army of the Potomac or the rebel army. It is expected that Rossecrans army has engaged the enemy before this and Banks is giving it to them in his department. The Rebel prisoners that are taken here say that the Rebs are in a starving condition and they are the most ragged of any I have ever seen.
Corn and potatoes are up high enough to hoe here but they dont know any thing about hoeing here. They do all of their work here with horse and plough and cultivator.
At Nicholsville I stopped and had dinner. We had roast turkey, fried ham, warm bread and butter, baked beans, peach sause, molasses, onions, tea or coffee, it was a private boarding house.
I get the Courier every week. I suppose the next mail I shall get a letter from you. I expect we shall get one to night.
Henry Monk is in the hospital at Washington. He was coming to the regt. and he was taken sick and had to stop. Direct to Lexington, Ky.
Lancaster, Ky.
May 10th, 1863
Father & Mother,
I received a letter from you this morning. We marched back to this place at an early hour this morning. I do not know where we are going. Some say that we are to report to Cincinnati and if we do I guess that they will send us to Fredericksburg but can't tell. I threw away my overcoat this morning and I will send home a small piece of the collar and cape and let you see what kind of holes the Rebs make with their darned bullets. The news here tonight is that Hooker has recrossed the Rappahannock with 70,000 fresh troops and has taken Lee's army. And while he was fighting Gen. Dix went down the Peninsula and took Richmond, but it is to good to be true. I have not time to write any more at present. I wrote a letter yesterday.
Direct your Letters to Lexington, Kentucky.
On board the Steamer Imperial on the Mississippi River
11th, 1863Father and Mother,
I have not received a letter from you this week but suppose there is one on the way but it will take it some time to catch me. 1 week ago yesterday at 6 o'clock P.M. we left Stanford, Ky. for Nicholsville a distance of 35 miles and got there at 4 o'clock the next day being 22 hours marching 35 miles. We then took the cars for Cincinnati where we arrived the next day about 10 o'clock. We then had a good dinner and about dark we went aboard the cars on the Ohio & Mississippi R.R. and went to Cairo,
Ill. We had to go through the states of Pa. Ill. We arrived at Cairo which is situated on the Mississippi & Ohio Rivers. Sunday morning and we remained there all day and Monday about 4 o'clock we embarked on this steamer for Memphis, Tenn. We have got stuck on the sand bars twice and that has hindered us some. We shall get there tonight.We passed Island No. 10 yesterday and Fort Pillow this forenoon.
Yesterday I went on to the Missouri shore and today onto the Arkansas shore and to night I shall go onto the Tenn. shore at Memphis. From that place we are going down to help them take Vicksburg. They can't do any thing without the 35th has a hand in it. Before we get to Vicksburg we shall pass the line of Louisiana and Vicksburg is in Miss so I shall get a glimpse of a good many states. We shall see some more before we get back again.
Henry Monk joined the regt. at Nicholsville and is now with us. He looks as smart as can be.
It rained very hard last night. We had one of the heaviest thunder showers that I ever saw. lt has rained some today but it is very pleasant now and hot as tophet.
Monday I received a letter from Hellen. Monday night The Mass 4 regt. of 9 months men is at Port Hudson and some other Mass regiments and we may see some of them before they get home. We are Just a going to stop we have got oppossite the city and the mail is going back and I must stop.
Direct all letter for the present to
35th reg. 2nd Brig.
2nd. Div. 9th A.C.
via Cairo,
IllLancaster, Ky.
May 17th (1863)
Father & Mother,
I received letter last night from you. I have got one every week. I dont think that I have had a letter written to me but what I have received and the Courier comes regular every week. I have not missed but one of them and that was while we were over to Fredericksburg (on the 13th of Dec.) There was one that I never got.
We are having a pretty good time here. I suppose that the crops are as forward here as they are in Mass. in the middle of June. We are about as far south as Richmond, Va.
I suppose Hooker got a drove back at Fredericksburg but I guess that the Rebels lost a good many men as well as himself. If the 11 corps (Gen. Howards) had not ran like darned fools before they had fired a gun I guess that Old Hooker would have given it to them good as it was I suppose they have lost one of their best Generals that they have got (Old Stonewall.)
Last Friday we had orders to be ready to march at a moments notice but ain't gone yet. We were agoing down on the Cumberland and reinforce Gen. Carter but he has whipped the Rebels under Marshall and I think we shall not have to go now. You wanted to know if I washed my shirt. I do some times and hire it done some. This morning they wanted me to help cook for the Company again but I think I shall not. I shall keep on doing duty in the ranks. By helping cook before I lost a chance where now I might be earning now 17 dollars per month instead of 13. I think I shall stick to the ranks now. I saw last night by the papers that the spies that were taken by the 35th while at Mount Sterling were hung on Johnson's Island. The 21st Mass, are there now. I heard that the Rebs came in and drove them out and the Rebels were afterwords drove out by the 21st and they still hold the place.
The farm that we are on now was owned by a rebel who burnt his house and then went south at the breaking out of the rebellion. lt was sold yesterday. There is 1100 acres of it and it is better looking land than you can find in the east. I should like to have you send me out a war map if you can find one that I can carry in my pocket.
Does Samuel Austin go to school this summer? I suppose that Newton Lemfield has been to see you before this. I am as smart as can be now. I was not very well when he was here.
Camp near Crab Orchard
May 24th, (1863)
Father & Mother,
I received a letter from you Friday night. We were then at Lancaster but yesterday morning we packed up and took three days rations and started for the Cumberland River where the rebels were about making another raid into this state from Tennessee, but we got as far as this place and the order was countermanded and we are to remain here today and I guess we shall go back to Lancaster. It is the hottest weather I have ever see since I have been out here. It is just nine months ago to day since we came to Washington, so now we have got but about 2 years and 2 months to stop. There is some 9 months troops in our Division whose time is out the 7th of next month. The 9th N.H. Vols. of this Division are all excused from duty. We left them at Lancaster down in the woods. They have all been vaccinated and their arms are so sore that they can hardly lift them to their head. One company have got the small pox.
That John Diamond that used to be in the Dramatic club in Stoughton with Henry Johnson & Major Dutton was in company J (the Dedham Co.) of this regt. He was taken sick at Newport News and was taken to the hospital at Hampton near Fortress Monroe and has since we came to Kentucky died. Col. Carruth has just told the men that Vicksburg has been taken. The news has just been brought in and is official and is to be read on dress parade tonight and Gen. Carter of the army of the Cumberland who sent for us to go and reinforce him does not want us and says the the rebels are retreating before his army so now the Mississippi river will be under our control and Texas where the rebels get the most of their cattle will be cut off from them. I saw in a paper that contained a list of the wounded in the late battles on the Rappahannock that J.S. Waldo of Company C 3rd regt. of Wisconsin Vols. was wounded. I suppose that is cousin John. I have been through the 3rd Wisconsin regt. a number of times but did not know what Company or what regt. he was in. When Burnside got stuck in the mud last winter that regt. stopped on our camp ground 2 or 3 hours and I went and tried to find out if there was any Waldo's in it but I suppose I did not go into the right company.
Father & Mother,
I received your letter yesterday
morning with the cloves in it. We marched to this place last monday night. We
started from Crab Orchard about 1/2 past 7 and arrived here about
Lieut. Col. Carruth
who has been in command of this regt. ever since Col.
Wild was wounded at So. Mountain has received his
commission as Col. He is making the officers tread around pretty lively. The
officers that were promoted before he got his commission as Col. went through
Col. Wilds hands and he says that there has been a good deal of wire pulling to
get folks into office and now he says he shall have the handling of it and if he
cannot find any Sergants that are fit to hold commissions he shall take them out
of the ranks.
Night before last a Sergant of one
of our companys who was a going to have a commission was reduced to the ranks
and I guess he will make them step around pretty lively. The strawberries and
green peas are pretty thick here now. Peas are 25 cents a peck.
You wanted to know who took Sergt. Hawes'
place. lt was Sergt. Thayer.
He is a first rate fellow. The Company all like him. He was out in the 12th reg.
about a year and was taken prisoner and got his discharge and was to home about
2 weeks and came out with us.
I have not got this book of mine
wrote through yet but it is getting pretty well worn out and if you will send me
out one like it and some wafers I will send it home. I am on guard today at the
commissary that is where Lt. Hawes stops.
I am going to have some slapjacks
for supper my tent mate and myself. My tent mate is Corporal Wright.
Camp in rear of Vicksburg
June 18, 1863
We have received no mail since
we left Ky but expect one every day. Last Friday we left
I suppose that James Albert
is around here somewhere but have not seen him yet but expect to every day.
When we were marching to this
place the western troops all along the road asked what troops we were and we
told them 35th
I suppose that Phinney is here somewhere but I do
not know where.
Jackson Miss.
Father & Mother,
I have received two letters from
you since we came to this place. One of them I received last Satuday forenoon on
the battlefield while we were supporting the 1st Brigade who were out
skirmishing with the Rebels. The other one I received last night. I believe I
wrote to you last 4 of July we were then in the rear of
I think that we shall start for
There is but three from
Stoughton left in the Company now and one of them Edgar Hawes of No.
Rear of
Father & Mother,
have got back again to our old camp ground in the rear of
I did
not have a very heavy load when I came into camp last thursday. Everything I had
was my pants, shirt and cap, Gun & equipments. I lost everything else and my
boots I had to throw away. They were all worn out and hurt my feet pretty bad. I
came all the way from
suppose that before this they have drafted in
J D. Van Nostrands Military Publications
School of the Guides
Aug 16th 1863
I recieved the last letter that I got from you in Miss, we
have got back in old Kentuck once more and we are very glad of it you
dont know how much better the water is here I never drank so good water in my
life as we get in this state, while we was in Miss, we had nothing but cistern
water and that was very scarce, when we got to the Big Black, following old
Johnson Tip he in his retreat filled up the most of the cisterns and we had a
very heave shower as soon as they crossed the river and if it had not been for
that we should have died with the thirst this water ran into the holes and
ravines and this was where we got our drink there is no springs in the state. We
left there 1 week ago last Thirsday and arrived in Cincinnati last friday we had
a very pleasant ride up the river in the boat and from Cairo we came on in the
cars. We was furnished with refreshments along the rout which was very acceptable
to the Soldiers. There was about 48 soldiers that died per day for the last week
that we stoped in Miss. out of this corps, we did not loose a man out of this Co
with the exception of Lieut Hawes. While we were at Memphis Term, the old
4th came in there on the Steamer No.
I recieved a letter from Ellery while I was in
Father & Mother,
The next day after I wrote to you last we started
from Covington for Camp Nelson which is near Hickman Ridge about 20 miles beyond
Lexington. We are pretty tired. We came all the way over the road as guards on a
train of wagons,all the way from
This whole army Corps is all used up and will
probably stop here a short time and get recruited up a little.
We have had enough to eat between
dollars more for the clothes that we lost at So.
Mountain & Antietam which would make 20 dollars due me. But the clothing
books were all lost in transportation from
I wrote a letter to Samuel Austin last Sunday at
What do they think about the war now at home? Do
they think that it looks any more like settling it up?
We can get a plenty of apples,
peaches, pears, watermellons, potatoes, onions, eggs, chickens, at pretty
reasonable prices and we have some of them once in a while.
Lieut. Stickney of this Company
is at home on a furlough and he may possibly come to
I did not hear of Phinny's
death till I saw it in your letter. I have not seen anything of the 29th Regt.
since we left
You wrote to know if they were
agoing to send home Lt. Hawes' body. They will not unless his folks send
for it. I do not know where he was burried as he was not with the regt. at the
time of the accident but was with the wagon train.
I expect old Burnside is
doing a great thing in
Father & Mother,
I received you letter last
Tuesday and I suppose I shall recieve another one from you tomorrow. We get a
mail here every morning with the exception of Monday and Sunday the stage does
not run so we do not get one the next day. I have just got back from
Some of the boys here have got
houses all built up in good shape. They are clapboarded and shingled. I have not
built one yet but shall soon if we stop here. I don't like to work well enough
to get one all built and then have to leave it. Sergt. L.G. Thayer our
orderly Sergt. and I tent together. He expects to have a commission soon. lf our
George Gill came back to
the company last Friday.
Henry Gill is at
It is pretty cool here nights
but very warm day times. I must stop now I have got to clean up my old kill
devil for inspection. The General is agoing to inspect us this afternoon.
Tazewell, Tenn.
Oct 15th, 1863
Father & Mother,
It has been just 15 days since we left Crab Orchard. We started with 8 days rations in our haversacks and we were pretty short on for rations before our 8 days rations were out for we can not get 3 days in them. When our 8 days were out we were at London Ky. There we drew nothing but half rations and have not since. lt is one of the roughest roads that ever was and they can not get but a small load on a team.
We have had a plenty of apples it is one of the greatest countrys that you ever saw. I go out every night and get a peck to eat for me and my tentmate and they are all gone when we get ready to march in the morning. Some one in the company goes out every day and gets a hog or 2 and we have fresh pork for breakfast most every day. You must not think when we draw half rations that we do not have anything to eat for we are not the boys to let the Grub lay around the country and starve to death. lf Uncle Sam don't give us enough to eat, Johnny Reb. must.
I have not had a very heavy load to carry on this march. I had got a new lot of clothing overcoat and all and when we had orders to go down here I thought I should have a pretty hard time of it and was going to send my overcoat home. lt was a new one that I never put on but my tentmate Sergt. Thayer is in command of the company and has his baggage carried and I put all of my things with the exception of my blanket into his knapsack and they go with his and I am glad now that I did not send it home for it is pretty cool nights here. We came here last night and are agoing to stop here all day today and rest and tomorrow we go on to Knoxville where we shall get in the course of two or three days. We came through Cumberland Gap yesterday. That is where the States of Ky. Tenn. & Va. come together. When we were marching through we halted to rest and I sat down on a stone in Va. had one foot in Tenn. and the other in Ky.
Parson Bronlow came past here yesterday. He looked about the same as he did when I saw him in Bridgewater. He was going on to Knoxville where he is going to start a paper again. The name of which is the Rebel Avenger. I have got no letters since we left Crab Orchard and I do not expect to get any til we get to Knoxville. The mail went by the way of Nashville.
Father & Mother,
We arrived at this place yesterday and we were
very glad to get here. We had been on the march 19 days and the country that we
came through was very rough and mountainous and it has rained a great many days
and it was a very hard march. This is quite a large place. There was before the
war broke out a great lot of business done here. The town being situated on the
We got the first mail that we have received for
about a month yesterday. I received a letter from Mother dated at Royalton and
one from L. A. and 2 from you. Has your foot got well yet? Which foot is
it that is sore your, right or left one?
Last night we drew 1/2 rations for the next
3 days. I ate all of my hard tack for supper and for the rest of the 3 days I
have got to get my rations from somebody besides Uncle Sam.
I have just got back from town. I saw the house
where Parson Bronlow lives and where his daughter hung the Stars &
Stripes, and when the Rebels came to pull it down she took a musket and pointed
it to them and threatened to shoot the first man that laid his hand on it and
they went off with out touching it. This happened when her father was in prison.
I also saw the building where old Parson Bronlow
used to print his paper when he was thrust into prison by the Rebs.
Provisions are pretty high in this place now.
Bread is 50 cents per loaf, coffee $3.00 per. pound, sugar 30 cents and other
things in propotion. Butter is 1 dollar.
I expect old Hooker with part of the army
of the
Edward Waldo
London, Tenn.
Oct. 26th, 1863
Father & Mother,
We received a mail yesterday. I received a letter from you and one from Joseph & Frank.
We arrived at this place Friday night about 8 o'clock. Genl. Burnside came on in the cars with us. He looks as though he had not seen very hard times. I have not seen him before since we went down to Vicksburg.
This town is on the Virginia & Georgia railroad about 40 miles south from Knoxville. the road runs to Chatanooga and the Rebels hold the road at Philadelphia and we have got to drive them from it the report is that there is about 30,000 of them at that place now. They have been fighting here every day for about a week sometimes we drive them and then they drive us. we drove them 20 miles the other day (Saturday) and yesterday they drove our men back to within 2 miles of this place. There has none of the 9th Army corps had any fighting to do with then yet but when we get at it I expect we shall clean them out. we have been expecting to have to go over there every day but they have not called for us yet.
We are on half rations yet and shall be I expect till we get this road opened. I went out about 2 miles yesterday morning and this morning and got my haversack full of potatoes each time and I have just had a dinner that tasted just as good at this time as one to home woulda The country around here looks same as it did at Falmouth, Virginia. We are in camp on the east side of the Tennessee River and the town is on the other side and looks some like Fredericksburg and its Fortifications. When it rains it is very muddy indeed, more so I think than it used to be there.
In every army corps in the army there is a signal corps who are stationed around on the hills between the battle ground and the Commanding Generals Headquarters. One of them will be on the battle ground with his flag and another will be on a hill in sight of the one that is on the battle ground and another on a hill over looking the former and so on and one of them will be at Headquarters, so by the motion the commanding General can see and give his directions if he is miles away from the scene of action. There is one of them on a hill in the distance that can be seen from my tent as I sit here writing and if I could only read the motions of the flag I suppose I could tell you some news either good or bad. Sometime ago you wrote about sending me some boots, shirts &etc. but I was so far away that I thought I would draw from the government but I have got on a Government shirt. lt is so short that I can not keep it in my pants and I should like to have you send me some shirts by mail and I will get along with Government shoes this winter. I guess it will not be very cold away down here I guess in the day time. I have got to the bottom and I will stop.
Lenoir, Tenn.
Nov. 1st, 1863
Father & Mother,
We evacuated the town of London last Wednesday. The troops commenced leaving the town Tuesday night but all of the troops did not get across the Pontoon til about 10 o'clock Wednesday forenoon. Our Regt. was the one that took up the Pontoon bridge. We had got it about half taken up and the planks carried about a mile over behind the hills and were to work with all of our might to get the remainder of it up before the Rebs. came into the town and in came about 40 or 50 of them on horseback with a flag of truce. They came in that way so that we should not fire on them. After they went off we expected that they would try and stop us from taking up the rest of it but they did not and we got it all up and on the cars before dark and then went into camp on this side of the river for the night. lt rained all day and it was very uncomfortable being out.
This place is situated on the Tennessee River about 6 miles farther north than the town of London but our pickets go down the river as far as that place. Burnside's Headquarters were on the hill back of our camp til yesterday when he took the cars and went on to Knoxville. The Tennessee River is just over the other side of the hill and the rebel pickets are on the other side of the river. There is details out of our Brigade that go over there every day to get cattle & etc. We do not draw any salt meat here all fresh. We get 1 loaf of bread a day about as large as a good size biscuit, a spoonfull of sugar a day and about a spoonfull and a half of coffee and a little piece of fresh meat.
Night before last we were called out into line of battle and stopped there about an hour. The rain poured down in torrents and we were pretty well drenched through before we got into our tents and we had to lay on our arms all night.
The report here is that Meade and Lee have had a fight and Lee has got a good whipping. We don't get much news down here. lt takes a good while to get the mail through. After I get done writing I am agoing to go out and see if I can find some good fat hogs some where if I can get a pass from the Major. There is a plenty of them the other side of the river and I don't want Johnny Reb. to get them all. I have got a letter to write to Henry Monk at camp Dennison and one for Morse of this company. I have all of his letters to write and read for him as he can not write.
It takes about a month for a letter to go home and to get an answer to it and I guess I shall get this Memorandum wrote over by that time and if you will send me another one when you get this letter I will send this one home.
Who is agoing to keep school this winter? Is George Agent? Who have they chose for Governor? I suppose they will have a new one before you get this.
The 1st Division is building winter Quarters at this place but I expect the 2nd will go Kingston & Knoxville.
Knoxville, Tenn.
Dec 19th, 1863
Father & Mother,
I have been waiting to get a mail before I wrote again. I wrote a letter the day that the Rebels left here and I suppose you have received it before this time. We got a mail yesterday and I received 6 or 7 letters and some Courier's. I have got my mittens and they were just the fit. I have wished that I had a pair a good many times since the Rebels had us surrounded here. I have not got my memorandum or shirt yet but I guess that I have got all of the rest of the letters. I received Emma & Bett's letter before we retreated to this place. I shall answer Frank's letter soon now and should have done so before if there had been any chance to have sent it. You wrote in one of your letters a good while ago that Henry Gill had sent home his Picture and you did not see why I did not send mine. But you know that he has been spending a few months in or near the city of Cincinnati at the Hospital where he could have it done. lt just as well as not and I am away down in the woods of Tennessee where they never heard of such a thing as a picture. I will have it taken as soon as I have a chance to. I received a letter from Charles Upham a few days ago and I answered it day before yesterday.
There is no vacancy in this company now or in the Regiment. lt has got to be so small now that they will not allow only 2 commissioned to a company, a Captain or 1st Lieut.
I wrote to Charles Upham that I would take a commission in any regiment. I expected ere this to have been promoted to sergeant. When I was promoted to Corporal. (in Aug last) Capt. Stickney (then Lieut and in command of this company) told me that within three weeks that I should have a Sergt.'s berth, but he expected that our orderly Sergeant would be commissioned and I would have taken his place, but owing to the smallness of the Regiment he did not recieve his promotion.
They are forming regiments to go into the Veteran Corps I see in Mass. (3 or 4 of them). I did not know but through the influence of some of the influencial men, I might obtain a commission in some of them, (that is the way that most of the officers got there commissions).
We were surrounded here in this place 17 days. We had 4 battles with the enemy on the retreat to this place. The loss in our regt. was but 2 killed and 12 wounded and a few taken prisoners. The largest one was at Campbell Station. We fought there from noon till after dark and the Rebels came very near getting us all surrounded. They came down on the sides of us in 3 or 4 lines of battles but old Burnside got away from them with his little Corps. They outnumbered us by thousands. I never saw so many of them in my life on the battle field.
We have had to go on picket say this morning at 4 o'clock and stop till tomorrow at this time and then we would have to go into the rifle pits and stop till 4 the next morning and then go on again (we did not pretend to eat but 1 meal per. day).
Our regt. has made 2 charges since we were here and we drove the enemy out of the Rifle pits both times.
The last charge that we made I was struck by a piece of shell that was nearly spent on my skin. lt bruised me a little and that was all (so I guess that they don't mean to kill me after all). I am tough and well and can eat all that I can get. I think that I grow tougher & tougher every day. I have got to the bottom of my paper and it is most dark and I will stop.
Blanes X roads, Tenn.
Dec 26th, 1863
Father & Mother,
I have not received any letter from you since I last wrote a week ago. The last letter that I received from you was dated Dec 7th. My memorandum or shirt has not got along yet but I expect them every day now. I have got my memorandum all full and am keeping it on paper now.
I received a letter from Elmer yesterday and have just answered it. I will send it home in this.
We are encamped in the woods where we can keep a good fire. the Rebels left here last Wednesday. I do not know which way they have gone. We do not draw but 1/4 rations from the Governmant but we have a chance to go out into the country and buy a little something. We do not have much to do at present but we have had enough to do for the last month to make up for it.
I expect that we shall leave this state this next week. I do not know where we shall go. I think that we shall come back to Kentucky and we may go to Washington and go off on another expedition
I got a goose and some potatoes & onions and set up all night Christmas and Sergt. Thayer & myself had a good soup before we went to bed. lt is the first time that I have got filled up this good while.
Henry Monk came back to the regiment just before the fight at Campbell Station. The day before I believe, and Henry Gill came back last week. They are both well.
It is rainy today and I am sitting up in my tent and I can not sit up strait and it makes my back ache and I do not know as you can read this scribbling. I have just wrote a good long letter to Elmer.
We have just had notice that James Osgood has gone into the invalid corps. lt came to day.
How many has Stoughton got in their quota now? I should like to be there and get the bounty.
Some of the old regiments in this corps that have been 2 years are enlisting for three more. I wish that this one had been 2 then we could enlist again.
For breakfast this morning I had some hearty pudding & molasses. lt was as good a meal as I ever ate.
Our Major has gone home on a furlough and the Col. is to home now and the regiment is in command of Capt. Lyons who used to be an orderly Sergeant in the 12th regiment.
At Knoxville the other day I saw a lot of Rebel Prisoners sweeping the streets. I suppose that that is to make them pay for their board as we have to support our men that is to Richmond.
You wrote that William Capen talked of enlisting. Has he done so yet? lf so, what regiment is he going into?
I wonder how Mr. Chase likes to be a soldier. I guess he will find it is not quite so easy a life as keeping school.
I was a going to write to Frank today but it rains so I shall have to put it off as it is rather uncomfortable writing in the rain in these little tents.
I have not had a letter from Lucy since we were down to Miss. I believe. Why don't she write a wad or two once in a while.
It rains so I will not write any more.
- 1864 -
Blanes Cross Roads,
Jan. 4th [1864]
Father & Mother,
I should have written to you yesterday, but I came in from picket in the
morning and being up all night I was rather tired so I turned in and had a good
sleep instead. (We having been on picket 60 hours).
I have not received a letter from you since the one dated Nov. 7th. We have
not received any mail for about 10 days. I hope we shall get one before a great
while. It is rather lonesome out here in the woods when we get none for there is
no way that we can get any news. We do not know any thing that is going on. They
say that we have got old Longstreet surrendered here some where but we
can not see any rebels where we are on picket or can not see any body that has.
I am living pretty well now but I cannot thank Uncle Sam for it for last
night we only drew one and one half cans of corn for a days ration but we draw a
little sugar and coffee now and then. The citizens near here charge 25 cents
per. qt. for meal but I have not paid only 10 for any yet. I went out the other
day about 6 miles out side of the picket and got a peck of meal and some dried
apple and molasses and we have got so that we can cook about equal to the
The 21st Mass. Regiment has all of them reenlisted but about 10 or 12 of them
and they start for home tomorrow when they will get a furlough of thirty days
and them that don't reenlist will be transfered to this regiment. The 51st P.V.
of this Brigade have all enlisted and will start for home in a few days.
I hope my memorandum will come before a great while for I have to write on
letter paper now and it is not so heavy as a book. I expect that it will come in
the next mail. And my shirt also It was pretty cool here. New Years day the
people around here say that they do not very often have any colder weather here.
William Hudson of Randolph who formerly went to Sumner School and you
may remember him perhaps, he belonged to the 29th Reg. and the same company that
Phinney Burrell did, was shot two or three weeks ago for desertion and
Tell Samuel Austin that he must write I have not received a letter
from him this good while. I answered Emmes & Netts letter a
few days ago.
I suppose that it is pretty cool there now. I was telling some of these old
farmers what cold weather and large snow storms we have some times in
I suppose that today is the last day that they have to get volunteers and
will have to draft now if they have not got their quota. Elmer wrote me
that he thought that they would get them in
Ering Station,
Father & Mother,
I received your letter with the cayenne in it but have not got my shirt yet.
Yesterday I received a letter from Charles Upham I answered it to day.
We have been in camp here since I last wrote to you. The other night about
dark we were ordered to pack up and march in light marching order. We went
across the river at
We are waiting here expecting every day to start for the North. The report is
that we are to go to
We draw 1/2 rations now instead of one fourth. Tonight we have drawn some tea
which is the first for about 5 months. I do not use any sugar so I swap it off
for coffee with Henry Gill and when we draw I get quite a little bag of coffee.
I am agoing out tomorrow and swap it off to some of these Farmers and get some
meal or something for it.
Charles Upham said that they had got their quota in
There was an old Farmer shot near here the other night. He was a Rebel and
used all of the means that he could to get the young men around here into the
Rebel army when the war first broke out and a good many of them ran off into
Kentucky and enlisted and their regiment is here now and they expect that some
of them shot him. There is but three regiments in this Division now. The other
one all have gone home on a furlough. We are under the command of Gen. Wilcox.
The Brigade is under the command of Lt. Col. Collins of the llth N.H. Vol.
I am well as ever I was in the world. This is a very healthy state. The
Surgeon does not have but very few callers now mornings. I hope we shall get
where the mail goes regular.
Camp of the 35th Mass Vol. Knoxville,Tenn.
Mar 20th, 1864
Father & Mother,
I received a letter from you yesterday with Horaces' picture in it. lt looks very natural.
We came to this city yesterday en route for the East. We had stopped here so long I had made up my mind that this Corps would stop here all summer but the order came at last and we will be off I guess shortly.
We have been up to the front for the last two weeks which was at Morristown which is about 42 miles from here. We marched from there in two days and went around through the woods so that the other troops here would not get demoralised and think that we were falling back, but it seems that they have fell back as far as Strawberry Planes since yesterday morning and I do not know but we shall have to go and drive the Rebels back again to Morristown before we get out of it. If the 9th Corps is small it's name is worth more than 50,000 men. lf the Rebs. hear that the Corps is coming they take to their legs as fast as possible.
It is not decided yet how we shall go. We may march from here to London a distance of 28 miles and then take the cars and go by the way of Chattanooga and Nashville or Memphis; or we may march over the mountains to Nicholsville a distance of 190 miles and then take the cars for Cincinnati. I do not know but I may get a furlough and come home if we get East before my commission gets along. I do not know when it will come but I shall expect it any time between now and the 1st of May. lt is liable to come now any day.
Gov. Andrew said in his note to the commander of this Regiment that I would have to report to Nashville and they say that we are going to Annapolis and if we get there I may get a chance to go by the way of Boston and if it comes while we are here I shall have to go direct to Nashville. Our Col. has got back and is in command of this Division. Gen. Ferrero is in command of the 1st Div. (our old Gen. and Gen. Wilcox of the corps). I have not got my shirt or memorandum do not send another one untill I know where I am agoing to go.
Annapolis, Md.
April 8th, 1864
Father & Mother,
I should have wrote before but being on the move I have not had a chance. We left Knoxville the 21st of March and arrived at Nicholsville, Ky. on the 31st a distance of 190 mile. We did not come by the way of Cumberland Gap. (the way we went to Knoxville) but by the way of Clinton, Jacksboro & Somerset on what is called the Old Kentucky road. We have marched over a good many different ranges of mountain since we have been in the service, but none that were so high and steep as these. It either rained or snowed about every other day while we were coming over the mountains and made it very hard marching, but the thoughts that we were agoing to get into a country of civilization once more made us trot on through the mud and snow with a good will. We started from Nicholsville on the cars on the 2nd of April passing through Paris on that day just one year from the time we entered it when we first came into KY. We arrived in Covington on the morning of the 3d and received a mail on that day the 1st one that we had had for a long time. I received 2 letters from you and some Couriers.
We started from Cincinnati on the night of the 3d and passing through the cities of Columbus, Pittsburg, Harrisburg and many other smaller ones arriving at Baltimore on the eve of the 6th. We were furnished with refreshments along the road and at Baltimore we had a good breakfast and supper and a night's rest at the soldiers Home. . . and you had better believe that there was some difference between having an ear of corn for a day's ration and having three good meals at a table.
We started from Baltimore on the morning of the 7th and got to this place yesterday. All of the 9 Corps is here now. The report is here that all of the regiments that was at the Seige of Knoxville are agoing home on a furlough of 7 days but I don't know how true it is.
The mail is agoing now and I shall have to stop.
Annapolis, Md.
April 17th, 1864
Father & Mother,
Day before yesterday I received a letter from you. lt is the only one that I have received since we arrived here with the exception of one from Chas. Upham. We are in A. tents. We have enough to eat once more and we have forgot that we ever suffered for the want of food. We draw for rations Soft bread, sugar, coffee, tea, beef, salt & fresh pork, hominy, rice, beans, molasses, potatoes, candles, straw, and I don't know what else. We get all of the oysters that we want. You know this is where they make them. I can eat about 3 quarts of solid ones in the course of the day.
We had a review the other day by Genls. Burnside & Grant. I have not seen Genl. Grant before since we were down to Vicksburg. He look very natural only he was not smoking. I don't think that any body ever saw him before but what he had a pipe in his mouth.
We do not have anything to do yet but to pass away time the best way that we can. Henry Monk has been promoted to Cpl. vice Charles Wild reduced. I do not know how long that we shall stop here but probably not many weeks. I do not hear anything about moving. We are in camp about one and one half miles from the city. I have been there once since we came here. lt is not so large a place as I should think that the capitol of Md. would be. Col. Caruth is in command of the regiment now. Capt. Stickney of this Company was here yesterday but is going back to Boston again. He is recruiting under orders from the War Department. He has got about 60 men for this Regiment and 20 for this company.
I have not received my shirt or memorandum yet. You need not send me another memorandum for I have got one. But I should like to have a pair of shirts and some stockings. lf sent by Adams express they will come all right. They have an office up this side of the city. We was paid off 4 months pay the other day. I shall send it home before we leave here (If nothing turns up so that I should want to use it). There was a man here from Randolph yesterday. He went back in the last train last night. lf we stop here long I shall weight about 200.
I send this paper so that you can see what we used to have to do in Tennessee.
A letter written by Albert Edward Waldo at Annapolis, Maryland - April 21, 1864 is transcribed in part with the collections of the Peace Civil War Collection at the Navarro College Archives in Corsicana, Texas.
Fairfax Court House, Va.
April 27, 1864
Father & Mother,
I have not received a letter from you since I last wrote and I have not time to write but a few lines at present. I do not know when I shall find a another chance for some time as the Army of the Potomac is about to move on to Richmond and the mail is not sent from there now. We shall join them about day after tomorrow.
We left Annapolis last Satuday and arrived in Washington Monday noon where we were received by the President & Gen. Burnside. We then crossed to the Virginia side of the Potomac where we left this morning. Our whole Corps is here 50,000 strong and it does not look much as it did in Tennessee. This is the town near the Bull Run Battlefield where Albiegaull was sick in the Hospital. lt is so dark that I can not write any more.
You need not be surprised if I do not write again very soon but will if I can. You must write just the same.
PS. I have just picked up and old piece of candle and I will mark my paper over.
You have heard I suppose in the papers about Mosby's Guerrillas who have captured so many of our supply trains and Suttler's wagons and are always scouting around in our lines. He was here today so I suppose that Genl. Lee will know of our joining the Army of the Potomac as soon as we get there and will have a good excuse for taking to his heels.
There will be a very large army when they advance this corps has 50,000, the 2nd 50,000 ,and the 1st 3d 5th & others may each have as many for all that I know. The 56th & 57th Mass. are in the Brigade with us and our Col. commands the Brigade & Genl. Stevenson the Division formally Col. of the 24th Mass. Col. Bartlet of the 57th has got a cork leg and arm both. I don't know but he would stop in the army if he lost the other leg and arm.
I am well as can be and have enough to eat which does not seem much like Tennessee. I drink about 3 qts. of coffee per. day. and you will have to have a good large coffee pot in readyness when I get home. We march early tomorrow morning.
Direct your letters now to the 1st Brigade 1st Division 9th Corps
Washington, D.C.
[Letter from his parents]
Stoughton [Massachusetts]
Another week has passed and we have not heard from
you but we shall look for a letter the coming week. we have had a cold storm
most of the past week. I went to meeting this afternoon Williamson Gill
told me one of the neighbors (which I suppose was his son's girl if he has got
one) had a letter from Henry he did not expect. He was with the Regt. but he did
not know why it is so dark. I cannot see so I must light a lamp or you cannot
read what I write. I do not think of much news to write. I have not been out any
the past week to hear any. I have been busy sewing straw the man and was in a
great hurry for it and I had some custom hats to sew for Mrs Grey's girls
so I was pretty busy all the week. Alanson was in here a few days ago. He is
quite lame yet. He has not got to work yet. He thought he should have gone to
work last week but did not. He does not expect to be able to do anything on the
farm himself this summer. He has a horse and wagon so he can ride some. He feels
rather poor. lt is so long since he has been able to earn much and the children
being sick and everything so high. lt costs considerable to live. All kinds of
clothing and provisions are up to the highest notch.
There has been war meetings two or three evenings
of the past week but I have not seen anyone to learn the result. Frances
Capen has taken rooms on
Mrs Dennis is assistant teacher in the
village Grammer school, Mary Manley Tucker principal. Abby Battle is the
next below and I do not know who the other teachers are a Miss Rodgers
teaches No 5 this term she commenced last monday and board to Elijah Capens.
Saml Austin was here today. He expects to drive a milk cart for George to
commence in the course of a week through
I do not think of anything more to write this time
so I will pass it over to headquarters and see what he can do for you this time.
I hope we shall get a letter from you before writing day comes along again.
From Mary Waldo
Drafting commenced in
W.P. Waldo
Mass. Military State Agency,
Corner 7th St. & Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, D.C.
May 24, 1864
W. P. Waldo Stoughton, Mass
Your son, Alfred E. Waldo, Co. E 35th Mass Vols is at Armory Hospital this City. His Arm has been amputated. He is doing well and is receiving every attention.
Yours Respectfully,
Gardiner Tufts
Mass State Agent
May 25th [1864]
Mr. William P. Waldo,
I am sure you must be very anxious to hear something of your son. I think he told me he had written to you since he was wounded. He only arrived in Washington yesterday (Tuesday) morning. He had a very bad wound in the left arm. lt bled a good deal after he got here. He is in the best Hospital in the city & under the best Surgeon Dr. Bliss Armory Square Hospital, it is the "Post Hospital". He was a good deal weakened from the loss of blood. I saw him a short time after he came in. I stayed with him until the Dr. came to examine his wounds. They gave him Chloroform & examined it themselves & I am sorry to have to tell you that he concluded it must come off. So they amputated it immediately & he is now doing very well indeed. I have been with him all day & saw him comfortably fixed for the night & I am sure he will sleep soundly tonight. He has an excelly a nurse to stay with him tonight & I gave him strict charge to watch him closely, not that I think he really requires it for I think he will sleep soundly as he has slept but little since he came in. I wanted to relieve your minds about him & to tell you that he should have the best care & attention for I have become very much interested in his case & I can assume I will do all in my power to make him comfortable. I am a visitor at the Hospital & if there is anything I can do for you shall be very glad to do it. Your son Alfred told me to address the letter to both his Parents but I had forgotten that & wrote to his father he desired me to tell you that he was doing well. Your son seems anxious to hear from home.
Direct to Alfred E. Waldo
Armory Square Hospital
Ward 2. Armory building, Washington D.C.
If I can do any thing for you, that will add in any way to your son's comfort or relieve your minds I shall be very glad indeed to do it.
Direct to Miss F. McSloan
No. 545 17th street
Washington D.C.
May 26th/ 64
We received a letter tonight from the State Agent stating you had your arm amputated and was doing well. I was very sorry to hear it was so bad but am very glad your life is spared. I am not going to write but a few lines tonight just to let you know we have heard from you. We received the letter you wrote at Fredericksburg Tuesday night. You must keep up good spirits and get able to come home as soon as you can. lf there is any thing you need that you cannot get there let us know and we will send it to you if possible. I suppose you will have to get some one to read your letters for you so I will not write much untill you can read them yourself, so good night for this time.
From your mother,
Mary Waldo
Seventh St., American House, Comer Pennsylvania Avenue and Seventh Street, Washington, D.C.
May 30, 1864
W.P. Waldo
I got to Washington this morning at 7 oclock went to the Hospital and found Edward. He is in Armory building 3rd story a very good room. He is in good health & spirits. He had his arm amputated halfway between his elbow & shoulder. I have talked with his doctor, He says it is doing tip top. I saw the nurse dress it. lt discharges very freely.
I have been with him all the forenoon. The room is twice as large as Chemong Hall. lt is full of beds. Did not count them. The nurse is a very good one that takes care of him the best one in the room, there is about 10 of them, one woman. He is in good situation as any in the room. Two good fellows right front of him and one very low spirited one next to them. They have some fun with him. He lost an arm too. I shall stop with him a few days. He appeared to be glad to see me. All they put on to the arm is cold water keep a cloth wet with it all the time. He is next to the window. Good air all the time right by his bed.
Yours truly,
George Talbot
Seventh St. American House, Corner Pennsylvania Avenue and Seventh Street, Washington, D.C.
June 1, 1864.
2 P.M. I went to the Hospital at 7 1/2 this morning. Edward has not had any chill since last night 7 o'clock. He had the best nights rest that he has had since he has been in the Hospital. Night before last he had the night watch get him up to have his bed made which sitting up he fainted. The watch got him down. If he had fell on to the floor it would have killed him.
He needs watching. lt is the most critical time now for 2 days that there will be if he gets over that time well I think he will be safe.
I shall stick by untill I see him out of danger. The doctor gives him special care. He is doing all he can to prevent him from having any more chills. They are very bad for him at this time.
The hospital is about 1/4 of a mile from Dan's.
Edward's nurse is a going away tomorow. He is the best nurse in the Hospital. The doctor says if he goes there was never one man so good but another was just as good and that he E. shall have good care if he does it himself.
I am a going up again at 4 P.M.
yours truly,
George Talbot
Seventh St American House, Corner Pennsylvania Avenue and Seventh Street, Washington, D.C.
June 4, 1864
Edward has not been so well bodily for the last two days. He has a poor apetite. He needs all the care that he can have. He had another Shake the 2nd inst. The medicine he takes for them destroys his apetite.
You can take care of him if you come here.
It is very hot here. Some days the themomet is 108 in the shade. I think there is not much danger from the arm now. I shall stop until next week.
Edward has been change to another bed yesterday and had his bed made. You can imagin how he must feel having to lay on his back without moving for 8 days. His back must be very sore and in great pane. I was sick yesterday, did not go to see him until 3 a.m. I feel some better today, am going after breakfast. If you write to me direct as on the envelope. If to Edward to him Armory Square Hospital 2nd ward Armory building No. 85
George Talbot
IQ Dated Wash 4 1864
Rec'd Boston June 1864.
To H Gay
408 Wash.
Send Mary Waldo here Monday.
G. Talbot
June 7, 1864
I arrived here last night about seven and went to see Edward. I found him alive. He was very glad to see me, told the doctor when he came along about fifteen minutes afterward that he should get along first rate now for his mother had come but the poor boy did not live until morning. He passed on about one o'clock without a struggle. He stopped breathing. If I had not started Sunday I should not have seen him alive. I was satisfied soon as I saw him he could not last long. He is going to be buried tomorrow at two P.M.
George will go and see him buried if he can get a permit and I think now I shall if but can not tell certain. I shall return home as soon as I get rested so it will answer. lt is not nessesary for me to write much and I will not try to write more.
Mary Waldo
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